Marketing and Sales Group
91th place in the F.A.Z Economist Ranking 2020, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung GmbH, 2020
Marketing and Sales Group
Best Paper in Track: Industrial Marketing & Supply Chain Management, American Marketing Association, 2020
Marketing and Sales Group
Wissenschaftspreis für die Dissertation von Marcel Hering „Wie können Verkäufer mit ihrem schlechten Image leben?", Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland e.V. (BDD), 2022
Marketing and Sales Group
2nd place at the Goldmedia-Award for Marie Walter’s master thesis "Elections 2019: Lessons Learned?", Goldmedia-Gruppe, 2020
Marketing and Sales Group
Selection of our article for the "feature article" in Journal of Interactive Marketing (2021), vol. 49 (3): The article is selected by the editors as a feature article, based on its theoretical contribution and practical relevance, Marketing EDGE, 2021
Marketing and Sales Group
In Praxi Outstanding Thesis Award Master Thesis Hannah Erlebach, In Praxi e.V. - WHU alumni Association, 2022
Marketing and Sales Group
Amazon Research Award (ARA), Amazon Science, 2023
Marketing and Sales Group
Outstanding Reviewer Award OR Spectrum, Axel Springer SE, 2024
Marketing and Sales Group