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Prof. Dr. Sascha L. Schmidt

Center for Sports and Management



+49 (0)211 44709 740

  • Lehrstuhlinhaber für Sports und Management an der WHU
  • Akademischer Direktor des European Sports Business Program
  • Dozent am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sports Entrepreneurship Bootcamp
  • Mitglied der "Digital Initiative" an der Harvard Business School in Boston, USA



Professor Sascha L. Schmidt ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls und akademischer Leiter des gleichnamigen Centers für Sports und Management an der WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management in Düsseldorf. Er widmet sich der "Zukunft des Sports" als einem seiner zentralen Forschungsschwerpunkte.

Sascha Schmidt studierte Wirtschaftswissenschaften an den Universitäten Essen und Zürich, wo er auch promovierte. Auf Einladung der Fakultät der Harvard Business School ging er als Visiting Scholar nach Boston und stieg danach in die Unternehmensberatung ein. Nach mehrjährigem Engagement bei McKinsey übernahm Schmidt die Leitung des ICS-Forschungsprogramms an der Universität St. Gallen und begann, an der EBS zu habilitieren. Nach seiner Habilitation wurde er Unternehmer und baute zunächst das Deutschlandgeschäft des Personaldienstleisters a-connect und zu Beginn des Jahres 2011 das Institute for Sports, Business & Society an der EBS Universität auf. Im Jahr 2014 folgte dann sein Wechsel an die WHU. 

Er ist Dozent am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sports Entrepreneurship Bootcamp, sowie Mitglied der "Digital Initiative" an der Harvard Business School in Boston. Prof. Schmidt ist der Herausgeber des Buches "21st Century sports: How Technologies will Change Sports in The Digital Age" und entwickelte auf der Grundlage dieses Buches den Online-Kurs "Transformational Technologies: Applied Lessons from Sports“ mit MIT xPRO. Seine Forschungsergebnisse werd regelmäßig in verschiedenen Büchern und Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Sloan Management Review und Applied Psychology.


European Sport Management Quarterly

Hadwiger, J., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D. (accepted pre-print), Integrated women's football teams can attract larger stadium crowds, European Sport Management Quarterly.

European Sport Management Quarterly

Game changers

Merten, S., Schmidt, S., Winand, M. (accepted), Game changers, European Sport Management Quarterly.

Journal of Strategy and Management

Merten, S., Schmidt, S., Winand, M. (2024), Organisational capabilities for successful digital transformation: a global analysis of national football associations in the digital age, Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 408-426.

Management Review Quarterly

Welzmueller, J., Schmidt, S. (2024), Consumer identification: an interdisciplinary review of the marketing and sport management literature and future research agenda, Management Review Quarterly, Vol. 74 (1), pp. 439-485.

European Sport Management Quarterly

Bünning, F. H., Chan, H. F., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Torgler, B. (2024), Awards are career catalysts for young talents in association football, European Sport Management Quarterly, Vol. 24 (2), pp. 364-382.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Geissler, D., Beiderbeck, D., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D. (2024), Emerging technologies and shifting consumer motives: projecting the future of the top-tier sports media product, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 203, 123366.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Heidemann, G., Schmidt, S., Von Der Gracht, H. A., Beiderbeck, D. (2024), The impact of the metaverse on the future business of professional football clubs – a prospective study, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 208, 123573.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Beiderbeck, D., Evans, N., Frevel, N., Schmidt, S. (2023), The impact of technology on the future of football – a global Delphi study, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 187, 122186.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Identify critical roles to improve performance

Groysberg, B., Lin, E., Naik, A., Schmidt, S. (2023), Identify critical roles to improve performance: putting strategy into play requires knowing your organization’s crucial roles and making sure your best talent occupies them., MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 64 (4), 65122.

Journal of Personnel Psychology

Krause, F., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D. (2022), Career adaptability and career success: a constructive replication study, Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 21 (3), pp. 115-124.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Schlembach, C., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Wunderlich, L. (2022), Forecasting the Olympic medal distribution: a socioeconomic machine learning model, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 175, 121314.

Sport Management Review

Flegr, S., Schmidt, S. (2022), Strategic management in eSports – a systematic review of the literature, Sport Management Review, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 631-655.

Journal of Vocational Behavior

Krause, F., Chan, H. F., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Torgler, B. (2022), Which female makes it to the top? exploring the gender differences in the role of nuanced personality and psychosocial traits in elite sports career progression, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 138, 103767.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Frevel, N., Beiderbeck, D., Schmidt, S. (2022), The impact of technology on sports – a prospective study, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 182, 121838.

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Chan, H. F., Ulrich, F., Altman, H., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Torgler, B. (2022), Beyond performance? The importance of subjective and objective physical appearance in award nominations and receptions in football, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 204, pp. 271-289.

European Sport Management Quarterly

Hadwiger, J., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D. (accepted pre-print), Integrated women's football teams can attract larger stadium crowds, European Sport Management Quarterly.

European Sport Management Quarterly

Game changers

Merten, S., Schmidt, S., Winand, M. (accepted), Game changers, European Sport Management Quarterly.

Journal of Strategy and Management

Merten, S., Schmidt, S., Winand, M. (2024), Organisational capabilities for successful digital transformation: a global analysis of national football associations in the digital age, Journal of Strategy and Management, Vol. 17 (3), pp. 408-426.

Management Review Quarterly

Welzmueller, J., Schmidt, S. (2024), Consumer identification: an interdisciplinary review of the marketing and sport management literature and future research agenda, Management Review Quarterly, Vol. 74 (1), pp. 439-485.

European Sport Management Quarterly

Bünning, F. H., Chan, H. F., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Torgler, B. (2024), Awards are career catalysts for young talents in association football, European Sport Management Quarterly, Vol. 24 (2), pp. 364-382.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Geissler, D., Beiderbeck, D., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D. (2024), Emerging technologies and shifting consumer motives: projecting the future of the top-tier sports media product, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 203, 123366.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Heidemann, G., Schmidt, S., Von Der Gracht, H. A., Beiderbeck, D. (2024), The impact of the metaverse on the future business of professional football clubs – a prospective study, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 208, 123573.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Beiderbeck, D., Evans, N., Frevel, N., Schmidt, S. (2023), The impact of technology on the future of football – a global Delphi study, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 187, 122186.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Identify critical roles to improve performance

Groysberg, B., Lin, E., Naik, A., Schmidt, S. (2023), Identify critical roles to improve performance: putting strategy into play requires knowing your organization’s crucial roles and making sure your best talent occupies them., MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 64 (4), 65122.

Journal of Personnel Psychology

Krause, F., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D. (2022), Career adaptability and career success: a constructive replication study, Journal of Personnel Psychology, Vol. 21 (3), pp. 115-124.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Schlembach, C., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Wunderlich, L. (2022), Forecasting the Olympic medal distribution: a socioeconomic machine learning model, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 175, 121314.

Sport Management Review

Flegr, S., Schmidt, S. (2022), Strategic management in eSports – a systematic review of the literature, Sport Management Review, Vol. 25 (4), pp. 631-655.

Journal of Vocational Behavior

Krause, F., Chan, H. F., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Torgler, B. (2022), Which female makes it to the top? exploring the gender differences in the role of nuanced personality and psychosocial traits in elite sports career progression, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol. 138, 103767.

Technological Forecasting & Social Change

Frevel, N., Beiderbeck, D., Schmidt, S. (2022), The impact of technology on sports – a prospective study, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Vol. 182, 121838.

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Chan, H. F., Ulrich, F., Altman, H., Schmidt, S., Schreyer, D., Torgler, B. (2022), Beyond performance? The importance of subjective and objective physical appearance in award nominations and receptions in football, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 204, pp. 271-289.

Sky Deutschland: Bidding for Sports Rights (A). Harvard Business School (No. 9-721-440).
Oberholzer-Gee, F. / Schmidt, S. L. / Imoberdorf, R. / Koppers, S.
Case Study
Oberholzer-Gee, F. / Schmidt, S. L. / Imoberdorf, R. / Koppers, S.
Case Study
Groysberg, B. / Schmidt, S. L. / Hecht, E. M. S.
Case Study
Greyser, S. A. / Schmidt, S. L. / Holzmayer, F. (2018)
Case Study
Lakhani, K. / Schmidt, S. L. (2018)
Case Study
Groysberg, B. / Schmidt, S. L. / Thomke, A. / Herman, K. / Norris, M. (2016)
Case Study
Feng Zhu, Karim R. Lakhani, Sascha L. Schmidt, Kerry Herman
Sky Deutschland: Bidding for Sports Rights (A). Harvard Business School (No. 9-721-440).
Oberholzer-Gee, F. / Schmidt, S. L. / Imoberdorf, R. / Koppers, S.
Case Study
Oberholzer-Gee, F. / Schmidt, S. L. / Imoberdorf, R. / Koppers, S.
Case Study
Groysberg, B. / Schmidt, S. L. / Hecht, E. M. S.
Case Study
Greyser, S. A. / Schmidt, S. L. / Holzmayer, F. (2018)
Case Study
Lakhani, K. / Schmidt, S. L. (2018)
Case Study
Groysberg, B. / Schmidt, S. L. / Thomke, A. / Herman, K. / Norris, M. (2016)
Case Study
Feng Zhu, Karim R. Lakhani, Sascha L. Schmidt, Kerry Herman
Book chapter, Sullivan, J. (editor), China's Football Dream, 58-61, University of Nottingham

Who is the Chinese soccer consumer and why do Chinese watch soccer?

Schmidt, S. L. (2019)
Book chapter, Routledge Handbook of Football Business and Management, 3-19, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London/New York
Schmidt, S. / Holzmayer, F. (2018)

Book chapter, Frey, B.S., Iselin, D. (eds.), Economic Ideas You Should Forget, 119-120, Springer International Publishing, Cham
Schmidt, S. L. (2017)
Book chapter, Nolte, M (Hrsg.), Fußball – Motor des Sportrechts, 9‐21, Deutsche Sporthochschule, Köln

Nutzen Proficlubs der Allgemeinheit? Zur ökonomischen und sozialen Bedeutung von Bundesligaclubs für ihre Heimatstädte.

Schmidt, S. L. / Bünning, F. (2014)
Book chapter, Sullivan, J. (editor), China's Football Dream, 58-61, University of Nottingham

Who is the Chinese soccer consumer and why do Chinese watch soccer?

Schmidt, S. L. (2019)
Book chapter, Routledge Handbook of Football Business and Management, 3-19, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, London/New York
Schmidt, S. / Holzmayer, F. (2018)

Book chapter, Frey, B.S., Iselin, D. (eds.), Economic Ideas You Should Forget, 119-120, Springer International Publishing, Cham
Schmidt, S. L. (2017)
Book chapter, Nolte, M (Hrsg.), Fußball – Motor des Sportrechts, 9‐21, Deutsche Sporthochschule, Köln

Nutzen Proficlubs der Allgemeinheit? Zur ökonomischen und sozialen Bedeutung von Bundesligaclubs für ihre Heimatstädte.

Schmidt, S. L. / Bünning, F. (2014)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. et. al. (2022)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Beiderbeck, D. (2021)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Kurras, L. (2021)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Beiderbeck, D. / Frevel, N. / Krüger, H. (2020)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Schreyer, D. / Krüger, H. (2019)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Beiderbeck, D. / Frevel, N. (2019)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Krause, F. / Päffgen, C. (2018)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Krause, F. (2017)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Schreyer, D. / Päffgen, C. (2017)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. et. al. (2022)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Beiderbeck, D. (2021)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Kurras, L. (2021)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Beiderbeck, D. / Frevel, N. / Krüger, H. (2020)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Schreyer, D. / Krüger, H. (2019)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Beiderbeck, D. / Frevel, N. (2019)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Krause, F. / Päffgen, C. (2018)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Krause, F. (2017)
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Center for Sports and Management (CSM), Düsseldorf/Vallendar
Schmidt, S. L. / Schreyer, D. / Päffgen, C. (2017)
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