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Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation

Mit unserem Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Technological Transformation verfolgen wir das Ziel, Erkenntnisse darüber zu generieren und zu vermitteln, wie Unternehmen Entrepreneurship und Innovation erfolgreich mobilisieren können, um technologische Veränderungen schaffen, steuern und adressieren zu können.

Die Forschungstätigkeiten unseres Lehrstuhls sind auf das Thema „Innovation durch Kooperation“ ausgerichtet. Wir erforschen, sowohl quantitativ als auch qualitativ, wie Organisationen kollaborative Strategien wie F+E-Partnerschaften, coopetitive Partnerschaften und Ökosysteme entwickeln und führen können. Diese Forschungsaktivitäten führten zu Veröffentlichungen in hochrangigen internationalen Zeitschriften und Fachmagazinen wie Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management and Research Policy. Zwischen 2014 und 2018 war Prof. Faems General Editor des Journal of Management Studies. Er ist auch Editorial Board-Mitglied des Academy of Management Journals 

Im Bereich der Lehre bietet unser Lehrstuhl Kurse wie 'Developing Novel Business Models', 'Entrepreneurial Transformation in Corporations' und 'New Product Development' an. In diesen Kursen vermitteln wir den Studierenden fortgeschrittene akademische Einblicke darin, wie verschiedene Arten von Organisationen effektiv mit dem technologischen Wandel umgehen können. Darüber hinaus sind die Studierenden gefordert, diese Erkenntnisse in Workshops und Fallstudien anzuwenden. Für diese Lehrveranstaltungen setzen wir stets auf innovative didaktische Methoden wie beispielsweise Lego Serious Play. Wir unterrichten an der WHU sowohl imMBA als auch dem Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA-Programm, wo Prof. Faems Themen wie Digitale Transformation und Ökosystem-Innovation unterrichtet. Professor Faems ist auch der Koordinator des von WHU Executive Education angebotenen Programms „Innovation & Corporate Entrepreneurship Essentials“. 

Professor Faems ist auch akademischer Co-Direktor des WHU Entrepreneurship Center. Das WHU Entrepreneurship Center hat die Aufgabe, die WHU-Gemeinschaft bei der Förderung von leidenschaftlichem, zielgerichtetem, ethischem und nachhaltigem Unternehmertum auszubilden, zu inspirieren und zu unterstützen. Dazu bietet es ein intellektuelles, virtuelles und physisches Zentrum, in dem sich Menschen vernetzen, Ideen in die Tat umgesetzt und Ressourcen gerecht verteilt werden, um eine lebendige unternehmerische Zukunft für Studierende, Alumni und andere Partner im Ökosystem aufzubauen. Der Lehrstuhl koordiniert außerdem den WHU Innovation Ecosystem Hub, dessen Ziel es ist, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen der WHU und Industrie im Bereich "Innovation durch Kooperation" zu verstärken.

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Unser Team

Prof. Dr. Dries Faems
Prof. Dr. Dries Faems
Johanna Häring
Johanna Häring
Persönliche Assistentin
Nils Berkemeyer
Nils Berkemeyer
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Julian Fieres
Julian Fieres
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Niklas Geiss
Niklas Geiss
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Lukas Müller
Lukas Müller
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Simon Rudat
Simon Rudat
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Ronja Stoffregen
Ronja Stoffregen
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Maximilian Weinhold
Maximilian Weinhold
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

Unsere Publikationen

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Brattström, A., Faems, D. (2024), Innovation theater in corporate venturing units: cultural design as a (de)legitimizing mechanism, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 41 (5), pp. 1047-1061.

Research Policy

Kok, H., Faems, D., De Faria, P. (2022), Pork barrel or barrel of gold? examining the performance implications of earmarking in public R&D grants, Research Policy, Vol. 51 (7), 104514.

Research Policy

Elhorst, P., Faems, D. (2021), Evaluating proposals in innovation contests: exploring negative scoring spillovers in the absence of a strict evaluation sequence, Research Policy, Vol. 50 (4), 104198.

Journal of Management Studies

Post, C., Muzio, D., Sarala, R., Wei, L., Faems, D. (2021), Theorizing diversity in management studies: new perspectives and future directions, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 58 (8), pp. 2003-2023.

Journal of Management

Faems, D., Bos, B., Noseleit, F., Leten, B. (2020), Multistep knowledge transfer in MNC networks: when do subsidiaries benefit from unconnected sister alliances?, Journal of Management, Vol. 46 (3), pp. 414-442.

Long Range Planning

Yan, Y., Dong, J. Q., Faems, D. (2020), Not every coopetitor is the same: the impact of technological market and geographical overlap with coopetitors on firms´ breakthrough inventions, Long Range Planning, Vol. 53 (1), 101873.

R&D Management

Balau, G., Van Der Bij, H., Faems, D. (2020), Should SMEs get out of the building? examining the role of customer co‐creation on radical organizational creativity, R&D Management, Vol. 50 (4), pp. 535-547.

Academy of Management Journal

Brattström, A., Faems, D. (2020), Inter-organizational relationships as political battlefields: how fragmentation within organizations shapes relational dynamics between organizations, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 63 (5), pp. 1591–1620.

Journal of Management Studies

Ahlstrom, D., Arregle, J.-L., Hitt, M., Qian, G., Ma, X., Faems, D. (2020), Managing technological, sociopolitical, and institutional change in the new normal, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 57 (3), pp. 411-437.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Brattström, A., Faems, D. (2024), Innovation theater in corporate venturing units: cultural design as a (de)legitimizing mechanism, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 41 (5), pp. 1047-1061.

Research Policy

Kok, H., Faems, D., De Faria, P. (2022), Pork barrel or barrel of gold? examining the performance implications of earmarking in public R&D grants, Research Policy, Vol. 51 (7), 104514.

Research Policy

Elhorst, P., Faems, D. (2021), Evaluating proposals in innovation contests: exploring negative scoring spillovers in the absence of a strict evaluation sequence, Research Policy, Vol. 50 (4), 104198.

Journal of Management Studies

Post, C., Muzio, D., Sarala, R., Wei, L., Faems, D. (2021), Theorizing diversity in management studies: new perspectives and future directions, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 58 (8), pp. 2003-2023.

Journal of Management

Faems, D., Bos, B., Noseleit, F., Leten, B. (2020), Multistep knowledge transfer in MNC networks: when do subsidiaries benefit from unconnected sister alliances?, Journal of Management, Vol. 46 (3), pp. 414-442.

Long Range Planning

Yan, Y., Dong, J. Q., Faems, D. (2020), Not every coopetitor is the same: the impact of technological market and geographical overlap with coopetitors on firms´ breakthrough inventions, Long Range Planning, Vol. 53 (1), 101873.

R&D Management

Balau, G., Van Der Bij, H., Faems, D. (2020), Should SMEs get out of the building? examining the role of customer co‐creation on radical organizational creativity, R&D Management, Vol. 50 (4), pp. 535-547.

Academy of Management Journal

Brattström, A., Faems, D. (2020), Inter-organizational relationships as political battlefields: how fragmentation within organizations shapes relational dynamics between organizations, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 63 (5), pp. 1591–1620.

Journal of Management Studies

Ahlstrom, D., Arregle, J.-L., Hitt, M., Qian, G., Ma, X., Faems, D. (2020), Managing technological, sociopolitical, and institutional change in the new normal, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 57 (3), pp. 411-437.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

The role of inter-organizational collaboration within innovation strategies: towards a portfolio approach.

Faems, D.; Van Looy, B. & Debackere K. (2005) The role of inter-organizational collaboration within innovation strategies: towards a portfolio approach. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22: 238-251.
Academy of Management Journal

Toward an integrative perspective on alliance governance: Connecting contract design, contract application, and trust dynamics.

Faems, D.; Janssens, M.; Madhok, A. & Van Looy, B. (2008) Toward an integrative perspective on alliance governance: Connecting contract design, contract application, and trust dynamics. Academy of Management Journal, 51: 1053-1078.
Journal of Product Innovation Management

Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance: Value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of open innovation.

Faems, D.; de Visser, M.; Andries, P.; Van Looy, B. (2010) Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance: Value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of open innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27: 785-796.
Journal of Management Studies

Unravelling the HRM-Performance link: value-creating and cost-increasing effects of small business HRM.

Sels, L.; De Winne, S.; Maes, J.; Delmotte, J.; Faems, D. & Forrier, A. (2006) Unravelling the HRM-Performance link: value-creating and cost-increasing effects of small business HRM. Journal of Management Studies, 43: 319-342.
Journal of Product Innovation Management

Technological activities and their impact on the financial performance of the firm: Exploitation and exploration within and between firms.

Belderbos, R.; Faems, D.; Leten, B.; Van Looy, B. (2010) Technological activities and their impact on the financial performance of the firm: Exploitation and exploration within and between firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27: 869-882.
Journal of Product Innovation Management

The role of inter-organizational collaboration within innovation strategies: towards a portfolio approach.

Faems, D.; Van Looy, B. & Debackere K. (2005) The role of inter-organizational collaboration within innovation strategies: towards a portfolio approach. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 22: 238-251.
Academy of Management Journal

Toward an integrative perspective on alliance governance: Connecting contract design, contract application, and trust dynamics.

Faems, D.; Janssens, M.; Madhok, A. & Van Looy, B. (2008) Toward an integrative perspective on alliance governance: Connecting contract design, contract application, and trust dynamics. Academy of Management Journal, 51: 1053-1078.
Journal of Product Innovation Management

Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance: Value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of open innovation.

Faems, D.; de Visser, M.; Andries, P.; Van Looy, B. (2010) Technology alliance portfolios and financial performance: Value-enhancing and cost-increasing effects of open innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27: 785-796.
Journal of Management Studies

Unravelling the HRM-Performance link: value-creating and cost-increasing effects of small business HRM.

Sels, L.; De Winne, S.; Maes, J.; Delmotte, J.; Faems, D. & Forrier, A. (2006) Unravelling the HRM-Performance link: value-creating and cost-increasing effects of small business HRM. Journal of Management Studies, 43: 319-342.
Journal of Product Innovation Management

Technological activities and their impact on the financial performance of the firm: Exploitation and exploration within and between firms.

Belderbos, R.; Faems, D.; Leten, B.; Van Looy, B. (2010) Technological activities and their impact on the financial performance of the firm: Exploitation and exploration within and between firms. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 27: 869-882.

Preise und Auszeichnungen

  • Winner of the 2021 Best Research Methods Paper Prize at the SMS Conference with the paper ‘Developing an integrated approach for topic modelling in management research.’
  • Winner of the 2021 SIG Strategic Management CENA Best Paper Award at the Euram conference with the paper ‘What drives the appointment of directors: Linking resource dependence and monitoring to human capital value in wind farm joint ventures.’
  • Winner of the Runner Up Best Paper Award 2021 at the International Product Development Conference with the paper ‘Innovation theater in corporate venturing activities.’
  • Ranked number 99 in the Ökonomenranking 2020 of the Wirtschaftswoche
  • Member of the CIO research advisory board (2020 - …)
  • Elected as a 2020-2021 Representative-at-Large for the Cooperative Strategies Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society.
  • Winner of the 2019 SITE Innovation Management Award with the paper ‘Dusting Off the Knowledge Shelves: Recombinant Lag and the Technological Value of Inventions.
  • Member of the 22nd Editorial Review Board of the Academy of Management Journal (Prof. Faems, 2019-2022)
  • Finalist of the 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Award of the ACPI with Serious Lego Play for Structural Ambidexterity (Prof. Faems, 2018)
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the European Academy of Management (Prof. Faems, From 2018)
  • 2018 Chair of the Strategy Process Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society (Prof. Faems)
  • Cooperative Strategy Interest Group Best Paper Finalist and SMS Best Paper Finalist at the 2017 Strategic Management Society Meeting with the paper “From internal conflict to inter-organizational twilight: How within-firm politics influence between-firm collaboration.” (Prof. Faems)
  • Recipient of grant from VINNOVA (780.000 SEK in partnership with Lund University and Stockholm School of Economics) for research project on “When relationships count: an executive teaching program on the management of R&D partnerships.” (Prof. Faems, 2017–2018)
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Prof. Dr. Dries Faems
Prof. Dr. Dries Faems

Unser Standort

Campus Vallendar
Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
D'Esterstraße 11
D-56179 Vallendar
Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation