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Unser Ziel ist es, Erkenntnisse zu entwickeln und zu vermitteln, wie Unternehmen erfolgreich innovativ sein können.


In meiner Forschung untersuche ich den Einfluss von Führungskräften (z.B. CEOs, Entrepreneure) auf die Innovationstätigkeit von Unternehmen. In diesem Zusammenhang beschäftige ich mich insbesondere mit der Frage, welche Rolle weibliche Führungskräfte auf das Innovationsgeschehen in Unternehmen haben. Darüber hinaus untersuche ich in aktuellen Studien die Rolle von nachhaltigen Innovationen. Meine Artikel sind in renommierten akademischen Zeitschriften, wie dem Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, und Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice erschienen. 


Unternehmen stehen einem immer dynamischeren Wettbewerb gegenüber. Ich biete in meinen Vorlesungen Themen an, die Unternehmen helfen sollen, Innovation zu fördern und somit langfristig wettbewerbsfähig zu sein/bleiben:

Bachelor of Science
  • Entrepreneurial Transformation in Corporations (jedes Frühjahrs- und Herbstsemester)

  • NEU: Sustainable Innovation and Entrepreneurship (jedes Frühjahrs- und Herbstsemester)

Master of Science
  • Corporate Entrepreneurship (Master in Entrepreneurship)

Online MBA
  • Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Aktuelle Publikationen

Strategic Management Journal

Kraft, P., Dickler, T., Withers, M. (accepted pre-print), When do firms benefit from overconfident CEOs? The role of board expertise and power for technological breakthrough innovation, Strategic Management Journal.

Journal of Management

Palm, M., Kraft, P., Kammerlander, N. (2024), Family firms, M&A strategies, and M&A performance: a meta-analysis, Journal of Management, Vol. 50 (7), pp. 2818-2849.

Journal of Business Venturing

Kraft, P., Günther, C., Kammerlander, N., Lampe, J. (2022), Overconfidence and entrepreneurship: a meta-analysis of different types of overconfidence in the entrepreneurial process, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 37 (4), 106207.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P. (2022), The double-edged sword of CEO narcissism: a meta-analysis of innovation and firm performance implications, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 39 (6), pp. 749-772.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Querbach, S., Bird, M., Kraft, P., Kammerlander, N. (2020), When the former CEO stays on board: the role of the predecessor’s board retention for product innovation in family firms, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 184-207.

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Lampe, J., Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2020), Mapping the field of research on entrepreneurial organizations (1937–2016): a bibliometric analysis and research agenda, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 44 (4), pp. 784-816.

European Management Journal

Back, P., Rosing, K., Dickler, T., Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2020), CEOs’ temporal focus, firm strategic change, and performance: insights from a paradox perspective, European Management Journal, Vol. 38 (6), pp. 884-899.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2018), Managerial social networks and innovation: a meta‐analysis of bonding and bridging effects across institutional environments, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 35 (6), pp. 865-889.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2016), How do transformational leaders promote exploratory and exploitative innovation? examining the black box through MASEM, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 33 (6), pp. 687-707.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2016), How do transformational leaders promote exploratory and exploitative innovation? Examining the black-box through MASEM, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 33 (6), pp. 687-707.

Strategic Management Journal

Kraft, P., Dickler, T., Withers, M. (accepted pre-print), When do firms benefit from overconfident CEOs? The role of board expertise and power for technological breakthrough innovation, Strategic Management Journal.

Journal of Management

Palm, M., Kraft, P., Kammerlander, N. (2024), Family firms, M&A strategies, and M&A performance: a meta-analysis, Journal of Management, Vol. 50 (7), pp. 2818-2849.

Journal of Business Venturing

Kraft, P., Günther, C., Kammerlander, N., Lampe, J. (2022), Overconfidence and entrepreneurship: a meta-analysis of different types of overconfidence in the entrepreneurial process, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 37 (4), 106207.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P. (2022), The double-edged sword of CEO narcissism: a meta-analysis of innovation and firm performance implications, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 39 (6), pp. 749-772.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Querbach, S., Bird, M., Kraft, P., Kammerlander, N. (2020), When the former CEO stays on board: the role of the predecessor’s board retention for product innovation in family firms, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 184-207.

Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice

Lampe, J., Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2020), Mapping the field of research on entrepreneurial organizations (1937–2016): a bibliometric analysis and research agenda, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Vol. 44 (4), pp. 784-816.

European Management Journal

Back, P., Rosing, K., Dickler, T., Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2020), CEOs’ temporal focus, firm strategic change, and performance: insights from a paradox perspective, European Management Journal, Vol. 38 (6), pp. 884-899.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2018), Managerial social networks and innovation: a meta‐analysis of bonding and bridging effects across institutional environments, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 35 (6), pp. 865-889.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2016), How do transformational leaders promote exploratory and exploitative innovation? examining the black box through MASEM, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 33 (6), pp. 687-707.

Journal of Product Innovation Management

Kraft, P., Bausch, A. (2016), How do transformational leaders promote exploratory and exploitative innovation? Examining the black-box through MASEM, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 33 (6), pp. 687-707.