Felix Reimann
Prof. Dr.
Supply Chain Management Group
Internationales Management, Verhandlungen, Einkauf, Beschaffung, Konflikte, B2B Marketing, Lehrmethoden, Fallstudien, Asia, Korea
Supply Chain Management Group
Internationales Management, Verhandlungen, Einkauf, Beschaffung, Konflikte, B2B Marketing, Lehrmethoden, Fallstudien, Asia, Korea

Aktuelle Publikationen

Supply Chain Management Group

Kaufmann, L., Reimann, F. (accepted pre-print), From teaching with cases to teaching through case development: making purchasing managers and students the designers of learning journeys, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100970.

Supply Chain Management Group

Kaufmann, L., Schreiner, M., Reimann, F. (2023), Narratives in supplier negotiations: the interplay of narrative design elements, structural power, and outcomes, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 59 (1), pp. 66-94.

Supply Chain Management Group

Kaufmann, L., Reimann, F. (accepted pre-print), From teaching with cases to teaching through case development: making purchasing managers and students the designers of learning journeys, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100970.

Supply Chain Management Group

Kaufmann, L., Schreiner, M., Reimann, F. (2023), Narratives in supplier negotiations: the interplay of narrative design elements, structural power, and outcomes, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 59 (1), pp. 66-94.
