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Am Lehrstuhl für Empirical Corporate Finance beschäftigen wir uns mit den klassischen Themen der Corporate Finance wie Ausschüttungspolitik und Kapitalstruktur. Gleichzeitig untersuchen wir aktuelle Fragestellungen an der Schnittstelle zwischen Finance und Corporate Governance. Unsere Forschungsergebnisse sind sowohl für die akademische Community als auch für Praktiker relevant und werden in der Lehre in den verschiedenen Programmen der WHU angewandt.

Innovative Forschung und Top-Publikationen - Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance und vieles mehr

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Does speculative news hurt productivity?

Andres, C., Bazhutov, D., Cumming, D. J., Köchling, G., Limbach, P. (accepted), Does speculative news hurt productivity? Evidence from takeover rumors, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Corporate Governance: An International Review

Pandey, N., Andres, C., Kumar, S. (2023), Mapping the corporate governance scholarship: current state and future directions, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 127-160.

Global Finance Journal

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Doumet, M. (2021), Measuring changes in credit risk: the case of CDS event studies, Global Finance Journal, Vol. 49, 100647.

Economia e Politica Industriale : Journal of Industrial and Business Economics

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Van Den Bongard, I., Goergen, M. (2019), Dividend policy, corporate control and the tax status of the controlling shareholder, Economia e Politica Industriale : Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 46 (2), pp. 157–189.


Andres, C., Betzer, A., Doumet, M., Theissen, E. (2018), Open market share repurchases in Germany: a conditional event study approach, Abacus, Vol. 54 (4), pp. 417-444.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Hofbaur, U. (2017), Do what you did four quarters ago: trends and implications of quarterly dividends, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 43, pp. 139-158.

Journal of Banking & Finance

Andres, C., Doumet, M., Fernau, E., Theissen, E. (2015), The Lintner Model revisited: dividends versus total payouts, Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 55, pp. 56-69.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Cumming, D., Karabiber, T., Schweizer, D. (2014), Do markets anticipate capital structure decisions? feedback effects in equity liquidity, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 27, pp. 133-156.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Fernau, E., Theissen, E. (2014), Should I stay or should I go? former CEOs as monitors, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 28, pp. 26-47.

Journal of Banking & Finance

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Limbach, P. (2014), Underwriter reputation and the quality of certification: evidence from high-yield bonds, Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 40, pp. 97-115.

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

The information content of dividend surprises

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Van Den Bongard, I., Haesner, C., Theissen, E. (2013), The information content of dividend surprises: evidence from Germany, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol. 40 (2018-06-05), pp. 620–645.

Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht

Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Doumet, M., Limbach, P. (2013), Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert, Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht, Vol. 4, pp. 92-96.

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

Is busy really busy?

Andres, C., Van Den Bongard, I., Lehmann, M. (2013), Is busy really busy? board governance revisited, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol. 40 (2018-10-09), pp. 1221–1246.

European Journal of Finance

Achleitner, A.-K., Andres, C., Betzer, A., Weir, C. (2011), Wealth effects of private equity investments on the German stock market, European Journal of Finance, Vol. 17, pp. 217-239.

Applied Financial Economics

Andres, C. (2011), Family ownership, financing contraints and investment decisions, Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 21 (22), pp. 1641-1659.

Kredit und Kapital

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Van Den Bongard, I. (2011), Das Ende der Deutschland AG, Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 44, pp. 185-216.

Journal of Empirical Finance

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Goergen, M., Renneboog, L. (2009), Dividend policy of German firms: a panel data analysis of partial adjustment models, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 16, pp. 175-187.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C. (2008), Large sharholders and firm performance: an empirical examination of founding-family ownership, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 431-445.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Theissen, E. (2008), Setting a fox to keep the geese: does the comply-or-explain principle work?, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 289-301.

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management = Finanzmarkt und Portfolio-Management = Marché Financier et Gestion de Portefeuilles

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Weir, C. (2007), Shareholder wealth gains through better corporate governance: the case of European LBO-transactions, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management = Finanzmarkt und Portfolio-Management = Marché Financier et Gestion de Portefeuilles, Vol. 21, pp. 403-424.

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Does speculative news hurt productivity?

Andres, C., Bazhutov, D., Cumming, D. J., Köchling, G., Limbach, P. (accepted), Does speculative news hurt productivity? Evidence from takeover rumors, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis.

Corporate Governance: An International Review

Pandey, N., Andres, C., Kumar, S. (2023), Mapping the corporate governance scholarship: current state and future directions, Corporate Governance: An International Review, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 127-160.

Global Finance Journal

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Doumet, M. (2021), Measuring changes in credit risk: the case of CDS event studies, Global Finance Journal, Vol. 49, 100647.

Economia e Politica Industriale : Journal of Industrial and Business Economics

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Van Den Bongard, I., Goergen, M. (2019), Dividend policy, corporate control and the tax status of the controlling shareholder, Economia e Politica Industriale : Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Vol. 46 (2), pp. 157–189.


Andres, C., Betzer, A., Doumet, M., Theissen, E. (2018), Open market share repurchases in Germany: a conditional event study approach, Abacus, Vol. 54 (4), pp. 417-444.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Hofbaur, U. (2017), Do what you did four quarters ago: trends and implications of quarterly dividends, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 43, pp. 139-158.

Journal of Banking & Finance

Andres, C., Doumet, M., Fernau, E., Theissen, E. (2015), The Lintner Model revisited: dividends versus total payouts, Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 55, pp. 56-69.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Cumming, D., Karabiber, T., Schweizer, D. (2014), Do markets anticipate capital structure decisions? feedback effects in equity liquidity, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 27, pp. 133-156.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Fernau, E., Theissen, E. (2014), Should I stay or should I go? former CEOs as monitors, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 28, pp. 26-47.

Journal of Banking & Finance

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Limbach, P. (2014), Underwriter reputation and the quality of certification: evidence from high-yield bonds, Journal of Banking & Finance, Vol. 40, pp. 97-115.

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

The information content of dividend surprises

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Van Den Bongard, I., Haesner, C., Theissen, E. (2013), The information content of dividend surprises: evidence from Germany, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol. 40 (2018-06-05), pp. 620–645.

Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht

Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Doumet, M., Limbach, P. (2013), Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert, Kölner Schrift zum Wirtschaftsrecht, Vol. 4, pp. 92-96.

Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

Is busy really busy?

Andres, C., Van Den Bongard, I., Lehmann, M. (2013), Is busy really busy? board governance revisited, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Vol. 40 (2018-10-09), pp. 1221–1246.

European Journal of Finance

Achleitner, A.-K., Andres, C., Betzer, A., Weir, C. (2011), Wealth effects of private equity investments on the German stock market, European Journal of Finance, Vol. 17, pp. 217-239.

Applied Financial Economics

Andres, C. (2011), Family ownership, financing contraints and investment decisions, Applied Financial Economics, Vol. 21 (22), pp. 1641-1659.

Kredit und Kapital

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Van Den Bongard, I. (2011), Das Ende der Deutschland AG, Kredit und Kapital, Vol. 44, pp. 185-216.

Journal of Empirical Finance

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Goergen, M., Renneboog, L. (2009), Dividend policy of German firms: a panel data analysis of partial adjustment models, Journal of Empirical Finance, Vol. 16, pp. 175-187.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C. (2008), Large sharholders and firm performance: an empirical examination of founding-family ownership, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 431-445.

Journal of Corporate Finance

Andres, C., Theissen, E. (2008), Setting a fox to keep the geese: does the comply-or-explain principle work?, Journal of Corporate Finance, Vol. 14, pp. 289-301.

Financial Markets and Portfolio Management = Finanzmarkt und Portfolio-Management = Marché Financier et Gestion de Portefeuilles

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Weir, C. (2007), Shareholder wealth gains through better corporate governance: the case of European LBO-transactions, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management = Finanzmarkt und Portfolio-Management = Marché Financier et Gestion de Portefeuilles, Vol. 21, pp. 403-424.

New York Society of Security Analysts (2015)

Underwriter Reputation & Certification in the High Yield Bond Market", in: M. Fridson und K. Sterling (eds.), "High Yield Future Tense: Cracking the Code of Speculative Debt".

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Limbach, P.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013

Restructuring in Family Firms: A Tale of the Two Crises.

Andres, C., Croci, E. und Caprio, L.
Kölner Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW) 1/2013, 92-96 (2013)

Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert.

Andres, C., Betzer, A. Doumet, M. und Limbach, P.
BAI-Newsletter 1/2011 (März), S. 25-29 (2011)

The Impact of Intermediaries' Reputation on the Pricing and Performance of U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bonds.

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Limbach, P.
Oxford University Press (2011)

Buyouts Around the World, in: D. Cuming (Hrsg.), "The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity".

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Gider, J.
Kolb Series in Finance, John Wiley & sons (2010)

Corporate Governance Systems, in: H. Kent Baker und R. Anderson (Hrsg.), "Corporate Governance: A Synthesis of Theory, Research, and Practice".

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Goergen, M. und Metzger, D.
Kolb Series in Finance, John Wiley & sons, 2009, Kapitel 3 (2009)

Trends in Dividends, in: H. Kent Baker (Hrsg.), "Dividends and Dividend Policy".

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Correia da Silva, L. und Goergen, M
BAI-Newsletter I/2008 (März), S. 35-38 (2008)

Private-Equity-Investitionen in börsennotierten Unternehmen in Deutschland.

Achleitner, A. K., Andres, C. und Betzer, A.
Berlin (2007)

Corporate Governance in Germany: An Empirical Examination of Ownership Structures, Payout Policy and Disclosure Regulation.

Andres, C.
Vol. 2, Gabler-Verlag (2006)

Going Private via Leveraged Buyout, in M. Busack und D. Kaiser (Hrsg.), "Handbuch Alternative Investments".

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Hoffmann, M.
New York Society of Security Analysts (2015)

Underwriter Reputation & Certification in the High Yield Bond Market", in: M. Fridson und K. Sterling (eds.), "High Yield Future Tense: Cracking the Code of Speculative Debt".

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Limbach, P.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2013

Restructuring in Family Firms: A Tale of the Two Crises.

Andres, C., Croci, E. und Caprio, L.
Kölner Schriften zum Wirtschaftsrecht (KSzW) 1/2013, 92-96 (2013)

Auswirkungen guter Corporate Governance und Compliance auf den Unternehmenswert.

Andres, C., Betzer, A. Doumet, M. und Limbach, P.
BAI-Newsletter 1/2011 (März), S. 25-29 (2011)

The Impact of Intermediaries' Reputation on the Pricing and Performance of U.S. High-Yield Corporate Bonds.

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Limbach, P.
Oxford University Press (2011)

Buyouts Around the World, in: D. Cuming (Hrsg.), "The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity".

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Gider, J.
Kolb Series in Finance, John Wiley & sons (2010)

Corporate Governance Systems, in: H. Kent Baker und R. Anderson (Hrsg.), "Corporate Governance: A Synthesis of Theory, Research, and Practice".

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Goergen, M. und Metzger, D.
Kolb Series in Finance, John Wiley & sons, 2009, Kapitel 3 (2009)

Trends in Dividends, in: H. Kent Baker (Hrsg.), "Dividends and Dividend Policy".

Andres, C., Betzer, A., Correia da Silva, L. und Goergen, M
BAI-Newsletter I/2008 (März), S. 35-38 (2008)

Private-Equity-Investitionen in börsennotierten Unternehmen in Deutschland.

Achleitner, A. K., Andres, C. und Betzer, A.
Berlin (2007)

Corporate Governance in Germany: An Empirical Examination of Ownership Structures, Payout Policy and Disclosure Regulation.

Andres, C.
Vol. 2, Gabler-Verlag (2006)

Going Private via Leveraged Buyout, in M. Busack und D. Kaiser (Hrsg.), "Handbuch Alternative Investments".

Andres, C., Betzer, A. und Hoffmann, M.

Does Speculative News Hurt Productivity? Evidence from Takeover Rumors

Andres, C., Bazhutov, D., Cumming, Douglas J., Limbach, P.

Delegated Monitoring: The Effectiveness and Pricing of Bond Indenture Trustees.

Andres, C., Betzer, A., und Limbach, P.

Cash Windfalls and Acquisitions.

Andres, C., Croci, E. und Hofbaur, U

Does Speculative News Hurt Productivity? Evidence from Takeover Rumors

Andres, C., Bazhutov, D., Cumming, Douglas J., Limbach, P.

Delegated Monitoring: The Effectiveness and Pricing of Bond Indenture Trustees.

Andres, C., Betzer, A., und Limbach, P.

Cash Windfalls and Acquisitions.

Andres, C., Croci, E. und Hofbaur, U

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Prof. Dr. Christian Andres
Prof. Dr. Christian Andres
Raum: D-122
Nicola Schumacher
Nicola Schumacher
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Stevan Bajic
Stevan Bajic
Externer Doktorand
Markus Duram
Markus Duram
Externer Doktorand
Dr. Ulrich Hofbaur
Dr. Ulrich Hofbaur
Dissertation: Essays on Empirical Corporate Finance
Dr. Ali Özdakak
Dr. Ali Özdakak
Dissertation: Empirical Essays on Initial Public Offerings and Mergers & Acquisitions

Unser Standort

Campus Vallendar
Lehrstuhl für Empirical Corporate Finance
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
D'Esterstraße 13
D-56179 Vallendar
Lehrstuhl für Empirical Corporate Finance