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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Irina Heimbach

Management Group



+49 (0)261-6509-815


Irina Heimbach ist Juniorprofessorin für Digitalisierung an der WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management. Sie promovierte 2016 in Wirtschaftsinformatik an der TU Darmstadt. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind digitale Dienstleistungen, Chatbots und generative KI, algorithmische Entscheidungsfindung, Datenschutz, die Schattenseiten digitaler Technologien und Data Analytics. Irina wendet sowohl ökonometrische Methoden als auch Feld- und Online-Experimente an. Sie schätzt es sehr, inter- und multidisziplinär zu arbeiten und eine Brücke zwischen verschiedenen akademischen Disziplinen, der Wissenschaft und der Praxis zu schlagen. Ihre Forschungsergebnisse wurden in mehreren Zeitschriften veröffentlicht, darunter Information Systems Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Electronic Markets und Journal of Business Economics, sowie auf internationalen Konferenzen in den Bereichen Informationssysteme, Marketing und Informatik. Ihre Forschung wurde 2013 mit dem Claudio Ciborra Award der European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) ausgezeichnet und fand ein breites Medienecho. Im Jahr 2017 war Irina als Gastwissenschaftlerin an der USC Marshal Business School in Los Angeles und 2023 am Weizenbaum-Institut für die vernetzte Gesellschaft in Berlin tätig. Irina ist Associate Editor für das European Journal of Information Systems und Business Information Systems and Engineering (BISE). Sie ist seit vielen Jahren als Gutachterin, Associate Editor und Track Chair für internationale Konferenzen der Wirtschaftsinformatik tätig. An der WHU gibt Irina Kurse in Business Information Systems Analysis & Design, Data & Information Management und Decision Support & Analytics.

Publikationen in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

The Robo Bias in Conversational Reviews: How the Solicitation Medium Anthropomorphism Affects Product Rating Valence and Review Helpfulness

Tsekouras, D., Gutt, D., Heimbach, I. (2024): “The Robo Bias in Conversational Reviews: How the Solicitation Medium Anthropomorphism Affects Product Rating Valence and Review Helpfulness”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
Business and Information Systems Engineering

Values and Ethics in Information Systems. A State-of-the-art Analysis and Avenues for Future Research

Spiekermann, S., Krasnova, H., Hinz, O., Baumann, A., Benlian, A., Gimpel, H., Heimbach, I., Köster, A., Mädche, A., Niehaves, B., Risius, M., Trenz, M. (2022): „Values and Ethics in Information Systems. A State-of-the-art Analysis and Avenues for Future Research“, Business and Information Systems Engineering, 57(2), 129-133.
Management Science

Reproducibility in Management Science

Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration (2023). “Reproducibility in Management Science”, Management Science, 70(3), 1343-1356.
*Note: Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration
Information Systems Research

The Impact of Sharing Mechanism Design on Content Sharing in Online Social Networks

Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2018): “The Impact of Sharing Mechanism Design on Content Sharing in Online Social Networks”, Information Systems Research, 29(3), 592-611.
International Journal of Research in Marketing

The Impact of Content Sentiment and Emotionality on Content Virality

Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2016): “The Impact of Content Sentiment and Emotionality on Content Virality”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 695-701.
Business and Information Systems Engineering

Catchword - Marketing Automation

Heimbach, I., Kostyra, D., Hinz, O. (2015): “Catchword - Marketing Automation”, Business and Information Systems Engineering, 57(2), 129-133.
Electronic Markets (EM)

The Value of User’s Facebook Profile Data for Product Recommendation Generation

Heimbach, I., Gottschlich, J., Hinz, O. (2015): “The Value of User’s Facebook Profile Data for Product Recommendation Generation”, Electronic Markets (EM), 25(2), 125-138.
Journal of Business Economics

The effects of state-dependent human behavior on the design of a serial line

Heimbach, I., Grahl, J., Rothlauf, F. (2012): “The effects of state-dependent human behavior on the design of a serial line”, Journal of Business Economics, 82(7/8), 745-762.
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science

The Robo Bias in Conversational Reviews: How the Solicitation Medium Anthropomorphism Affects Product Rating Valence and Review Helpfulness

Tsekouras, D., Gutt, D., Heimbach, I. (2024): “The Robo Bias in Conversational Reviews: How the Solicitation Medium Anthropomorphism Affects Product Rating Valence and Review Helpfulness”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
Business and Information Systems Engineering

Values and Ethics in Information Systems. A State-of-the-art Analysis and Avenues for Future Research

Spiekermann, S., Krasnova, H., Hinz, O., Baumann, A., Benlian, A., Gimpel, H., Heimbach, I., Köster, A., Mädche, A., Niehaves, B., Risius, M., Trenz, M. (2022): „Values and Ethics in Information Systems. A State-of-the-art Analysis and Avenues for Future Research“, Business and Information Systems Engineering, 57(2), 129-133.
Management Science

Reproducibility in Management Science

Fišar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., and the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration (2023). “Reproducibility in Management Science”, Management Science, 70(3), 1343-1356.
*Note: Member of the Management Science Reproducibility Collaboration
Information Systems Research

The Impact of Sharing Mechanism Design on Content Sharing in Online Social Networks

Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2018): “The Impact of Sharing Mechanism Design on Content Sharing in Online Social Networks”, Information Systems Research, 29(3), 592-611.
International Journal of Research in Marketing

The Impact of Content Sentiment and Emotionality on Content Virality

Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2016): “The Impact of Content Sentiment and Emotionality on Content Virality”, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 33(3), 695-701.
Business and Information Systems Engineering

Catchword - Marketing Automation

Heimbach, I., Kostyra, D., Hinz, O. (2015): “Catchword - Marketing Automation”, Business and Information Systems Engineering, 57(2), 129-133.
Electronic Markets (EM)

The Value of User’s Facebook Profile Data for Product Recommendation Generation

Heimbach, I., Gottschlich, J., Hinz, O. (2015): “The Value of User’s Facebook Profile Data for Product Recommendation Generation”, Electronic Markets (EM), 25(2), 125-138.
Journal of Business Economics

The effects of state-dependent human behavior on the design of a serial line

Heimbach, I., Grahl, J., Rothlauf, F. (2012): “The effects of state-dependent human behavior on the design of a serial line”, Journal of Business Economics, 82(7/8), 745-762.
Durch Peer Review geprüfte Konferenzbeiträge in Tagungsbänden
  • Tsekouras, D., Heimbach, I., Gutt, D., Goeken, T. (2020): “The Rise of robo-reviews - the effects of chatbot-mediated review elicitation on review valence”, 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Marrakesh (Morocco).
  • Chehrazi, G., Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2016): “The Impact of Security by Design on the Success of Open Source Software Development Projects”, 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Istanbul (Turkey). 
  • Heimbach, I., Hinz, O., Schiller, B., Strufe, T. (2015): “Content Sharing on Online Social Networks – Empirical Evidence from Twitter, Facebook, and Google+”, 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media (Hypertext), Cyprus.
  • Heimbach, I., Kraus, C., Hinz, O. (2015): “On the Design of Sales Support Systems for Online Apparel Stores”, 12th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI), Osnabrück (Germany).
  • Bank, M., Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2014): „Entwicklung eines Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems zur Bestimmung möglicher Kooperationspartner in der Suchmaschinenoptimierung“, Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI), Paderborn (Germany).
  • Gottschlich, J., Heimbach, I., Hinz, O. (2013): “The Value of Users’ Facebook Profile Data – Generating Product Recommendations for Online Social Shopping Sites”, 21st European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Utrecht (Netherlands).

*Winner of the Claudio Ciborra-Award 2013

  • Nikolaeva, I., Hinz, O. (2012): “How Smartphone Apps can help predicting Music Sales”, 20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Barcelona (Spain).
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