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Die Management Group –
Ein Institut, sechs Lehrstühle, ein Center


Was wir vertreten:

Die Management Group steht für

  1. Gründliche Forschung, die dabei unterstützt, evidenzbasierte Empfehlungen für das Management abzuleiten (d.h. Forschung mit und für die Praxis).
  2. Engagement in der Entwicklung von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern (z.B. Juniorprofessoren, Doktoranden)
  3. Exzellenz in der Lehrtätigkeit, die die Studierenden darauf vorbereitet, die Zukunft des Arbeitens aktiv mit zu gestalten.
  4. Offenheit und Förderung verschiedener Blickwinkeln auf Managementherausforderungen
  5. Bemühungen, Drittmittel und Partnerschaften zu gewinnen.

Unsere Fakultätsmitglieder:

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Brockhoff (Emeritus)
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Klaus Brockhoff (Emeritus)
Honorarprofessor Dr. Edgar Ernst
Honorarprofessor Dr. Edgar Ernst
Honorarprofessor Dr. Bolko von Oetinger
Honorarprofessor Dr. Bolko von Oetinger

Forschungsartikel – Publiziert in den renommiertesten Journals.

Human Relations

Rivkin, W., Gerpott, F., Unger, D. (accepted pre-print), There and back again: the role of morning- and evening commute recovery experiences for daily resources across the commute-, work-, and home domain, Human Relations.

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Kaufmann, L., Reimann, F. (accepted pre-print), From teaching with cases to teaching through case development: making purchasing managers and students the designers of learning journeys, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100970.

Management Science

Margolin, M., Reimer, M., Schaupp, D. (accepted pre-print), The effects of real-time feedback on effort and performance: evidence from a natural quasi-experiment, Management Science.

Journal of Small Business Management

Günther, C., Lehnen, S., Rilke, R. (accepted pre-print), Formalization of annual performance feedback and employees’ job satisfaction in the SME context, Journal of Small Business Management.

Journal of Applied Psychology

Vongswasdi, P., De Groote, J., Heinrich, J., Ladge, J. (accepted pre-print), Beyond the prototype: unpacking the intersectional identity and image work of female minority founders in a startup context, Journal of Applied Psychology.

Organizational Dynamics

Wong, M. W., Vongswasdi, P. (accepted pre-print), Building legacy through brand change: insights from multigenerational family businesses, Organizational Dynamics, 101078.

European Management Journal

Riar, F. J., Qian, S., Miao, C., Debicki, B. J., Kellermanns, F. (accepted pre-print), Meta-analytic review, synthesis, and directions for the future of entrepreneurial passion research, European Management Journal.

Academy of Management Collections

Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research

Jarzabkowski, P., Lê, J., Seidl, D., Vaara, E. (accepted), Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research: how strategy-as-practice illuminates the complex, dynamic and consequential ways of doing strategy., Academy of Management Collections.

Academy of Management Learning & Education

Uncomfortable but developing

Vongswasdi, P., Leroy, H. L., Menges, J., Lê, J. (accepted), Uncomfortable but developing: how mindfulness qualifies the relationship between negative emotions during developmental interventions and developmental outcomes, Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Human Resource Management Journal

Gierke, L. A., Schlamp, S., Gerpott, F. (2025), Which organisational context factors help women to obtain and retain leadership positions in the 21st century? a systematic review and research agenda for human resource management, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 336-370.

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

Rinker, L., Fasbender, U., Gerpott, F., Burmeister, A. (2025), Conquering knowledge exchange barriers with age differences: a stress appraisal perspective on the consequences of upward social comparisons, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 98 (1), e12545.

Journal of Business Research

Wei, L., Ling, Y., Kellermanns, F., Zhang, Y. (2025), Strategic consensus at founding and product innovation performance in high-tech ventures, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 188, 115082.

Management Science

Matejka, M., Mahlendorf, M., Schäffer, U. (2024), The ratchet effect: theory and empirical evidence, Management Science, Vol. 70 (1), pp. 128-142.

Human Relations

Rivkin, W., Gerpott, F., Unger, D. (accepted pre-print), There and back again: the role of morning- and evening commute recovery experiences for daily resources across the commute-, work-, and home domain, Human Relations.

Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Kaufmann, L., Reimann, F. (accepted pre-print), From teaching with cases to teaching through case development: making purchasing managers and students the designers of learning journeys, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 100970.

Management Science

Margolin, M., Reimer, M., Schaupp, D. (accepted pre-print), The effects of real-time feedback on effort and performance: evidence from a natural quasi-experiment, Management Science.

Journal of Small Business Management

Günther, C., Lehnen, S., Rilke, R. (accepted pre-print), Formalization of annual performance feedback and employees’ job satisfaction in the SME context, Journal of Small Business Management.

Journal of Applied Psychology

Vongswasdi, P., De Groote, J., Heinrich, J., Ladge, J. (accepted pre-print), Beyond the prototype: unpacking the intersectional identity and image work of female minority founders in a startup context, Journal of Applied Psychology.

Organizational Dynamics

Wong, M. W., Vongswasdi, P. (accepted pre-print), Building legacy through brand change: insights from multigenerational family businesses, Organizational Dynamics, 101078.

European Management Journal

Riar, F. J., Qian, S., Miao, C., Debicki, B. J., Kellermanns, F. (accepted pre-print), Meta-analytic review, synthesis, and directions for the future of entrepreneurial passion research, European Management Journal.

Academy of Management Collections

Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research

Jarzabkowski, P., Lê, J., Seidl, D., Vaara, E. (accepted), Two decades of revolutionizing strategy research: how strategy-as-practice illuminates the complex, dynamic and consequential ways of doing strategy., Academy of Management Collections.

Academy of Management Learning & Education

Uncomfortable but developing

Vongswasdi, P., Leroy, H. L., Menges, J., Lê, J. (accepted), Uncomfortable but developing: how mindfulness qualifies the relationship between negative emotions during developmental interventions and developmental outcomes, Academy of Management Learning & Education.

Human Resource Management Journal

Gierke, L. A., Schlamp, S., Gerpott, F. (2025), Which organisational context factors help women to obtain and retain leadership positions in the 21st century? a systematic review and research agenda for human resource management, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 336-370.

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology

Rinker, L., Fasbender, U., Gerpott, F., Burmeister, A. (2025), Conquering knowledge exchange barriers with age differences: a stress appraisal perspective on the consequences of upward social comparisons, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 98 (1), e12545.

Journal of Business Research

Wei, L., Ling, Y., Kellermanns, F., Zhang, Y. (2025), Strategic consensus at founding and product innovation performance in high-tech ventures, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 188, 115082.

Management Science

Matejka, M., Mahlendorf, M., Schäffer, U. (2024), The ratchet effect: theory and empirical evidence, Management Science, Vol. 70 (1), pp. 128-142.

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