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Lukas Lanz

Chair of Leadership

Externer wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter/Doktorand


+49-(0)211 44709-377


  • Artificial Intelligence
  • AI Leadership
  • Human-AI-Interaction
  • Economic Games & Socially Desirable Responding



  • Lanz, L., Thielmann, I. & Gerpott, F. (2022). Are social desirability scales desirable? A meta-analytic test of the validity of social desirability scales in the context of prosocial behavior. Journal of Personality, 90(2), doi.org/10.1111/jopy.12662.
  • Lanz, L., Briker, R., & Gerpott, F. H. (2022). Adherence to Unethical Instructions from AI Supervisors: Combining Experiments with Machine Learning. In Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1). doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2022.12392abstract



  • Doctoral Student – WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management
  • M.Sc. Human Decision Science (with distinction) – Maastricht University
  • Visiting semester M.Sc. Economics – Católica Lisbon School of Business & Economics
  • B.Sc. Economics (minor Business Administration) – University of Mannheim


Berufserfahrung und Kooperationen

  • Consulting in Innovation and Digitalization
  • Coaching in Agile Methods
  • Risk Management & Reporting in the Insurance Industry
  • Business Development in Early-Stage Startup
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