Rivkin, W., Gerpott, F., Unger, D. (accepted pre-print), There and back again: the role of morning- and evening commute recovery experiences for daily resources across the commute-, work-, and home domain, Human Relations.
Woelfl, K., Ketchen, D., Kaufmann, L. (accepted pre-print), A configurational perspective on the quality of managers' counterfactual reflections, Journal of Management.
Margolin, M., Reimer, M., Schaupp, D. (accepted pre-print), The effects of real-time feedback on effort and performance: evidence from a natural quasi-experiment, Management Science.
Vongswasdi, P., De Groote, J., Heinrich, J., Ladge, J. (accepted pre-print), Beyond the prototype: unpacking the intersectional identity and image work of female minority founders in a startup context, Journal of Applied Psychology.
Uncomfortable but developing
Vongswasdi, P., Leroy, H. L., Menges, J., Lê, J. (accepted), Uncomfortable but developing: how mindfulness qualifies the relationship between negative emotions during developmental interventions and developmental outcomes, Academy of Management Learning & Education.
Gierke, L. A., Schlamp, S., Gerpott, F. (2025), Which organisational context factors help women to obtain and retain leadership positions in the 21st century? a systematic review and research agenda for human resource management, Human Resource Management Journal, Vol. 35 (1), pp. 336-370.
Matejka, M., Mahlendorf, M., Schäffer, U. (2024), The ratchet effect: theory and empirical evidence, Management Science, Vol. 70 (1), pp. 128-142.
Lanz, L., Briker, R., Gerpott, F. (2024), Employees adhere more to unethical instructions from human than AI supervisors: complementing experimental evidence with machine learning, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 189 (3), pp. 625–646.
Lu, J., Yan, T., Browning, T. (2024), Into the unknown? Explaining management nonresponse after a supply-base disruption, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 70 (8), pp. 1213-1233.
Fisar, M., Greiner, B., Huber, C., Katok, E., Ozkes, A., Et Al., Heimbach, I. (2024), Reproducibility in management science, Management Science, Vol. 70 (3), pp. 1343-1356.
Nair, D., Huchzermeier, A. (2024), Predictably unpredictable? How judgmental and machine learning forecasts complement each other, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 33 (5), pp. 1214 - 1234.
Make better allies of your workforce
Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S. (2024), Make better allies of your workforce, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 65 (2), pp. 54-59.
Müthel, M., Frei, C., Hollensbe, E. (2024), Erring professionals as second victims: grappling with guilt and identity in the aftermath of error, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 67 (2).
Vongswasdi, P., Leroy, H. L., Claeys, J., Anisman-Razin, M., Van Dierendonck, D. (2024), Beyond developing leaders: toward a multi-narrative understanding of the value of leadership development programs, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Vol. 23 (1).
Burkhardt, M., Nitsch, F. J., Spinler, S., Van Wassenhove, L. (2023), The effect of acute stress on humanitarian supplies management, Production and Operations Management, Vol. 32 (8), pp. 2546-2559.
Gerpott, F., Van Quaquebeke, N. (2023), Kiss-up-kick-down to get ahead: a resource perspective on how, when, why, and with whom middle managers use ingratiatory and exploitative behaviors to advance their career, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 60 (7), pp. 1855-1883.