Yuval Kalish
Prof. Dr.
Management Group
Leadership, Organisationspsychologie, Organisationale Netzwerke
Management Group
Leadership, Organisationspsychologie, Organisationale Netzwerke

Aktuelle Publikationen

Management Group

Halevy, N., Kalish, Y. (2022), Broadening versus deepening: gender and brokering in social networks, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 618-625.

Management Group

Kalish, Y., Oliver, A. L. (2022), Reducing the cost of knowledge exchange in consortia: network analyses of multiple relations, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 47 (3), pp. 775–803.

Management Group

Kalish, Y., Luria, G. (2021), Traits and time in leadership emergence: a longitudinal study, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 32 (2), 101443.

Management Group

Peretz, R. A., Luria, G., Kalish, Y., Zohar, D. (2021), Safety climate strength: the negative effects of cliques and negative relationships in teams, Safety Science, Vol. 138, 105224.

Management Group

Kalish, Y. (2020), Stochastic actor-oriented models for the co-evolution of networks and behavior: an introduction and tutorial, Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 511-534.

Management Group

Halevy, N., Kalish, Y. (2022), Broadening versus deepening: gender and brokering in social networks, Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 618-625.

Management Group

Kalish, Y., Oliver, A. L. (2022), Reducing the cost of knowledge exchange in consortia: network analyses of multiple relations, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 47 (3), pp. 775–803.

Management Group

Kalish, Y., Luria, G. (2021), Traits and time in leadership emergence: a longitudinal study, The Leadership Quarterly, Vol. 32 (2), 101443.

Management Group

Peretz, R. A., Luria, G., Kalish, Y., Zohar, D. (2021), Safety climate strength: the negative effects of cliques and negative relationships in teams, Safety Science, Vol. 138, 105224.

Management Group

Kalish, Y. (2020), Stochastic actor-oriented models for the co-evolution of networks and behavior: an introduction and tutorial, Organizational Research Methods, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 511-534.
