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Pictured: Tovya Walters, Workshop Manager (far left) with visiting WHU MBA Students

WHU MBA Students Visit Mobileye with Prof. Yuval Kalish

Mobileye affords rare peak at their advanced driver-assist systems to top MBA stdents visiting from Germany

A company first, Mobileye opened its doors to visiting MBA students from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, ranked #1 in Germany for its MBA by the Financial Times in 2022.

After a presentation by Dror Schimmel, Mobileye Director of EMEA, showing insights into the development of their unique driver-assist technology, the students were given a tour of the Mobileye campus and shown some prototypes in their autonomous vehicle evolution by Tonya Walters, Mobileye Workshop Manager. 

The group of MBA students, led by Professor Yuval Kalish, Chairholder of the Chair of Leadership, Networks, and Organizations at WHU, were excited to see real cars outfitted with advances driver-assistance systems (ADAS) up close and personal. Professor Kalish, himself a native of Israel, was honored to have been given this special chance to visit the company’s grounds and expressed his gratitude to Dror and his team: “Shimon Peres said we should dream big. It was truly inspiring to be at Mobileye to see how technology can be used for the greater good and can influence humanity, even in ways that may have been unintended.” 

“It was cool to see the actual prototypes and get an idea of the work involved in these exciting developments,” said Chenyu Zhao, one of the students to participate in WHU’s pilot MBA International Module in Israel. “Visiting the largest unicorn in Israel has been enlightening to say the least, especially seeing how driver-assisted technology will shape our lives in the future.” 

Mobileye Global Inc., which has been at the forefront of the autonomous driving revolution since being founded in 1999, has pioneered such groundbreaking technologies as Road Experience ManagementTM–powered and crowdsourced mapping, True RedundancyTM sensing, and Responsibility Sensitive Safety (RSS). These technologies are driving the ADAS and AV fields toward the future of mobility, according to the Mobileye management team.

The WHU MBA International Modules—such as this study tour in Israel and others held in the United Arab Emirates, the United States, Portugal, and Thailand—are one of the many reasons that WHU’s MBA program has consistently ranked #1 in Germany since 2019.

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