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Interaktive Kurse und Praxiserfahrung - Europa im Herzen Deutschlands erleben

In enger Zusammenarbeit mit ihren vielzähligen internationalen Partneruniversitäten organisiert die WHU als Alternative zu einem Austauschsemester jedes Jahr ein Sommerprogramm für MBA-Studierende ihrer Partneruniversitäten. Das Programm findet auf dem attraktiven Campus der WHU in Vallendar statt, der sich unmittelbar vor den Toren Koblenz mitten im Rheintal befindet, und bietet eine aufeinander abgestimmte Kombination aus Vorlesungen, Gruppenarbeiten, Firmenbesuchen und kulturellen Aktivitäten. Das politische und wirtschaftliche Umfeld in Europa und dessen Auswirkungen auf die Geschäftsbeziehungen in dieser Region bilden den thematischen Schwerpunkt. Die Kurse sind für MBA-Studierende ausgelegt, die sich in ihrem zweiten Studienjahr befinden und sich für die Bereiche „International Business, Finance, Corporate Strategy“ interessieren.

Das nächste MBA European Summer Program findet im Mai 2025 statt. Teilnehmer können zwischen zwei Sessions wählen:
Session 1: 06. – 20. Mai 2025 oder Session 2: 11. – 23. Mai 2025 statt.

Das zweiwöchige Programm zu "The Changing Environment for International Business in Europe" wird von Prof. Dr. Michael Frenkel geleitet und beinhaltet die folgenden Themen:

  1. European Trade Integration and the Euro
  2. Competing in European Markets
  3. European Aspects of Family Business
  4. The Business Tax Environment in Europe
  5. Business Environment and Stratgies of FDI Investors in Central and Eastern Europe
  6. Entrepreneurship from a European Perspective
  7. The Relevance of Family Businesses in Europe
  8. Raising Capital in European Capital Markets

Das Programm wird in englischer Sprache gehalten und umfasst 48 akademische Stunden (entspricht drei Credits) sowie rund 22 Kontaktstunden im kulturellen Bereich (entspricht 2 Credits). In der Regel müssen Studierende, die an einer Partneruniversität der WHU eingeschrieben sind und von dieser nominiert werden, keine Studiengebühren für das Programm zahlen. Weitere Informationen zu den Programmkosten finden Sie in den nachfolgenden Abschnitten.

Herausragende akademische Kompetenz – Experten in Wissenschaft und Praxis

Unsere WHU-Expertinnen und Experten sind aktiv in der Forschung tätig, sodass stets die neuesten relevanten Erkenntnisse für die europäische Geschäftswelt in den Lehrplänen aufgenommen werden können. Zudem wird die herausragende Fakultät der WHU durch weitere international renommierte Fakultätsmitglieder unserer Partneruniversitäten ergänzt sowie durch diverse Vorträge, Praxisfallstudien und Workshops von Fachexpertinnen und -experten.

Werfen Sie einen Blick auf die Dozentinnen und Dozenten im MBA European Summer Program:

Prof. Dr. Michael Frenkel
Prof. Dr. Michael Frenkel
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia de Groote
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Julia de Groote
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Hillmann
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lisa Hillmann
Prof. Dr. Sonia Ferencikova
Prof. Dr. Sonia Ferencikova
Prof. Dr. Nadine Kammerlander
Prof. Dr. Nadine Kammerlander
Prof. Dr. Nic Schaub
Prof. Dr. Nic Schaub
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weigand
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Weigand

Den nächsten Schritt wagen - Erfahren Sie mehr über das Anmeldeverfahren

Bewerben Sie sich jetzt bis zum 01. März 2025, um sich einen von nur 47 Plätzen pro Session zu sichern. Erfahren Sie mehr über den Anmeldeprozess, die Programmgebühren und die darin enthaltenen Leistungen.

In eigenen Worten – Erfahrungen von Programmteilnehmern

Das MBA European Summer Program bietet MBA-Studierenden aus der ganzen Welt die einzigartige Gelegenheit, internationale Lernerfahrungen zu sammeln, die darauf ausgerichtet sind, tiefe Kenntnisse des europäischen Geschäftsumfelds zu erwerben. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit verschiedenen Bildungseinrichtungen und Unternehmen in ganz Europa konnte ein Programm entwickelt werden, das für die berufliche Zukunft der Teilnehmer von großem Vorteil ist.

Erfahren Sie hier, warum das MBA European Summer Program die optimale Wahl für Sie ist!


Efiza Vanniasinghe
Queensland University of Technology
„The experience and knowledge I have acquired during the MBA ESP has been invaluable. I learnt so much about the European businesses, culture and traditions in just two weeks – I even picked up some of the language and mastered the train system! The program was enjoyable and interesting, both academically and socially. The lecturers are highly knowledgeable and passionate whilst the program managers are attentive and super organised. I get to meet a lot of like-minded people from all over the world and I am sure the connections will go a long way. I am very grateful for the experience and highly recommend others to participate next summer!“
James Stanitz
University of Pittsburgh, Katz Business School
„The two week program was a fantastic opportunity to expand my knowledge on how business works in Europe and more specifically how it works in Germany. Throughout the program, we had very high quality professors who taught unique topics that would not necessarily have been stressed in an American Business school environment. However, this program was not all work all of the time despite the Germans’ reputation for being very hard workers. WHU took us to see amazing sites throughout the Rhineland-Pfalz region of Germany. Among the most memorable was seeing Burg Eltz, an iconic castle that is plastered on many “Visit Germany” brochures. Seeing it in person has been a lifetime goal of mine, and it was even more magnificent in person than it seemed on Instagram.“
Arman Rasekh
University of Toronto
„I had a fantastic time at WHU. I think the program is planned and managed well in terms of accommodation as well as the curriculum. It is a great opportunity to learn about business in Germany and Europe and get a practical perspective of how the history, culture and world events shape the economy there. Meeting people and making friends from universities all around the world was very positive and a fun experience.

The residence was about an 8-minute walk from the building where we had our classes. Upon arrival I enjoyed meeting some of my classmates from other parts of Canada and the United States. WHU had many plans for the duration of our stay which was fun and taught us a lot about the history of the region as well giving us chances to visit many places nearby.“
Nick Rojas
University of Michigan
„This program was absolutely exceptional and one of the best academic decisions I've made in business school. The staff is organized and on top of things so you feel supported constantly. The professors are exceptional with a clear passion for teaching and do a fantastic job of bringing the topics to life for a non-German audience. I had an amazing time working with classmates from across the globe, bringing our varying experiences to group projects and venturing throughout Europe together on the weekends. If you want an opportunity to learn about European markets and business while soaking in the wonderful culture and natural beauty of Germany, this is the program to do.“
Megan Santoro
Northwestern University
„Studying at WHU was the best decision I have made during my MBA experience. The program was beautifully coordinated and organized with amazing speakers throughout. From start to finish the hospitality and kindness at WHU was unparalleled. I would recommend the program to any MBA student.“
Nir Zalts
Tel-Aviv University, Coller School of Management
„This program at WHU exceeded all my expectations! It was a perfect combination of insightful lectures, interactive group work on case studies, enriching company visits and cultural experiences.
It was an experience that has significantly broadened my understanding of international business in Europe, and I gained a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the European market. I also had the honor to met professionals MBA candidates from all around the world, in various industries and backgrounds.
I highly recommend this program to anyone who looking to enhance their global business wisdom and immerse themselves in a dynamic learning environment.
That was by far the best part of my MBA journey!“
Alyssa Van Auker
University of Florida
„When the pandemic made it impossible to study abroad at the end of my undergraduate studies, I did not think I would ever have the opportunity to study abroad again. Fast forward a couple of years and I joined the Master's of International Business program at Florida where I was presented with the opportunity to travel to Germany to attend the Summer MBA program at WHU and I could not be happier with my decision to take it. Spending two weeks at WHU has allowed me to meet and work with students from around the world to share experiences and knowledge that will help me in my career. The blend of classroom work, company visits, and social activities made this an amazing experience that I would recommend to any MBA or MIB student looking to expand their European business knowledge, and explore the continent a bit too.“
Pramod Venkataramanan
National University of Singapore
„Participating in WHU's summer exchange program was one of the best decisions of my MBA. This immersive and cross-cultural experience covered diverse topics on European markets and business practices. The knowledgeable faculty greatly enhanced my learning. Vallendar provided a serene escape from my busy work life, allowing me to make friendships with peers from around the globe. The peaceful environment and the opportunity to explore various places in Germany and neighboring countries made the experience truly unforgettable. I highly recommend this short yet enriching program to any MBA or master’s student. Thank you for the opportunity.“
Ryuhei Ikeda
National University of Singapore
„Participating in the MBA European Summer Program at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management was an incredibly enriching experience. The program's curriculum, focused on the European business environment, was both challenging and insightful. The faculty's expertise and practical knowledge were instrumental in deepening my understanding of critical business aspects. Courses like Business Taxation, Competing in European Markets, and Entrepreneurship and Innovation provided me with the analytical skills and strategic thinking necessary for navigating complex business scenarios.
The program included company visits and tourist events, which added a practical dimension to our learning. Visiting leading companies allowed us to see theoretical concepts in action, while tourist events helped us appreciate the cultural and historical context of the European market. Interacting with peers from diverse backgrounds enriched the learning experience, offering multiple viewpoints and fostering a global outlook on business practices. The international perspective provided by the program was invaluable.The support and resources at WHU were exceptional, ensuring a seamless learning journey. Overall, my experience at WHU has been transformative, significantly enhancing my professional capabilities. Thank you, WHU, for this unforgettable and empowering journey.
Theo Grimm
Université Laval
„A great experience in a university with great teachers who are invested and passionate. I met people from all over the world and was able to visit key European places from an economic and historical point of view. Beyond the professional and educational aspects, it was a great human experience that I'd recommend to anyone.“
Francis Martin
Université Laval
„In terms of content and length, the MBA European Summer Program is definitely well designed and allows us to master all EU particularities. This program is more than a learning opportunity but also a real cultural experience. I strongly recommend it to anyone that has interest in doing business in this part of the world.“
Ke Joe Zhu
The University of North Carolina
„The WHU Summer Program at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany, was an outstanding experience. Over two weeks, I gained deep insights into European business and economics. The curriculum covered critical topics such as the EU's regulatory environment, family business dynamics, FDI strategies in Central and Eastern Europe, and European capital markets.
The lectures, led by distinguished professors, offered both theoretical knowledge and practical applications. Highlights included understanding the complexities of the EU market, the nuances of CSR in family firms, and the strategic advantages of the CEE region. The program also emphasized the importance of business model innovation, using the St.Gallen Business Model Navigator as a framework.
This program exceeded my expectations, blending academic rigor with practical insights. The expertise of the faculty and the engaging learning environment made this experience transformative. I highly recommend the WHU Summer Program to anyone seeking to enhance their understanding of European business.“

Frequently Asked Questions –
Zum MBA European Summer Program

Einige Staatsbürger, wie beispielsweise aus den USA, Kanada und Australien, die im Besitz eines gültigen Reisepasses sind, benötigen kein Visum für Aufenthalte von bis zu 90 Tagen. Der Reisepass darf jedoch nicht vor dem Ende der geplanten Reise ablaufen.

Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihr örtliches deutsches Konsulat oder Ihre Botschaft um festzustellen, ob ein Visum erforderlich ist. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die WHU keine Visa ausstellen kann. Weitere Informationen zum Thema Visum erhalten Sie über das Auswärtige Amt.

Muster-Stundenpläne sind jederzeit online verfügbar und werden regelmäßig aktualisiert. Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich dabei um vorläufige Angaben handelt und Änderungen vorbehalten sind. Den endgültigen Zeitplan erhalten Sie kurz vor Beginn des Programms.

Am ersten Tag des Programms wird ein Flughafentransfer vom Flughafen Frankfurt direkt an die WHU organisiert.

Wo:  Flughafen Frankfurt, Treffpunkt Terminal 1
Wann:   Zwischen 10:00 Uhr und 11:00 Uhr morgens

Zusätzlich wird nach dem Ende des Programms ein Airport Drop-Off organisiert.

Wo: Vallendar Mitte
Wann: tba

Bitte informieren Sie Alyssa Scherer (alyssa.scherer@whu.edu) so bald wie möglich über Ihre Ankunft, damit Sie von dem Abhol-Service am Flughafen profitieren können.

Die allgemeine Regel lautet: „Smart Casual“ für den Unterricht und „Business Casual“ für Firmenbesuche und Veranstaltungen.

Sie werden vollen Zugang zu unseren Computerräumen haben. Dennoch bitten wir Sie darum, zusätzlich Ihren eigenen Laptop mitzubringen.

Vor Ihrer Ankunft werden Sie gebeten, sich mit verschiedenen Lektüren auf das Programm vorzubereiten. Diese werden Ihnen auf unserer Online-Plattform zur Verfügung gestellt. Den Login erhalten Sie per E-Mail. Achten Sie daher bitte darauf, dass Sie Ihr E-Mail-Konto regelmäßig überprüfen.

Nach Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist am 1. März 2025 werden die Online-Zahlungen überprüft. Anschließend ist eine Rückerstattung der Programmgebühr nicht mehr möglich.

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Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen zum Programm, dem Ablauf und Inhalt sowie zu organisatorischen Themen. Sprechen Sie uns darüber hinaus gerne an, wenn Sie Kontakt zu ehemaligen Teilnehmern wünschen, die Ihnen Einblicke in ihre Erfahrungen geben können.