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WHU Graduation –
Feierlicher Abschluss in Vallendar.

Save the Date!

Die Graduierungszeremonie für unsere Absolvent:innen findet am 20. September 2024 in der Stadthalle Vallendar statt.

Die Veranstaltung auf einem Blick -
Hier die vorläufige Agenda.

Time Topic Presenter
09:30 a.m. Check-In
09:45 a.m. Please take your seats
10:00 a.m. Music
10:05 a.m. Welcome speech and announcements Professor Christian Andres, Dean
Address by Professor Carsten Jungmann, Program Director BLS
10:20 a.m. Commencement Speech Verena Hubertz, Stellvertretende Fraktionsvorsitzende der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion (Deputy Chairperson of the SPD Parliamentary Group in the Bundestag), WHU Alumna
10:45 a.m. Awarding of diplomas
11:35 a.m. Address Student Representatives BSc 2024 Emily Schwarzburg and Julian Mundt
11:45 a.m. Address and best thesis award In Praxi Christian Schilling, Vice-Chairman of In Praxi - WHU Alumni Association, WHU-Alumnus, Class of 2007
11:55 a.m. Music
approx. 12:00 p.m. Champagne reception in the foyer
approx. 12:30 p.m. Photo Session Burgplatz or chapel
Time Topic Presenter
01:15 p.m. Check-In
01:40 p.m. Please take your seats
01:50 p.m. Music
01:55 p.m. Welcome speech and announcements Professor Christian Andres, Dean
02:05 p.m. Commencement Speech Dr. Annika von Mutius, Co-Founder & Co-CEO Empion GmbH, WHU Alumna
02:30 p.m. Awarding of diplomas
03:15 p.m. Address Student Representatives MSc 2024 Jelena Krolo and Manuel Ritter
03:25 p.m. Address and best thesis award In Praxi  Christian Schilling, Vice-Chairman of In Praxi - WHU Alumni Association, WHU-Alumnus, Class of 2007
03:35 p.m. Music
approx. 03:40 p.m. Champagne reception in the foyer
approx. 04:15 p.m. Photo Session Burgplatz or chapel
Time Topic Presenter
18:00 p.m. Music
Welcome address Professor B. Burcin Yurtoglu
Awarding of graduation certificates
Address Dr. rer. pol. Graduate Marc Feldmann



Bachelor Program Graduation: bsc-graduation[at]whu.edu

Master Program Graduation:    msc-graduation[at]whu.edu

Part-Time Master Graduation:   heidrun.hoffmann[at]whu.edu

Doctoral Program Graduation:  claudia.heymann[at]whu.edu




In einem großen Saal sitzen reihenweise junge Menschen in schwarzen Kleidern mit blauen Schärpen. Sie lachen und klatschen einer unsichtbaren Person zu, die vor ihnen steht.