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Die In Praxi-Awards werden für außergewöhnliche Abschlussarbeiten an WHU-Absolvent:innen verliehen, die in mehrfacher Hinsicht herausragen: Sie überzeugen nicht nur durch ihre akademischen Leistungen, sondern befassen sich mit einem Thema, das sowohl betriebswirtschaftlich, als auch gesamtgesellschaftlich von Bedeutung ist und eine hohe Relevanz für die Praxis hat.
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Über die Auszeichnung

Mit den In Praxi Outstanding Thesis Awards zeichnen die Alumni der WHU Abschlussarbeiten von WHU-Absolventen aus, die in mehrfacher Hinsicht außergewöhnlich sind: Sie zeichnen sich akademisch aus, behandeln eine über die Wirtschaft hinausgehende, gesellschaftlich relevante Fragestellung, generieren neue Erkenntnisse und haben ein deutliches Wirkungspotenzial. Durch die Bekanntmachung der Preise erhöht In Praxi die Sichtbarkeit des gesellschaftlichen Einflusses der Hochschule über die WHU-Gemeinschaft hinaus.

Die In Praxi Outstanding Thesis Awards werden bei der alljährlich im September stattfindenden Abschlussfeier der WHU verliehen. Jede Auszeichnung ist mit einem Preis von 1.000 EUR dotiert. Darüber hinaus bietet In Praxi an, die Preisträger mit einem Mentor aus dem In Praxi-Netzwerk zu verbinden, der sie dabei unterstützt, die Gedanken und Ideen ihrer Abschlussarbeit weiterzuentwickeln und in die Praxis umzusetzen. Alle bisherigen Gewinner der In Praxi Outstanding Thesis Awards werden auf den Informationstafeln in der Zalando Lounge im In Praxi Learning Center präsentiert.

Im September 2024 wird In Praxi die 15. In Praxi Outstanding Thesis Awards vergeben: einen für eine BSc-Thesis und einen für eine MSc-Thesis. Der In Praxi MBA Outstanding Thesis Award 2023 wird im Frühjahr 2024 verliehen. 

Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiche Einreichungen aus allen WHU-Programmen!

Wenn Sie Interesse haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Team unter award(at)in-praxi.org.

In Praxi Outstanding Thesis Awards – Ehemalige Preisträger:innen

BSc 2023

Analyzing the Impact of Socioeconomic Determinants and Climate Change on Biodiversity in German Counties

Nils Alt
MSc 2023

Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Protection Stringency: A PPML-Gravity Model Approach to Investigate the Existence of Pollution Havens in OECD Countries

Clara Leise
PTMBA 2023

Pathways to Power: Navigating Cultural, Organizational, and Legal Barriers to Female Leadership Through Networking and Mentorship in Germany

Burcu Arslan
BSc 2023

Analyzing the Impact of Socioeconomic Determinants and Climate Change on Biodiversity in German Counties

Nils Alt
MSc 2023

Foreign Direct Investment and Environmental Protection Stringency: A PPML-Gravity Model Approach to Investigate the Existence of Pollution Havens in OECD Countries

Clara Leise
PTMBA 2023

Pathways to Power: Navigating Cultural, Organizational, and Legal Barriers to Female Leadership Through Networking and Mentorship in Germany

Burcu Arslan
BSc 2022

Can Everyone Engage in Leadership? Understanding how Role Transitions from an Expert to a Leadership Role Affect Work Motivation and Well-Being

Alica Komorek
MSc 2022

Ethical Desired Fundraising Communication of a Non-Profit: A Randomised Field Experiment and Survey Study on the Business Implications

Hannah Erlebach
MBA 2022

A systems perspective of key levers for change in response to conflict-induced shock to the global food system

Patience Nyasha Saungweme
BSc 2022

Can Everyone Engage in Leadership? Understanding how Role Transitions from an Expert to a Leadership Role Affect Work Motivation and Well-Being

Alica Komorek
MSc 2022

Ethical Desired Fundraising Communication of a Non-Profit: A Randomised Field Experiment and Survey Study on the Business Implications

Hannah Erlebach
MBA 2022

A systems perspective of key levers for change in response to conflict-induced shock to the global food system

Patience Nyasha Saungweme
MSc 2021

ESG and Investment Behavior – Does Corporates’ Engagement in Environment, Society, and Governance Impact Individual Investors’ Stock Market Decision-Making?

Catharina Janz
MBA 2021

Analysis of the Environmental- and Economic Aspects of Plastic Recycling Technologies for the Circular Economy

Mychal Augustine
MSc 2021

ESG and Investment Behavior – Does Corporates’ Engagement in Environment, Society, and Governance Impact Individual Investors’ Stock Market Decision-Making?

Catharina Janz
MBA 2021

Analysis of the Environmental- and Economic Aspects of Plastic Recycling Technologies for the Circular Economy

Mychal Augustine
BSc 2020

Sustainability’s Unintended Consequences

Charlotte Both
MSc 2020

Objectivity and Income Inequality: Research Institutes at the Intersection of Science and Politics

Philipp Burmeister
BSc 2020

Sustainability’s Unintended Consequences

Charlotte Both
MSc 2020

Objectivity and Income Inequality: Research Institutes at the Intersection of Science and Politics

Philipp Burmeister
BSc 2019

Digitalization to Foster Climate Protection – An Analysis of the Boundaries

Hendrik Schülzchen
MSc 2019

Elections 2019: Lessons Learned? The Influence of Social Media Use on German Electoral Behaviour

Marie Christine Walter
BSc 2019

Digitalization to Foster Climate Protection – An Analysis of the Boundaries

Hendrik Schülzchen
MSc 2019

Elections 2019: Lessons Learned? The Influence of Social Media Use on German Electoral Behaviour

Marie Christine Walter
BSc 2018

Integration of Refugees into the Work Force: Opportunity or Challenge for German Family Firms?

Nils Aschmann and Leo Polwein
MSc 2018

Competence Assessment Practices in the Economic Integration of Refugees in Northern Rhineland Palatinate

Sebastian Schwärzler
BSc 2018

Integration of Refugees into the Work Force: Opportunity or Challenge for German Family Firms?

Nils Aschmann and Leo Polwein
MSc 2018

Competence Assessment Practices in the Economic Integration of Refugees in Northern Rhineland Palatinate

Sebastian Schwärzler
BSc 2017

Technological Innovation and the Future of Senior Care

Philip Harms and Till Oltmanns
MSc 2017

The Digitalization of the Patient-Physician Relationship: A Discrete Choice Based Analysis of Patients’ Preferences for Digital Health Services in Germany

Philip von Wedel
BSc 2017

Technological Innovation and the Future of Senior Care

Philip Harms and Till Oltmanns
MSc 2017

The Digitalization of the Patient-Physician Relationship: A Discrete Choice Based Analysis of Patients’ Preferences for Digital Health Services in Germany

Philip von Wedel
BSc 2016

The Fiscal Effects of Migration in Germany: Why the Calculated Impact of the Refugees from the Arab World is Imprecise but Important

Niklas Roth
MSc 2016

Happy Caregivers Keep Going. How Caregivers for the Elderly Can Be Retained Longer in Their Profession. An Empirical Study

Robin Klemm
BSc 2016

The Fiscal Effects of Migration in Germany: Why the Calculated Impact of the Refugees from the Arab World is Imprecise but Important

Niklas Roth
MSc 2016

Happy Caregivers Keep Going. How Caregivers for the Elderly Can Be Retained Longer in Their Profession. An Empirical Study

Robin Klemm
MSc 2015

Network Neutrality on the Internet: Implications for Competition, Innovation and Social Welfare

Nico Falk
MSc 2015

Network Neutrality on the Internet: Implications for Competition, Innovation and Social Welfare

Nico Falk
MSc 2014

What Makes a Great Founding Team? – An Investor’s Perspective

Sven Lackinger
MSc 2014

What Makes a Great Founding Team? – An Investor’s Perspective

Sven Lackinger
BSc 2013

Innovation in Family Businesses – An Analysis of Idiosyncratic Factors of Family Businesses and Their Fulfillment of Critical Success Factors of Innovation

Niclas Baldus
BSc 2013

Innovation in Family Businesses – An Analysis of Idiosyncratic Factors of Family Businesses and Their Fulfillment of Critical Success Factors of Innovation

Niclas Baldus
BSc 2012

Modeling Electricity Price Volatility in the Year 2020

Fabian Stolz
BSc 2012

Modeling Electricity Price Volatility in the Year 2020

Fabian Stolz
BSc 2011

The Influence of Corporate and Payout Taxes on the Investment Behavior of Firms – An Empirical Investigation

Stefanie Kaufeld and Dominic Alemany
BSc 2011

The Influence of Corporate and Payout Taxes on the Investment Behavior of Firms – An Empirical Investigation

Stefanie Kaufeld and Dominic Alemany