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CANCELED - FTMBA 2022_I Workshop Cross-Cultural Competency Part II - Working in a German Business Setting

Kurs ID
Art des Kurses
HS 2021
Juliane Bier
Bitte beachten Sie, dass AustauschstudentInnen im BSc-Programm der WHU eine höhere Anzahl an Credits erwerben als hier aufgeführt. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an das [International Relations Office].
Words such as order, punctuality and the label “Made in Germany” often cross our mind when we think of the fourth largest economy in the world. Others relate to the Oktoberfest, beer and German “Gemütlichkeit”. How do these different stereotypes fit together? Are they still up to date? What do we need to know about German culture, history and values to be able to conduct sustainable business with German customers, colleagues and service providers? This course will provide an overview of German business culture including communication, relationship building, conflict-management, leadership culture as well as German business etiquette.

Alongside a general understanding of German history, society, value system and every-day life, this workshop focuses on aspects of German business culture such as:

- principles of German leadership and hierarchy (including aspects of German labor law),

- how to build trust with a German counterpart,

- German preferred communication style,

- the German concept of professionalism,

- importance of quality and thoroughness,

- German need for security, processes and documentation,

- German work ethic,

- German business etiquettes as well as Do’s & Taboo’s

- how to behave during job interviews

Date Time
Friday, 10.12.2021 08:45 - 16:00
By the end of this workshop participants:

- will know the fundaments of German history, political system, customs and traditions,

- will get a deeper understanding of typical German values and how they become visible in a German business context,

- - will be able to identify central key aspects how to build up a good and long-lasting relationship with German business partners and colleagues,

- will get an overview of how to do business with German clients and customers,

- will get to know the Do’s and Taboo’s in German business life as well as German business etiquette.

This workshop is an interactive, hands-on session with many opportunities for discussions, self-reflection and exercises. It provides plenty of practical examples and concrete behavioral strategies as well as general information about German culture and values.
This workshop is an extension course of the session {\uc1\u8222*}Cross-Cultural Competency in an International Business Environment{\uc1\u8221*}. It builds on the fundamentals of cross-cultural awareness and sensitivity as well as the theoretical framework of cross-cultural diversity.
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