Creating Entrepreneurial Mindsets - Improvising as a Method
Durch das Erarbeiten und Entdecken von Improvisationselementen im Zusammenhang mit Theaterarbeit zielt dieser Kurs auf das Vermitteln von Fähigkeiten für spontanes und kreatives Handeln. Für erfolgreiches selbst-regulierendes Handeln ist einerseits notwendig strategisch und problemlösungsorientiert zu denken. Andererseits ist es wichtig, Flexibilität und Spontanität zu entwickeln, die einem zu jeder Zeit prozessorientierte Handlungsfähigkeit bewahren. Da in der heutigen Welt die Dynamik stetig zunimmt, wächst die Bedeutung von diesen Fähigkeiten für spontane Reaktion in unvorgesehenen Situationen. Hier ist es häufig notwendig, Innovationen in Form kreativer Lösungen zu schaffen. Da Flexibilität und Spontanität durch die Techniken des Improvisationstheaters entwickeln lassen, wird dieser Kurs den Studenten eine Reihe von Übungen aus diesem Feld näherbringen. Aufbauend auf den Konzepten von Keith Johnstone und Viola Spolin widmet sich der Kurs dem Lernen von Kreativ- und Spontanitätstechniken. Basistechniken des Improvisationstheaters werden genauso vermittelt wie konkrete Strukturen von improvisierten Szenen. Zudem werden die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten im ausbildungsbezogenen und beruflichen Umfeld erarbeitet. Improvisationstechniken erlernen Flexibilität und Spontanität steigern Selbstbewusstsein und Selbstwahrnehmung fördern Konzentration und Disziplin entwickeln Sinn für sequentielles Handeln, Aktionen und Dramaturgie fördern Unterstützung und Akzeptand von Partnern und Ideen stärken Teamwork und verantwortungsvolles Führungsverhalten steigern Problemlösungsfähigkeiten für zielorientiertes Handeln erweitern
Kurs ID
GEN409, GEN463
Art des Kurses
BSc Free Elective
FS 2023
Dr. Corinna Armbrüster, Prof. Dr. René Mauer
Bitte beachten Sie, dass AustauschstudentInnen im BSc-Programm der WHU eine höhere Anzahl an Credits erwerben als hier aufgeführt. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an das [International Relations Office].
In order to grasp the elements of entrepreneurial thinking and action, the course addresses - among others - the following topics:
The nature of uncertainty and uncertain projects
Models of entrepreneurial thinking and action
Definition of bricolage, effectuation and improvisation as examples of entrepreneurial techniques
Training the application of bricolage, effectuation and improvisation
Entrepreneurial thinking, decision-making and action in a story-telling project on stage
The number of participants is limited to 16. Please come in casual and comfortable clothing!
The objective of this course is to discover the elements of an entrepreneurial mindset in the project context of theatrical story-telling in order to develop the capability of action-oriented, spontaneous and creative action in the face of uncertainty. For successful self-regulating actions it is on the one hand important to think in a strategic and problem-solving manner. On the other hand, it is important to develop flexibility and spontaneity which allow for process-oriented action at all times. As uncertainty and dynamism increase in today's world, the capability to react adequately to unexpected situations and creatively produce innovations will grow in importance. This capability is also key to any kind of communication and team processes. An entrepreneurial mindset is regarded key to these challenges. It can be enhanced through the practice of techniques such as bricolage, effectuation and improvisation. This course introduces the students to a wide range of excercises incorporating concepts from these techniques. Building upon the concepts of Levi Strauss and Ted Baker, Saras Sarasvathy, as well as Keith Johnstone and Viola Spolin, the course is dedicated to learn creative and spontaneous action in order to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Participants will 1) apply the techniques to a joint project of story-telling on stage (leveraging improv theater set-ups), 2) will experience different levels of uncertainty, 3) will try out entrepreneurial techniques for coping with uncertainty and 4) will discuss their applicability to the professional and educational sphere.
Applying entrepreneurial techniques from bricolage, effectuation and improvisation
Enhancing flexibility and spontaneity
Fostering self-confidence and self-awareness
Developing concentration and discipline
Experiencing sense of sequences, operations and dramaturgy
Acknowledging the value of supporting and accepting partners and their ideas
Exploring teamwork and responsible leadership
Driving problem solving skills for contexts of different uncertainty levels
The nature of uncertainty and uncertain projects
Models of entrepreneurial thinking and action
Definition of bricolage, effectuation and improvisation as examples of entrepreneurial techniques
Training the application of bricolage, effectuation and improvisation
Entrepreneurial thinking, decision-making and action in a story-telling project on stage
The number of participants is limited to 16. Please come in casual and comfortable clothing!
The objective of this course is to discover the elements of an entrepreneurial mindset in the project context of theatrical story-telling in order to develop the capability of action-oriented, spontaneous and creative action in the face of uncertainty. For successful self-regulating actions it is on the one hand important to think in a strategic and problem-solving manner. On the other hand, it is important to develop flexibility and spontaneity which allow for process-oriented action at all times. As uncertainty and dynamism increase in today's world, the capability to react adequately to unexpected situations and creatively produce innovations will grow in importance. This capability is also key to any kind of communication and team processes. An entrepreneurial mindset is regarded key to these challenges. It can be enhanced through the practice of techniques such as bricolage, effectuation and improvisation. This course introduces the students to a wide range of excercises incorporating concepts from these techniques. Building upon the concepts of Levi Strauss and Ted Baker, Saras Sarasvathy, as well as Keith Johnstone and Viola Spolin, the course is dedicated to learn creative and spontaneous action in order to develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Participants will 1) apply the techniques to a joint project of story-telling on stage (leveraging improv theater set-ups), 2) will experience different levels of uncertainty, 3) will try out entrepreneurial techniques for coping with uncertainty and 4) will discuss their applicability to the professional and educational sphere.
Applying entrepreneurial techniques from bricolage, effectuation and improvisation
Enhancing flexibility and spontaneity
Fostering self-confidence and self-awareness
Developing concentration and discipline
Experiencing sense of sequences, operations and dramaturgy
Acknowledging the value of supporting and accepting partners and their ideas
Exploring teamwork and responsible leadership
Driving problem solving skills for contexts of different uncertainty levels
Date | Time |
Friday, 17.02.2023 | 15:30 - 18:45 |
Friday, 17.03.2023 | 09:00 - 18:00 |
Friday, 17.03.2023 | 09:00 - 18:00 |
Friday, 14.04.2023 | 09:00 - 18:00 |
Saturday, 15.04.2023 | 09:00 - 18:00 |
Bricolage, effectuation and improvisation, creation theory
Wird bekannt gegeben Weiterführende Literatur: Johnstohne, Keith: Theaterspiele Johnstone, Keith: Improvisation und Theater
Unterricht und Training in der Gesamtgruppe, Gruppen-, Paar- und Einzelarbeit
Art der Prüfung
Teilnahme inkl. Vorbereitungszeit zum Einlesen sowie organisatorische Aufgaben (40%), Abschlussaufführung (30%), Verfassen eines schriftlichen Reflektionspapiers (30%)