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Product and Shopper Marketing-M-

Participants of this course acquire hands-on competence in managing products and brands. By the end of this course, the students should be able to:
Kurs ID
Art des Kurses
MSc Kurs
FS 2023
apl. Prof. Dr. Tim Oliver Brexendorf
Bitte beachten Sie, dass AustauschstudentInnen im BSc-Programm der WHU eine höhere Anzahl an Credits erwerben als hier aufgeführt. Für weitere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an das [International Relations Office].
A - Einführung in das Produkt- und Shopper-Marketing

B - Konzept und Relevanz des Produkt- und Shopper-Marketing

C - Case Präsentation Produktmanagement und Global Experience Center (GEC) Tour bei Henkel

D - Produkt-Marketing

E - Shopper-Marketing

F - Case Präsentation Produktverpackung und/oder Internet der Dinge

G - Produktvarietät und Produktlinienmanagement

H - Produktcontrolling

Date Time
Wednesday, 11.01.2023 11:30 - 15:15
Wednesday, 18.01.2023 11:30 - 15:15
Wednesday, 25.01.2023 11:30 - 15:15
Wednesday, 01.02.2023 11:30 - 15:15
Friday, 03.02.2023 08:00 - 13:00
Wednesday, 08.02.2023 11:30 - 15:15
Wednesday, 15.02.2023 11:30 - 15:15
Theories concerning product managers' interfaces and too.

The participants should ...

... know about the principles and basics of product & shopper marketing.
... understand how consumers evaluate products.
... know how to leverage consumer insights into actionable product and shopper marketing recommendations.
... know how to formulate strategies to build, leverage, and defend products.
... know how to develop successful (smart) products and avoid product failures.
... understand how to create compelling product packages and product lines/assortments and how to succeed at the POS.
... know how to evaluate product performance.

Required reading: Recommended literature uploaded on Moodle.
Real-life cases with several departments at Henkel and company visit
Joint lectures with practitioners and lectures
The grading is based on

1) one individual submission (30%)

2) the evaluation of the Henkel Product Management Case presentation (30%)

3) the evaluation of the Henkel Packaging/IoT Case presentation (40%)

BSc Brand Management (not obligatory), basic marketing know-how
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