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About WHU

Feel the excellence. Feel the spirit. Feel WHU.
We are one of the world’s leading international business schools. Innovators of new knowledge. Close-knit and forward-thinking. We are WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.

WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management is a leading German business school with an exceptional national and international reputation. WHU offers academic programs and continuing education for executives throughout their career. Founded in 1984 on the initiative of the Koblenz Chamber of Commerce and Industry, WHU has become a model for future-oriented research and teaching in business economics. WHU is synonymous with “Excellence in Management Education”, which it pursues in the following three core areas of activity: academic programs, research, and knowledge transfer in general management. WHU’s graduates, research and profitable collaboration with business partners demonstrates the School’s success in achieving its mission.

Greetings by the Dean

"As one of the best business schools in Germany and Europe, WHU is a special place to study, teach, conduct research, work, or develop your own business idea. A place unique in its pursuit of excellence in research and teaching, its community spirit, and its entrepreneurial mindset. I invite you to learn more about this outstanding institution and its community."

Professor Christian Andres, Dean of WHU

A blond man in a suit smiles friendly into the camera

Mission and vision

WHU Mission Statement

At WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, we shape personalities and business by delivering excellence in research, teaching, and corporate connections. Our core values are:

  • excellence in management education by focusing on ambitious goals and performance,
  • a cosmopolitan sensibility cultivated by promoting diversity and the internationality of the school’s stakeholders – we are curious about diverse people, cultures and new ways of doing things,
  • a caring community characterized by a family atmosphere and mutual trust, and
  • our entrepreneurial spirit fostered by passion and innovation among all members of the WHU community.

Our core values underpin our positioning: Show courage and commitment always!

WHU Vision

WHU is respected as an excellent player among the top European Business Schools with thought-leading impact on four target groups:
1) researchers, 2) students, 3) managers, and 4) policymakers.
WHU generates knowledge from independent, high-quality research and from close connections between academics and the business community.

Our values

Our students embody the term ‘WHU Spirit’. Their intellectual, cultural, and social commitment can be seen in about 30 student clubs that impact Vallendar, Düsseldorf, Germany, and the world. WHU pays particular attention to the core brand values excellence, community, cosmopoliteness, and entrepreneurship. Our positioning "We foster Courage and Commitment" underpins these core values.

Rich in differences, inspire each other in a family atmosphere of mutual trust. Look to each other for support as heading towards excellence. Build lifelong bonds with your peers and Alma Mater.
Family & Trust
Be curious about other people, cultures, and approaches. Listen to understand. Treat everybody equally, show acceptance and respect.
Diversity & Internationality
Act courageously, be responsible, think differently. Value failure and learn from it. Innovate to better our communities and foster entrepreneurial spirit in all members of the WHU community.
Passion & Innovation
Strive for the best while reaching for ambitious goals and realizing your potential. Have courage to be an excellent leader. Commit to lifelong learning.
Ambition & Performance

#1 in Germany, #16 in Europe

Financial Times European Business School Ranking

#1 in Germany, #13 worldwide

Financial Times Masters in Management Ranking

#2 in Germany, #28 worldwide

Financial Times Executive MBA Ranking

#1 in Germany, #63 worldwide

Financial Times Global MBA Ranking

WHU Dean

A blond man in a suit smiles friendly into the camera
Professor Christian Andres
WHU Dean

WHU Core Leadership Team

Professor Christian Hagist
Professor Christian Hagist
Associate Dean Undergraduate Programs and Deputy Dean
A blonde woman in a blue blazer and glasses poses in front of the camera
Professor Nadine Kammerlander
Associate Dean DEI & Sustainability
Professor Carl Marcus Wallenburg
Professor Carl Marcus Wallenburg
Associate Dean Graduate Programs
Professor Jürgen Weigand
Professor Jürgen Weigand
Associate Dean Post-Experience Programs
Professor B. Burcin Yurtoglu
Professor B. Burcin Yurtoglu
Associate Dean Faculty & Research
Peter Christ
Peter Christ
Head of Administration

Systematic quality

WHU’s lived quality culture ensures a high standard of learning: Under the slogan “Excellence in Management Education”, all WHU members strive to enable optimal student success supported by the central quality management unit. Regarding learning and teaching, WHU’s quality management activities focus on the continual development of WHU’s degree programs. Overarching learning goals are conceived for each program particularly targeting social responsibility, internationality, and entrepreneurial spirit. These learning goals provide a common theme throughout each degree program down to the individual course level. Through the “Assurance of Learning” (AoL) process, WHU collects impulses for program development from various internal and external stakeholder groups and empirical results from quality management tools. The focal point of that process is a high-level working group consisting of the associate deans being responsible for WHU’s study programs, all academic and program directors, and members of the quality management team. This group is responsible for the continuous improvement of the degree programs based upon data and feedback from faculty, alumni, employers, and, most importantly, students. They are invited to give direct feedback regarding courses and lecturers through a teaching evaluation administered in all courses. Additionally, both program management and members of the executive committee hold regular feedback sessions with the student representatives as well as Q&A sessions with all students. Having been awarded institutional accreditation, WHU can independently (re-)accredit its own degree programs. WHU gladly accepts the resulting responsibility this entails as it allows the school to act dynamically and flexibly in response to developments in the scientific and business fields. This freedom means WHU consistently offers its students future-oriented degree programs.

Infographic about the internal accreditation process

WHU Foundation

Since 1984 the WHU Foundation's main purpose is to fund and support WHU. To this end, the WHU Foundation works closely with WHU’s administration.

Campus Vallendar –

Where future meets heritage

Vallendar is located in the Upper Middle Rhine Valley. With its castles, historic towns, and towering vineyards, this section has been awarded UNESCO world heritage site status. Major cities are dotted along the banks, and Koblenz marks the meeting of the rivers Rhine and Moselle. Perfectly placed, Vallendar and its surrounding area offer plenty to see and do.

Campus Düsseldorf –

An international hotspot

Düsseldorf is the capital of the state North Rhine-Westphalia and is located on the banks of the river Rhine. Its 600,000 inhabitants make Düsseldorf a vibrant and international city in which to live, study, and work.

Our renowned international faculty:

Professor Nihat Aktas
Professor Nihat Aktas
Chair of Mergers and Acquisitions
Professor Christian Andres
Professor Christian Andres
Chair of Empirical Corporate Finance
apl. Professor Katrin Baedorf
apl. Professor Katrin Baedorf
Adjunct Professor Malte Brettel
Adjunct Professor Malte Brettel
Chair of Entrepreneurship
apl. Professor Tim Oliver Brexendorf
apl. Professor Tim Oliver Brexendorf
Asst. Professor Marjolein Buisman
Asst. Professor Marjolein Buisman
Professor Holger Ernst
Professor Holger Ernst
Chair of Technology and Innovation Management
Professor Dries Faems
Professor Dries Faems
Chair of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Transformation
Professor Martin Fassnacht
Professor Martin Fassnacht
Chair of Strategy and Marketing
Professor Ralf Fendel
Professor Ralf Fendel
Chair of Monetary Economics
Professor Michael Frenkel
Professor Michael Frenkel
Chair of Macroeconomics and International Economics
Professor Fabiola H. Gerpott
Professor Fabiola H. Gerpott
Chair of Leadership
Professor Martin Glaum
Professor Martin Glaum
Chair of International Accounting
Asst. Professor Nicole Gottschalck
Asst. Professor Nicole Gottschalck
Asst. Professor Julia de Groote
Asst. Professor Julia de Groote
Professor Christina Günther
Professor Christina Günther
IHK-Chair of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Professor Christian Hagist
Professor Christian Hagist
Chair of Economic and Social Policy
Asst. Professor Irina Heimbach
Asst. Professor Irina Heimbach
Professor Walter Herzog
Professor Walter Herzog
Chair of Market Research
Professor Christoph Hienerth
Professor Christoph Hienerth
Chair of Entrepreneurship and Creativity
Asst. Professor Lisa Hillmann
Asst. Professor Lisa Hillmann
Professor Arnd Huchzermeier
Professor Arnd Huchzermeier
Chair of Production Management
Professor Ove Jensen
Professor Ove Jensen
Chair of Sales Management and Business-to-Business Marketing
Professor Lutz Johanning
Professor Lutz Johanning
Chair of Empirical Capital Market Research
Professor Peter J. Jost
Professor Peter J. Jost
Chair of Organizational Theory
Professor ​​​​​​​Yuval Kalish
Professor ​​​​​​​Yuval Kalish
Chair of Leadership, Networks, and Organizations
Professor Nadine Kammerlander
Professor Nadine Kammerlander
Chair of Family Business
Professor Ayse Karaevli
Professor Ayse Karaevli
Chair of Corporate Management and Change
Professor Lutz Kaufmann
Professor Lutz Kaufmann
Chair of Business Negotiations & Procurement I
Adjunct Professor Franz Kellermanns
Adjunct Professor Franz Kellermanns
Asst. Professor Priscilla Kraft
Asst. Professor Priscilla Kraft
Professor Jane Lê
Professor Jane Lê
Chair of Strategic Management
Professor Lukas Löhlein
Professor Lukas Löhlein
Institute of Management Accounting and Control
Asst. Professor Jiachun Lu
Asst. Professor Jiachun Lu
Professor Michael Massmann
Professor Michael Massmann
Chair of Econometrics and Statistics
Professor Miriam Müthel
Professor Miriam Müthel
Chair of Organizational Behavior
Professor Serden Ozcan
Professor Serden Ozcan
Chair of Innovation and Corporate Transformation
Asst. Professor Victor van Pelt
Asst. Professor Victor van Pelt
Asst. Professor Magdalena Pisa
Asst. Professor Magdalena Pisa
Professor Felix Reimann
Professor Felix Reimann
Chair of Business Negotiations & Procurement II
Professor Marko Reimer
Professor Marko Reimer
Institute of Management Accounting and Control
Asst. Professor Rainer Michael Rilke
Asst. Professor Rainer Michael Rilke
Professor Markus Rudolf
Professor Markus Rudolf
Chair of Finance
Professor Utz Schäffer
Professor Utz Schäffer
Institute of Management Accounting and Control
Professor Nic Schaub
Professor Nic Schaub
Chair of Household Finance
Asst. Professor Daniel Schaupp
Asst. Professor Daniel Schaupp
Professor Christian Schlereth
Professor Christian Schlereth
Chair of Digital Marketing
Professor Sascha L. Schmidt
Professor Sascha L. Schmidt
Center for Sports and Management
Asst. Professor Anna-Karina Schmitz
Asst. Professor Anna-Karina Schmitz
apl. Professor Dominik Schreyer
apl. Professor Dominik Schreyer
Asst. Professor Elena Shvartsman
Asst. Professor Elena Shvartsman
Professor Liji Shen
Professor Liji Shen
Chair of Operations Management
Professor Stefan Spinler
Professor Stefan Spinler
Chair of Logistics Management
Asst. Professor Simon Straumann
Asst. Professor Simon Straumann
Professor Arne Strauss
Professor Arne Strauss
Mercator Endowed Chair of Demand Management & Sustainable Transport
Asst. Professor Pisitta Vongswasdi
Asst. Professor Pisitta Vongswasdi
Professor Tillmann Wagner
Professor Tillmann Wagner
Chair of Service Psychology
Professor Carl Marcus Wallenburg
Professor Carl Marcus Wallenburg
Chair of Logistics and Services Management
Professor Mei Wang
Professor Mei Wang
Chair of Behavioral Finance
Professor Jürgen Weigand
Professor Jürgen Weigand
Institute for Industrial Organization
Adjunct Professor Peter Witt
Adjunct Professor Peter Witt
Professor Burcin Yurtoglu
Professor Burcin Yurtoglu
Chair of Corporate Finance

WHU on social media

Bachelor in International Business Administration
Three unforgettable years. Two internships. One semester abroad. Small classes, big topics. And a large WHU family for life.
Bachelor in Business Psychology
How can you successfully manage and motivate people? The same broad look at business. A different focus. For the people-centric leader in you.
Master in Management
Here is the next stepping stone toward a successful career in business leadership.
Master in Finance
Set the stage for your career in finance.
Master in Entrepreneurship
Determined. Compassionate. Open-minded. Do you fit the mold?
Master in International Business
Our Master in International Business is your gateway to global success. Open for candidates from all fields of study!
Master in Business Analytics
Secure your future in our ever more data-driven world. Spot opportunities and gain a strategic edge.
Part-Time Master in Management
Fit your studies around your job. Prepare your future success by studying for our Part-Time Master in Management.
Full-Time MBA
Live and grow alongside like-minded peers in a global center of commerce and culture.
Part-Time MBA
Gain everything you need to reach the next level. At times that fit your schedule.
Global Online MBA
Study for an MBA at a leading business school. From anywhere in the world.
Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program
Discover local expertise, connect with high-caliber professionals, and explore new markets with the largest and most immersive global Executive EMBA network.
Open Programs
Want a new challenge? Develop yourself professionally and personally for your next career step.
Customized Programs
Customized programs for companies. Tailored to your Strategy. Developed with you.
Doctoral Program
Experience cutting-edge research at one of the most prominent research establishments in the field of business and economics.
Exchange Program for Bachelor/Master students
Discover an experience of a lifetime, both personally and academically. Spend a semester abroad at Germany’s top business school.
Exchange Program for MBA students
Spend a semester abroad at Germany’s top business school. A unique experience in the heart of Europe.
Bachelor European Summer Program
A compact 3-week course at our welcoming Campus Vallendar offering you insights into international business in Europe.
MBA European Summer Program
Combining academic excellence and exciting cultural experience, we offer MBA students of our partner schools a two-week course on international business in Europe.
Online Bachelor European Summer Program
Our short-term online program is specifically designed for undergraduate business students from Australia, New Zealand and Asia.
Online MBA European Summer Program
A two-week course on that is specifically designed for MBA students from our partner schools in their second year, who are interested in International Business, Finance, and Corporate Strategy.
Customized European Programs
Specifically designed to be integrated into the BBA, MBA, or Executive MBA programs of our non-European partner schools, and are tailor-made to suit their needs and curriculum.