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Applied Data Thinking

Course code
Course type
BSc Course General Studies
Weekly Hours
HS 2019
Marc Weimer-Hablitzel
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

1. Data Use Case Exploration

2. Data Thinking

3. Python Programming

4. Machine-learning techniques

5. Unsupervised, supervised and reinforcement learning

6. Data assets valuation and strategy

7. Data gap analysis

8. Proof of Concept evaluation and screening

9. Data generation design

10.Operational assessment

Date Time
Thursday, 10.10.2019 15:30 - 18:45
Friday, 11.10.2019 15:30 - 18:45
Wednesday, 06.11.2019 15:30 - 18:45
Thursday, 07.11.2019 08:00 - 11:15
Monday, 11.11.2019 15:30 - 18:45
Tuesday, 12.11.2019 11:30 - 15:15
Text chapters and cases will be posted on the online course website before the beginning of the course. All PowerPoints used in this course will be made available to students shortly after class.
The course work will include case studies evaluating data, writing code and making business decisions using the results. The goal of the course is not to train you as a Data Scientist but to be able to read and evaluate analytic approaches and products from reading code to evaluating potential machine-learning use cases. The course will introduce the programming language Python.

Sessions will consist of lectures, discussion and and case work. There will also be a group project due for hand-in and presentation (presentation is on the last class day). Case work and project specifications will be explained, and groups will be assigned, at the beginning of the course.

The course will be either pass or fail.

50% Group project and presentation (due date 28/11/2018)

20% Online course quizzes (28/11/2018)

30% Python programming with Data Camp Course (28/11/2018)

100% Total

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