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CANCELLED: Applied Digital Product Development

Course code
Course type
BSc Course General Studies
Weekly Hours
HS 2019
Dr. Martin Hewing
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

1. Pain point discovery using an empathy map and the share & capture method

2. Idea generation by analyzing pain points with a fictive persona

3. Idea validation with the help of potential user feedback and hypothesis testing

4. The agile framework Scrum (and JIRA the tool behind Scrum)

5. Prototyping with wireframes/mockups (static images of the user interface)

6. Applying with basic coding skills such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

7. Quantitative testing with landing pages 8. Setup and best practices of a technical pitch

The coursework includes case studies, interactive group discussion and the application of powerful tools used in today’s digital era. The goal of the course is not to train one to become a full stack developer but to enable the students to understand and manage teams with technical background.
Text chapters and cases will be posted on the course website before the beginning of the course. All PowerPoints used in this course will be made available to students shortly after class.
Sessions will consist of lectures, discussions and case work. In addition to this there will be mandatory pre-readings and after class assignments which will be solved in groups and have to be handed-in afterwards. The course ends with a final pitch of each group in front of the course. Case work and project specifications will be explained, and groups will be assigned, at the beginning of the course.

Students will form groups of 2-3 people and work on one project over the duration of the course. However, there will be subtasks in line with each project which have to be handed in right before the next session. The goal is to continuously test after each session whether the students managed to understand the content. Each assignment is either a pass which counts 10% towards the final result or a fail which is equivalent to 0%. In order to achieve a pass in these exercises the group members have to show a deep understanding of the methodologies learned in class. Furthermore, participants will have to show the ability of applying the key learnings to their individual projects. In total, a student can achieve up to 50% with exercises. The other half of the points can be collected in the final pitch. The pitch grades will be based equally on the quality and depth of the quality and performance of the group. The pitch includes the presentation of the first validated prototype.

The course will be either pass or fail.

50% Group projects/assignments (due date is every week the day before the next session at 9pm)

50% Group presentation of their project (last day of class)

100% Total

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