CANCELLED - PTMBA2024 Business Tax Strategy
Business goes global, but taxes stay local. This provides opportunities as well as challenges for firms are highly relevant for executives when making decisions for firms operating internationally. For example, firms can avoid taxes by exploiting differences in tax rates around the world and shifting profits and business to low tax countries. At the same time, firms have to deal with potential double taxation on cross-border investments. In addition, many countries implement complex regulations to fight tax avoidance.
The course gives a general introduction to tax planning and tax strategy. It is the goal of the course to provide a general understanding of taxes. The course addresses students interested in general management positions as well as students with a focus in finance, accounting, investment banking, and strategy consulting. Importantly, the course does not require any prior tax knowledge. The course provides the participants with the necessary concepts that can be applied around the world.
(50%) Group Cases
We will have twoin-classcases on which a group prepares written responses. The cases are handed out during class and you work on these cases in break out sessions during class time. There will be a debrief after the in-class case session.
(50%) Take home exam (individual)
The exam will focus on the lecture content and is a take-home exam that is to be worked in individually. I will provide more information on the exam during class.