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FTMBA 2019_I WORKSHOP Consulting Management in the Digital Age

Over the last fifty years, management consulting has not only been proven as a powerful approach to solve complex non-ordinary business problems, management consulting has become an often admired global service industry with global multi-billion $ corporations like McKinsey, BCG, PwC or Accenture and a long tail of specialized functional and national players. Indeed, the profession has become a highly attractive working ground for top students at business schools and beyond.
Course code
Course type
FT MBA Course
Weekly Hours
FS 2019
Dr. Jürgen Ringbeck
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.
Day 1:
  • Introduction to Management Consulting
  • Deep Dive: Essential Skills “Strategic Management”
  • Case Study “Ryanair – Quo Vadis!”
  • Deep Dive: “Digital Transformation - New Skills and Business Models ahead”

Day 2:

  • Guest Lecture: Olaf Acker PwC/Strategy& – “Digital Business Transformation & Consulting”
  • Case Study “PWC Digital Experience Center Application”
  • Get-Together
Date Time
Friday, 18.01.2019 09:00 - 19:30
Tuesday, 22.01.2019 10:00 - 18:00
This course gives an introduction into the consulting industry and its core methods and tools. It highlights key frameworks and raises new perspectives of management consulting with a focus on strategy and digital transformation. Students have the chance to try out selected tools in a case study.
Prereading: Please make sure that you have read all materials in this list before the start of the course.Christensen, C. M., Wang, D., & van Bever, D. (2013). Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption. Harvard Business Review, 1-10.Leinwand, P., & Mainardi, C. (2010). The Coherence Premium. Harvard Business Review, 1-6.Turner, A. N. (1982). Consulting is More Than Giving Advice. Harvard Business Review, 120-128.Further reading:Bower, M. (1997). Developing Leaders In A Business. McKinsey Quarterly 1997 Number 4.Dawson, A., Hirt, M., & Scanlan, J. (2016). The Economic Essentials of Digital Strategy. McKinsey Quarterly, 32-44.Harvard Business Review. (2012). HBR Guide to Project Management. Boston, Massachusetts: Harvard Business Review Press.Katzenbach, J., & Smith, D. (1993). The Discipline of Teams. Harvard Business Review, 1-8.Kiechel, W. (2010). The Lords of Strategy: The Secret Intellectual History of the New Corporate World. Boston: Harvard Business Review Press.O’Mahoney, J. & Markham, C. (2013). Management Consultancy, second edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
In order to make this workshop as interactive and engaging as possible, students will be asked to read and briefly present one of the articles from the prereading list below. The workshop will be very interactive and encompass a case study and a visit to PwC's Digital Experience Center in Frankfurt.
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