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FTMBA2021_II Workshop Next Gen Tech & AI

Course code
Course type
FT MBA Course
Weekly Hours
HS 2020
Sven Manutiu
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

Modul 1: Introduction Intelligent Process Automation, Definition, Promises & Expectations, Market Overview

Modul 2: Deep Dive RPA, rule-based vs. model-based automation, making Robots intelligent with a platform approach

Modul 3: Artificial Intelligence – what is AI, practical approaches in business, the impact of IPA on organizations & individuals

General Information:

In this course we will shed light on Intelligent Process Automation and how business processes are impacted by Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). We learn what RPA and AI promises, what it is and how it actually transforms businesses, organizations and its people.

In three modules we get an overview on the technology trends, the market and how we define Intelligent Process Automation, Robotic Process Automation and AI to bring structure and understanding to these hyped terms. We will deep dive into RPA, what benefits can be achieved with it and what important factors are to successfully add value in an organization with technology. Furthermore we will create a first small robot together.

In the last module, we focus on Artificial Intelligence – it’s long term potential as well as practical applications in today’s businesses. In this moduleHeraeus’ Group Digital Officer Markus Krieglwill present AI-implementation at Heraeus and how the company is benefiting from real-world AI applications.

Date Time
Friday, 13.11.2020 09:45 - 15:15
In this course you will understand the current technology mega trends in the field of intelligent process automation, robotic process automation and artificial intelligence and how it impacts organizations. You will have detailed insights into RPA, it’s mechanics and how innovative technologies like RPA can be implemented successfully with business-value. Furthermore you will learn how AI can be applied in business processes and organizations, with practical examples and an outlook of it’s future impact.
Hybrid teacher-led course with active discussion elements
Optional: Installation of UiPath{\uc1\u8217*}s free community edition if the student wants to join in creating the simple robot example alongside the presenter
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