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Perform Yourself! Media and Presentation Coaching: Personal Presence!

Course code
Course type
BSc Course General Studies
Weekly Hours
HS 2022
Ulrich Land
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

Various exercises for the self-presenation in front of the microfon or/and in front of the telecamera

Exercises for the rhetoric and media appearance - with Camera analysis

Trainings on the action and reaction between the management and public interface, between business decisions and their medial communication

Introduction to the basics of the camera work and technique

Date Time
Friday, 07.10.2022 10:00 - 20:45
Saturday, 08.10.2022 08:00 - 18:45
Monday, 07.11.2022 18:00 - 22:00
specific knowledge and skills: personal performance and presentation of the contents in the classic mass media and subsequent analysis

management-specific skills: appropriate formulation and public presentation of the business texts and positionin different interview situations and TV talk shows

teamwork and responsible leadership: preparation, presentation and discussion in small groups, and especially reflection of the self-performance in radio and tele-context

solution-oriented skills and skills to (self-) criticism: developing own approach in different presentation tasks, critical reflection of own performance under specific conditions of the radio and TV

no further literature is necessary other thandaily press
practical exercises in the whole seminar and group and partner work
Presentation of the statements for the radio and television during the seminar days (60%)

Preparation and elaboration of the statements on the current topics of the publich interest(working time appr. 8 hrs) (15%)

Presentation and Discussion of these statements in the frame of one of the public forumsat WHU (25%)

Assessment: Pass/Fail

Kommunikationsfähigkeit in hochschulüblichem Deutsch erforderlich
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