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PTMBA 2020 Workshop Leadership in the Digital Age

This two day course identifies and explores key factors which are essential for corporates to innovate.
Course code
Course type
PT MBA Lecture
Weekly Hours
HS 2019
Brigitte Lippmann
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

Digital transformation will continue impacting every sector and industry on earth, loweringentry barriers, drastically increasing transparency, and thus creating new ways for companiesto serve customers better, faster, and cheaper than ever before. Those companies that adaptand make disruption work for them, win big; those that don’t, get boiled like frogs.

Similar on the leadership side: those leaders that excel in the digital environment will be thewinners, supporting their companies to succeed. But,... what does it take to be a good leaderin the digital age? What do you need to lead organizations through this ubiquitous digitaltransformation in a successful manner?

This 1-Day interactive workshop will discuss key success behaviors, share leadership tools andmethodologies while building on elements learned in earlier classes. Buzz words such as cocreation,collaboration, expectations, virtual leadership and communication will have anexpanded meaning to participants. Students also will have the chance to try out their skillsduring the day and walk out with a useful toolkit for future reference.

Date Time
Sunday, 01.12.2019 09:15 - 16:45
Participants will
  • leverage key similarities of digital leadership to other forms of leadership
  • understand the drivers of leadership in the digital context
  • identify game changing capabilities needed to engage in digital transformation
  • be able to adapt and use available tools in the digital context
  • be aware of the key capabilities needed to shine as a leader in the digital age
Materials: Background material to the slides used as well as link to interesting articles, videos etc. will be provided onlinePre-reading: No pre-reading is needed. Some brief articles are provided online for personal perusalBooks: noneCases: will be provided in classSlides will not be shared as they are visual aides and do not carry content.
Participation only – no grade
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