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PTMBA 2021 Negotiations – Special Focus on China (Lu)

This course is relevant for students who want to get an in-depth understanding of and practical training with tools to negotiate effectively and reach specific goals particularly in situations of (potential) conflict.
Course code
Course type
PT MBA Lecture
Weekly Hours
HS 2020
Juniorprof. Dr. Jiachun Lu
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.
This course prepares participants to deal with the core challenges in negotiations (e.g., strategic positioning, complexity drivers and tactics at the negotiation table), regardless of the setting. We then zoom in on Chinese negotiators and learns how to effectively and efficiently interact with them through the lens of indigenous Chinese management philosophies.
Date Time
Sunday, 22.11.2020 09:15 - 16:45
Saturday, 28.11.2020 09:15 - 16:45
Sunday, 29.11.2020 09:15 - 16:45
- Acquire the mindset and toolkit to negotiate effectively

- Be more confident in navigating complex and stressful situations

- Gain a better understanding of Chinese negotiators

Course pack
Briefings, in-class exercises, role plays, assignments, case studies
Exam, participation, assignment
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