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PTMBA2020_Core A Strategic Sourcing

The old saying {\uc1\u8220*}a penny saved is a penny earned{\uc1\u8221*} (Benjamin Franklin) is as up-to-date as ever. The increasing value percentage of purchased goods, the further opening up of global markets, highly volatile raw material prices, and the ever growing necessity to collaborate with suppliers already in the early phases of new product development underline supply management{\uc1\u8217*}s enormous leverage effect on overall company success. Supply management has thus become a key element in order to achieve competitive advantages.
Course code
Course type
PT MBA Lecture
Weekly Hours
FS 2019
Prof. Dr. Felix Reimann
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.
1. Board Perspective - Strategic Positioning, Structures
2. Strategies for Material Groups / Categories - Leveraging Competition, Changing Demand, Cooperating & Managing Risks
3. Board Perspective - Performance Management & Implementation
Date Time
Sunday, 16.06.2019 09:15 - 18:30
Saturday, 06.07.2019 09:15 - 18:30
Sunday, 07.07.2019 09:15 - 18:30
Behavioral Decision Theory
Contingency Theory
Social Exchange Theory
Institutional Theory
International Trade Theory
Resource Dependence Theory
Resource Based View
Transaction Cost Theory
Course package with readings and cases
Individual contributions, team contributions, exam
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