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Strategic Brand Management - the applied power of soft values

The course "Strategic Brand Management" is part of the "Studium Generale." It serves to teach methods to deal with the so called soft values by intuition.
Course code
Course type
BSc Free Elective
Weekly Hours
FS 2021
Arne Klein
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

The lecture presents a definition of values and explains which decisions are responsible for the development of values and therefore the formation of the image and identity of a brand. Students and lecturer also question how the management team should deal with soft values, which not only have a direct impact on the social environment but also strongly influence the success of the company. And of course - how gut feeling could be backed by scientific methodology.

As a matter of course this lecture cannot fully cover all aspects of personal development of future executives, which is crucial in dealing with soft values, but it is the goal of this lecture to train the value-creating processes in three consecutive steps (cognition - development - decision) with the help of a concrete case study.

This course tries to combine basic methodological knowledge of value-based business- and brand-administration with case studies right from the beginning. Thus, participants do not only see themselves confronted with the methodological development of brand strategies but will be challenged to take real branding decisions.

As far as it is possible, the second part of this course consists of a visit from a manager who reports on his personal experience handling soft values in his daily management routine.

The third part of the course is a teamwork that asks participants to come up with a new brand strategy for a brand of their choice. Afterwards each team will give a presentation on the brand strategy in front of the course. Technical approach, internal discussion of values, creative strategy development and distinctness of the branding as well as the presentation itself will be basis for the grading of this lecture and demand the commitment of each participant.

Date Time
Monday, 08.03.2021 15:30 - 20:30
Tuesday, 09.03.2021 08:00 - 13:00
Thursday, 25.03.2021 15:30 - 20:30
Friday, 26.03.2021 08:00 - 13:00
The principal learning outcomes of this course are:
  • to recognize relevant situations of soft values
    (in branding, human relations or corporate strategy)
  • to know the fundamentals of strategic brand development
  • to get first-hand insights into the work of a strategy consultancy
  • to train practical methods of value discussions in groups
  • to have fun in realistic strategy team presentation
Very diverse, e.g., Franz-Rudolf Esch - Moderne Markenführung, Gabler Verlag; Carsten Baumgarth – Markenpolitik, Gabler Verlag; Arnd Florack – Psychologie der Markenführung, Vahlen Verlag; Heribert Meffert – Markenmanagement, Gabler Verlag; Werner Gaede, Abweichen von der Norm, Enzyklopädie kreativer Werbung, Wirtschaftsverlag Langen Müller Herbig; Mario Pricken, Kribbeln im Kopf, Kreativitätstechniken und Brain-Tools und Visuelle Kreativität, Verlag Hermann Schmidt, Mainz; Anke Meyer-Grashorn, Spinnen ist Pflicht, Querdenken und Neues Schaffen, mvg Verlag; Edward de Bono, De Bonos neue Denkschule, mvg Verlag; kreAKtiv, kreativ werden - kreativ sein, Sus Grubenman,Verlag A&O des Wissens, Ahrendt und Omlin, Zürich und Hamburg; Daniel Goleman/PaulKaufman/Michael Ray, Kreativität entdecken, dtv.
Team presentations
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