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Course code
Course type
BSc Course General Studies
Weekly Hours
FS 2021
Dr. Steffen Löv
Please note that exchange students obtain a higher number of credits in the BSc-program at WHU than listed here. For further information please contact directly the International Relations Office.

Thiscourseis dedicated to students who want to learn more about Web Development.

Path Description on Codcademy

One of the best ways to start coding is by building websites. Whether you want to tweak your business’s site, hone your web development skills, or learn to collaborate with developers, this Skill Path will help you get there.

Learn how to build websites on Codecademy

The respective course can be completed on an external platform (see course description "Available Courses"). Completion requires active work on the content of the course and succesful participation in non-timed quizzes or projects which are automatically evaluated. After succesful completion of the coursework, students will receive acertificatefor the course which they can upload in the Moodle-course (see course description "Recognition").

The deadline to complete the necessary coursework on the external platform is 15 March 2021. AfterwardsWHU's Pro-accounts will be assigned to the students of the next courses.

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