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Diversity at WHU-
Thought-Leadership in Diversity.

Diversity and Diversity-related topics in daily campus life –
An intermediary allowing an exchange of personal experiences.

Diversity and Diversity-related topics in daily campus life – An intermediary allowing an exchange of personal experiences.

Founded in 2015, Diversity at WHU was the first student club to address diversity-related questions at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. Since then, we have grown an international network of students, faculty and staff members, alumni, and professionals to push the promote diversity of all dimensions in the business world.

Our goal is to increase awareness and foster diversity and inclusion on our campuses and beyond. Therefore, we interact as an intermediary to allow exchange of personal experiences and enable personal and professional learning. We want you to feel like you truly belong to the WHU community and to encourage you to be yourself.

Our Team

Lucas Roschel
Lucas Roschel
General Management & Corporate Relations
Portrait of Alexander Marinoni
Alexander Marinoni
General Management & Corporate Relations
Lucia Scheffner
Lucia Scheffner
Head of Organization & Events
Ioana Sandoiu
Ioana Sandoiu
Head of Marketing
Ella Welling
Ella Welling
Head of Content & Speaker
Annika John
Annika John
Head of Participants & HR

If you would like to support us, for example as a corporate partner, please feel free to email . We will connect you with the right person in our team.

WHU Diversity Day 2023

How can businesses not only raise quotas but establish a culture of inclusions and belonging? That is the central question of this year’s WHU Diversity Day, brought to you by Diversity at WHU.

Our speaker Kai Duve, CFO of Eurowings will share valuable insights into the importance of leadership commitment at all levels, the role of diversity training, and other strategies that promote inclusivity. During the Deichmann workshop, participants will explore various avenues to promote this change and make it a reality in the business world. The day is to encourage dialogue, learning, and networking, creating an environment where you can connect with like-minded individuals and experts in the field. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every individual's unique qualities are celebrated and respected.

Join and be part of a day of personal insights, inquisitive discussion and networking!

Sight on the WHU in Vallendar.

What we do

  1. Monthly Diversity Stammtisch: Every month, we meet at a relaxed regulars' table in Vallendar to exchange ideas and get to know each other. If you are interested in attending our Stammtisch, please contact us via email.
  2. Diversity Trustees: In order to allow students to have a safe space in the student body, we have established the Diversity Trustees. They are the contact persons in case of possible discrimination or problems of students.
  3. Community Information: We inform the WHU community about the different diversity dimensions, their impact on the community, and how we create an inclusive environment at WHU.
  4. WHU Diversity Pulse Check: Using a 10-items questionnaire adapted for WHU, we assess different dimensions of diversity and inclusion and derive recommendations.

Diversity Research at WHU

Since the beginning of 2020, WHU has an Assistant Professor for Diversity, Dr. Pisitta Vongswasdi. She is dedicated to publishing high-quality research articles in leading journals, especially on topics of diversity; with future research concentrating on diversity and leadership development.

If interested, feel free to reach out to Assistant Professor Vongswasdi.

Social Media

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Get in touch with us –

We look forward to hearing from you.
Diversity at WHU e.V.
Diversity at WHU e.V.
Burgplatz 2 56179 Vallendar
WHU - Startseite