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Code of Conduct

The objective of the Code of Conduct is to capture the WHU community's shared understanding of standards of good conduct in written form. It will help us act according to the "WHU spirit," which will foster the achievement of our goals as described in our mission statement and vision.

The “Code of Conduct” commits itself to establishing the priciples of the Code of Conduct in the hearts and minds of our WHU community as a key element of our daily interactions and our culture. Furthermore, it devotes itself to its continuing improvement and can comment on its interpretation. The members recommend steps aimed at embedding the Code of Conduct within the daily life at WHU and at communicating its contents effectively, especially to new members of the WHU community. Furthermore, the working group serves as a contact point for suggestions regarding the enhancement of the Code of Conduct. It supports those WHU groups who intend to establish for themselves more specific rules, and it will help verify the consistency of these rules with the Code of Conduct. Material amendments to the Code of Conduct can only be passed after broad discussion among all WHU members and an affirmative vote in the Senate. Finally, when called upon by the WHU Administration or representatives of WHU groups, the working group can comment on the consistency of concrete situations with the Code of Conduct. 

The working group consists of one person representing each of the following WHU groups: the students in the pre-experience programs (BSc and MSc), the students in the post-experience programs, the post-graduates (doctoral and post-doctoral candidates), the non-academic staff, and the faculty (the full and assistant professors). The alumni can delegate a representative with no voting right. The working group shall adhere to the principle of unanimity.
The code of conduct applies equally to all members of our WHU community, including:

  • the students of every program, including doctoral students,
  • the academic staff members,
  • the non-academic staff members, and
  • the faculty members.
  • The code of conduct is also hoped to find acceptance with the WHU Alumni.


Addendum to WHU’s Code of Conduct

There are certain values and standards for how all members of the WHU Community should act, as outlined in written form in our Code of Conduct. With the annual Welcome Week in mind, the school’s administration has included an addendum to this Code of Conduct.

These common rules make WHU a place characterized by respect and safety for all students. Behaviors that go against WHU’s values will not be tolerated, and any person who exhibits such behaviors will be penalized in accordance with our Code of Conduct. Our goal is to maintain a strong, positive, and inclusive community at WHU. And our students are both representatives of our school and a vital part of our community.


There are certain values and standards for how all members of the WHU Community should act, as outlined in written form in our Code of Conduct. With the annual Welcome Week in mind, the school’s administration has included an addendum to this Code of Conduct.

These common rules make WHU a place characterized by respect and safety for all students. Behaviors that go against WHU’s values will not be tolerated, and any person who exhibits such behaviors will be penalized in accordance with our Code of Conduct. Our goal is to maintain a strong, positive, and inclusive community at WHU. And our students are both representatives of our school and a vital part of our community.

The WHU Community is one that distinguishes itself through respect, responsible behavior, and zero tolerance for negative conduct, including vandalism, harassment, and physically or psychologically pressuring others. As students, you represent WHU’s core values: community, courage, commitment, cosmopoliteness, entrepreneurship, and excellence.

Download Addendum

We have established a clear set of rules that supports a diverse and inclusive culture, thereby allowing WHU to offer an environment where everyone feels safe and respected. Remember that what seems clear to you may not be as obvious to others and that we do not want to coerce or pressure anyone into doing something against their will.

Of course, even if you opt not to sign, you will still have full access to all components of your program’s curriculum. But only by signing this addendum will you be able to fully benefit from being a part of our community. This includes, for example, joining over 7,000 other members of In Praxi – WHU Alumni Association, full participation in the Welcome Week, access to student job opportunities, and the ability to book rooms on campus.

But regardless of whether you sign the addendum, we expect all students to uphold the values outlined in our Code of Conduct at all times: Excellence, Community, Cosmopoliteness and Entrepreneurship.

The addendum outlines certain “dos” and “don’ts” for social interaction within our community. These apply both to the student body as well as to members of WHU’s staff and faculty.

The regulations outlined in this addendum come into effect immediately. We kindly ask that you sign the acknowledgement by August 22, 2024, thereby confirming your commitment to our values and availing yourself of all the advantages that come with being a member of the WHU Community.

If you have any further questions, please contact your respective program management team.

Director Code of Conduct

Professor Lukas Löhlein
Director Code of Conduct
"The Code of Conduct summarizes our shared understanding of good behavior, ensures a decent and continuous dialogue, and strengthens the relationship between all our stakeholders."

Standards of good behavior

We shall treat each other with respect, fairness, and tolerance.

We shall value people without regard to characteristics or attributes such as gender, skin color, religion, nationality, age, social status, or other traits similar to those mentioned.

We shall champion the active integration of all, in particular, foreign WHU members into our community.

We shall be aware of our social responsibilities and emphatically support the WHU community and society at large.

We shall avoid or, where applicable, resolve conflicts between personal interests and those of WHU.

We shall respect WHU resources and responsibly use them.

We shall carefully and diligently handle our responsibilities for others.

We shall follow prevailing law, generally accepted ethical principles, and the applicable WHU rules and standards and work towards an appropriate culture of compliance.

We shall conduct ourselves in an exemplary manner as members of the WHU community internally and externally, thereby contributing to a positive image of WHU and its acceptance in society.

We shall live an entrepreneurial culture in which personal initiative is encouraged.

We shall show moral courage.

We shall actively contribute to solving problems and alleviating grievances that we observe.

We shall communicate and cooperate openly and honestly while dealing with information conscientiously and responsibly.

We shall be helpful and support one another carefully, dependably, and promptly.

We shall cultivate constructive use of criticism and be liberal with praise.

We shall help and promote each other in our professional and personal development.


Professor Lukas Löhlein
Professor Lukas Löhlein
Director Code of Conduct