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The Digital Research Design Lab consists of a group of WHU faculty who joint forces to advance the digitalization of research tools and methods at WHU. The idea is to identify, test, and launch new tools for high-quality qualitative and quantitative research.

In this way, the lab contributes to the overall goal of creating a stimulating, intellectual, and international research environment at WHU.
Discover more about the Digital Research Design Lab

Members of the Digital Research Design Lab

Professor Fabiola Gerpott
Professor Fabiola Gerpott
Chair of Leadership
Professor Nadine Kammerlander
Professor Nadine Kammerlander
Chair of Family Business
Professor Yuval Kalish
Professor Yuval Kalish
Chair of Leadership, Networks and Organizations
Professor Lutz Kaufmann
Professor Lutz Kaufmann
Chair of International Business & Supply Management I
Professor Felix Reimann
Professor Felix Reimann
Chair of International Business & Supply Management II
Professor Tillmann Wagner
Professor Tillmann Wagner
Chair of Service Psychology
Assistant Professor Julia de Groote
Assistant Professor Julia de Groote
Entrepreneurship Group
Assistant Professor Jiachun Lu
Assistant Professor Jiachun Lu
Supply Chain Management Group
Assistant Professor Victor van Pelt
Assistant Professor Victor van Pelt
Management Group
Assistant Professor Anna Ressi
Assistant Professor Anna Ressi
Management Group
Assistant Professor Rainer Rilke
Assistant Professor Rainer Rilke
Economics Group
Assistant Professor Elena Shvartsman
Assistant Professor Elena Shvartsman
Economics Group
Assistant Professor Pisitta Vongswasdi
Assistant Professor Pisitta Vongswasdi
Management Group
Hossameldin El-Zalabany
Hossameldin El-Zalabany
Director Knowledge and Research Services

About the WHU – Behavioral Experimental Lab

The Digital Research Design Lab encompasses the WHU Behavioral Experimental Lab (WHU - BEL), which is its facility for conducting economic and business experiments. WHU-BEL has a cross-disciplinary orientation and as such explores a broad range of research questions on behavioral decision-making in economics and business. It is open to researchers affiliated with WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management.

The WHU-BEL has 20 partitioned workstations and maintains an online participant recruitment system targeted at the student population of WHU. Researchers can use specialized hardware and software to conduct their experiments.

How to find us

The WHU-BEL is located on the 1st floor of the F building (F-105) on the Vallendar Campus of WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.


Please contact us at whu-bel(at)whu.edu.

How to participate in experiments


Are you interested in earning money, and at the same time want to help promote the research output of WHU? Then please consider registering on our online participant recruitment system. By registering yourself in the system, you will receive invitations to participate in experiments conducted by the WHU faculty. They fall in the category of decision-making experiments, implying you will be asked questions, asked to make choices, and/or asked to fulfill tasks.

Experiments typically last about 1 hour. Also, you will earn an hourly rate of 12 Euro in expectation. You can take part in as many different experiments as you want. Once you are signed up, you are also not required to participate in any experiment, and you can unregister whenever you want.

Interested in conducting experiments?

The WHU-BEL is available to WHU faculty. Doctoral students can also use the facility through their supervisors. Since the WHU-BEL is open to different experimenters affiliated with various business and economic disciplines, it only imposes rules necessary to guard against data protection violations and the quality of the participant pool.

  • Expected earnings are not lower than 12 Euros per hour.
  • Each experimental session does not last longer than 1,5 hours.
  • Experiments cause no physical harm or injury.
  • Experiments do not deliberately deceive participants.
  • Participants’ responses are recorded and stored anonymously and separately from their personal data. For a complete overview of WHU’s privacy policy, please click here.
  • Participation is voluntary and only after registering for a session using the online participant recruitment system.
  • Data collection takes place in the WHU-BEL or online.
  • Participants are currently studying at WHU.

Experimenters themselves may impose additional rules depending on their field and/or requirements of their Institutional Review Board application.

If you would like to start conducting experiments using the WHU-BEL please contact us using the email address whu-bel(at)whu.edu.