Vongswasdi, P., De Groote, J., Heinrich, J., Ladge, J. (accepted pre-print), Beyond the prototype: unpacking the intersectional identity and image work of female minority founders in a startup context, Journal of Applied Psychology.
Asst. Professor Julia de Groote
Julia de Groote is Merck Finck Assistant Professor. Before joining WHU, she was Assistant Professor of Family Business Management at the Institute for Human Resources and Organization at the University of Bern, Switzerland (non-tenure track). In research, teaching and practice transfer, Julia de Groote focuses on the question of how companies can be sustainably successful leveraging innovation and leadership. She has conducted research and taught on these topics at various universities, including the LMU in Munich (Germany), the Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano (Switzerland) and Aarhus University (Denmark). Her work regularly appears in renowned academic journals such as Organization Studies, the Journal of Product Innovation Management, the Journal of Vocational Behavior, and Long Range Planning as well as practice-oriented publications. She is past chair of the strategic interest group of family business research of the European Academy of Management and a member of the DFG-sponsored research network “venturing together”.
Publications (peer-reviewed)
Beyond the prototype
Resilience in family businesses
Yilmaz, Y., Rätze, S., De Groote, J., Kammerlander, N. (2024), Resilience in family businesses: a systematic literature review, Family Business Review, Vol. 37 (1), pp. 60-88.
De Groote, J., Schell, S., Kammerlander, N., Hack, A. (2023), The role of similarity and complementarity in the selection of potential partners for open innovation projects in family firms, Small Business Economics, Vol. 60 (4), pp. 1347–1367.
De Groote, J., Soluk, J., Laue, S.-L., Heck, M., Kammerlander, N. (2023), How can family-owned Mittelstand firms use their unique resources to master the age of digitalization? the role of family historical, venture, and collaborative capital, Business Horizons, Vol. 66 (1), pp. 133-152.
De Groote, J., Kammerlander, N. (2023), Breaking with the past to face the future? Organisational path dependence in family businesses, Organization Studies, Vol. 44 (5), pp. 713–737.
Schell, S., De Groote, J., Richard, S., Hack, A., Kellermanns, F. (2023), The role of affect in the selection of nonfamily top management team members in family businesses, Long Range Planning, Vol. 56 (5), 102288.
Deferne, M., Bertschi-Michel, A., De Groote, J. (2023), The role of trust in family business stakeholder relationships: a systematic literature review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 14 (1), 100501.
Gibbert, M., De Groote, J., Högl, M., Mendini, M. (2023), Recognizing new complementarities before they become common sense: the role of similarity recognition , Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 52 (1), 100915.
De Groote, J., Kleindienst, I., Högl, M., Schweizer, D., Laamanen, T. (2021), Similarity perceptions in investor reactions to acquisition announcements, Long Range Planning, Vol. 54 (1), 101946.
De Groote, J., Bertschi-Michel, A. (2021), From intention to trust to behavioral trust: trust building in family business advising, Family Business Review, Vol. 34 (2), pp. 132-153.
De Groote, J., Conrad, W., Hack, A. (2021), How can family businesses survive disruptive industry changes? Insights from the traditional mail order industry, Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 15 (8), pp. 2239–2273.
De Groote, J., Gruetter, M., Koch, A. (2021), Everything comes at a price: the influence of job seekers' motives on preference in the trade-off between pay and leisure, German Journal of Human Resource Management : Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, Vol. 35 (4), pp. 385-408.
De Groote, J., Backmann, J. (2020), Initiating open innovation collaborations between incumbents and startups: how can David and Goliath get along?, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 24 (2), 2050011.
Schell, S., De Groote, J., Moog, P., Hack, A. (2020), Successor selection in family business: a signaling game, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 11 (3), 100286.
De Groote, J., Mendini, M., Gibbert, M. (2019), In the eye of the beholder: the role of cognitive style and similarity in the evaluation of brand extensions, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 63-73.
Beyond the prototype
Vongswasdi, P., De Groote, J., Heinrich, J., Ladge, J. (accepted pre-print), Beyond the prototype: unpacking the intersectional identity and image work of female minority founders in a startup context, Journal of Applied Psychology.
Resilience in family businesses
Yilmaz, Y., Rätze, S., De Groote, J., Kammerlander, N. (2024), Resilience in family businesses: a systematic literature review, Family Business Review, Vol. 37 (1), pp. 60-88.
De Groote, J., Schell, S., Kammerlander, N., Hack, A. (2023), The role of similarity and complementarity in the selection of potential partners for open innovation projects in family firms, Small Business Economics, Vol. 60 (4), pp. 1347–1367.
De Groote, J., Soluk, J., Laue, S.-L., Heck, M., Kammerlander, N. (2023), How can family-owned Mittelstand firms use their unique resources to master the age of digitalization? the role of family historical, venture, and collaborative capital, Business Horizons, Vol. 66 (1), pp. 133-152.
De Groote, J., Kammerlander, N. (2023), Breaking with the past to face the future? Organisational path dependence in family businesses, Organization Studies, Vol. 44 (5), pp. 713–737.
Schell, S., De Groote, J., Richard, S., Hack, A., Kellermanns, F. (2023), The role of affect in the selection of nonfamily top management team members in family businesses, Long Range Planning, Vol. 56 (5), 102288.
Deferne, M., Bertschi-Michel, A., De Groote, J. (2023), The role of trust in family business stakeholder relationships: a systematic literature review, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 14 (1), 100501.
Gibbert, M., De Groote, J., Högl, M., Mendini, M. (2023), Recognizing new complementarities before they become common sense: the role of similarity recognition , Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 52 (1), 100915.
De Groote, J., Kleindienst, I., Högl, M., Schweizer, D., Laamanen, T. (2021), Similarity perceptions in investor reactions to acquisition announcements, Long Range Planning, Vol. 54 (1), 101946.
De Groote, J., Bertschi-Michel, A. (2021), From intention to trust to behavioral trust: trust building in family business advising, Family Business Review, Vol. 34 (2), pp. 132-153.
De Groote, J., Conrad, W., Hack, A. (2021), How can family businesses survive disruptive industry changes? Insights from the traditional mail order industry, Review of Managerial Science, Vol. 15 (8), pp. 2239–2273.
De Groote, J., Gruetter, M., Koch, A. (2021), Everything comes at a price: the influence of job seekers' motives on preference in the trade-off between pay and leisure, German Journal of Human Resource Management : Zeitschrift für Personalforschung, Vol. 35 (4), pp. 385-408.
De Groote, J., Backmann, J. (2020), Initiating open innovation collaborations between incumbents and startups: how can David and Goliath get along?, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 24 (2), 2050011.
Schell, S., De Groote, J., Moog, P., Hack, A. (2020), Successor selection in family business: a signaling game, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 11 (3), 100286.
De Groote, J., Mendini, M., Gibbert, M. (2019), In the eye of the beholder: the role of cognitive style and similarity in the evaluation of brand extensions, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol. 18 (1), pp. 63-73.