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Asst. Professor Nicole Gottschalck

Economics Group

Assistant Professor



Research interests:
Nicole is particularly interested in employees and personnel management with a focus on contextual factors which impact the work attitudes of individuals and the performance of organizations. Therein, she also addresses questions of growth pains of firms and challenges to the middle managerial level in handling social dynamics as organizations change and grow.

Short biography:
Nicole Gottschalck obtained her doctoral degree at the IHK – Chair of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises at the WHU. Her dissertation addresses employee retention in different organizational contexts. Prior to joining the WHU, she obtained two interdisciplinary Master degrees at Leipzig University and at the Institut Europeénne in Nice, Berlin, and Istanbul as well as a Bachelor degree in History and Journalism at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen.


Journal of Small Business Management

Gottschalck, N., Branner, K., Rolan, L., Kellermanns, F. (2024), Cross-level effects of entrepreneurial orientation and ambidexterity on the resilience of small business owners, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 62 (1), pp. 103-139.

Small Business Economics

What’s your reference point?

Stommel, E., Gottschalck, N., Hack, A., Eddleston, K., Kellermanns, F., Kraiczy, N. (2024), What’s your reference point? How price volatility and organizational context affect the reference points of family and nonfamily managers, Small Business Economics, Vol. 63 (2), pp. 805–829.

Journal of Family Business Strategy

Gottschalck, N., Rolan, L., Kellermanns, F. (2023), The continuance commitment of family firm CEOs, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 14 (4), 100568.

Journal of Family Business Strategy

Gottschalck, N., Günther, C., Kellermanns, F. (2020), For whom are family-owned firms good employers? An exploratory study of the turnover intentions of blue- and white-collar workers in family-owned and non-family-owned firms, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 11 (3), 100281.

Journal of Small Business Management

Gottschalck, N., Branner, K., Rolan, L., Kellermanns, F. (2024), Cross-level effects of entrepreneurial orientation and ambidexterity on the resilience of small business owners, Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 62 (1), pp. 103-139.

Small Business Economics

What’s your reference point?

Stommel, E., Gottschalck, N., Hack, A., Eddleston, K., Kellermanns, F., Kraiczy, N. (2024), What’s your reference point? How price volatility and organizational context affect the reference points of family and nonfamily managers, Small Business Economics, Vol. 63 (2), pp. 805–829.

Journal of Family Business Strategy

Gottschalck, N., Rolan, L., Kellermanns, F. (2023), The continuance commitment of family firm CEOs, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 14 (4), 100568.

Journal of Family Business Strategy

Gottschalck, N., Günther, C., Kellermanns, F. (2020), For whom are family-owned firms good employers? An exploratory study of the turnover intentions of blue- and white-collar workers in family-owned and non-family-owned firms, Journal of Family Business Strategy, Vol. 11 (3), 100281.

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