Günther, C., Lehnen, S., Rilke, R. (accepted pre-print), Formalization of annual performance feedback and employees’ job satisfaction in the SME context, Journal of Small Business Management.
The Economics Group –
One institute, six chairs, three centers.
Our academic members
Professor Michael Massmann
Group Speaker
Professor Michael Frenkel
Professor Christina Günther
Christian Hagist
Professor Rainer Michael Rilke
Professor Jürgen Weigand
Honorary Professor David B. Audretsch
Dr. Clemens Buchen
Working Paper Series of the Economics Group
The WHU Working Paper Series of the Economics Group is listed in the EconPapers/IDEAS/RePEc-Archive. Additionally, it is listed in the German National Library with the ISSN 2511-1159.
This series offers you an opportunity to present your research at an early stage and the chance to obtain academic feedback. To submit a paper, please contact us at rainer.rilke(at)whu.edu.
Have you ever thought about our Doctoral Program?
Are you an academically excellent and highly motivated student interested in pursuing research in economics?
We are delighted to receive applications from inspiring German and foreign candidates seeking to undertake doctoral studies in one of the fields of Economics.