Center for Responsible Leadership
Our Team
Managing Director Executive Education
Holder of the Chair of Industrial Organization
Partners and Network
The Center for Responsible Leadership collaborates with organizations and individuals – most of them for many years - who contribute to the design and delivery of our offerings.
Program Facilitators
Leadership Choices & Executive Coach
Hult International Business School & Professional Coach
About Bookbridge
BOOKBRIDGEs mission is to empower people to do what they really are. The team makes people think and act as entrepreneurs, lead themselves and lead others. Together with its partners, BOOKBRIDGE shapes the next generation of leaders. BOOKBRIDGE builds business and leadership skills through experiential learning. In the Capability Programs, candidates from the Global North join hands with talents from the Global South to learn state-of-the-art business skills and develop as responsible leaders while creating community based learning centers as tangible social enterprises. BOOKBRIDGE is a fully financially self-sustained social enterprise. The BOOKBRIDGE team is proud to offer the only leadership development program in the world in which you create a worthwhile tangible business as a real entrepreneur.
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About Leadership Choices
Leadership Choices is an international professional services firm focusing on leadership and organizational development. It is headquartered in Wiesbaden, Germany, with clients all over the world. Founded in 2008, Leadership Choices is a by-word for strong business and leadership expertise among its associates combined with a high level of psychological and methodical competence.
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Initiatives and Projects
The SELF Lab is a course delivered in WHU’s Online MBA Program. It contains a learning journey all about the personal and career development specifically tailored towards our online MBA students. It includes a status quo reflection (START), a rich set of self-paced learning interventions (EXPLORE), a translation towards the implementation of personal growth topics (LEAD) and a feed-forward learning intervention (FORWARD).
Some of the contributions to our post-experience programs include topics such as:
• Delivering personality assessments & debriefings
• Offering workshops on team development & intercultural communication
• Setting up field trips to emerging markets
General Management Plus Program
For almost a decade, WHU Executive Education collaborated with BOOKBRIDGE to design and deliver the General Management Plus Program. This credit-granting Executive Education Program equips high potentials with knowledge and skills in leadership and strategy. At the same time, our participants immerse into a highly experiential learning journey as a social entrepreneur in an emerging market. During this learning journey, leadership purpose, value, intercultural communication, and virtual collaboration in dispersed teams are key topics to navigate.
The Center of Responsible Leadership contributes to further Executive Education Programs:
• Leadership Essentials Program
• The Essence of Coaching for Senior Leaders Program
• Advanced Management Program for Senior Professionals
• Strategic Decision Making Program
Open University – powered by WHU & Leadership Choices
Together with Leadership Choices, WHU hosts a conference series “Open University”. This online conference is targeted at senior leaders and by-invitation only. The last conference theme evolved around “The value of culture – between asset and liability”. Please find more information here.