Chair of Economic and Social Policy
On these topics, Professor Hagist regularly serves as an expert in committees of the German Bundestag as well as individual state parliaments and is a welcome expert and guest speaker in the media and at public events.
Some of the research questions the chair is working on include:
- How sustainable is social insurance in Germany?
- What are the long-term consequences of the "double halfway line" in the statutory pension insurance system?
- Who benefits from health insurance reform plans?
- What are the benefits and risks of introducing health apps into statutory health insurance?
- What are the preferences and willingness to co-pay regarding midwifery services?
- What benefits do data and analytics bring to healthcare providers?
- How does increasing life expectancy affect future disease burden?
- What are the long-term consequences of the Second Care Strengthening Act?
- Why do young people want to work in health care but not as nurses?
- What are the implications of the Hamburg model for social security for civil servants?
The Chair of Economic and Social Policy Team:
Room H-215
Research & Publications - Covering topics on social policy, health economics and more – Take a look at our recent publications.
Authors' response to “Comment on ‘Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment’”
Rheindorf, J., Schlereth, C., Hagist, C. (accepted pre-print), Authors' response to “Comment on ‘Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment’”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104985.
Rheindorf, J., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C., Petry, H. (2024), Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 157, 104813.
Determinants for energy-efficient housing adoption – a scoping review for owner-occupants in Germany
Rochlitz, F., Hagist, C. (2024), Determinants for energy-efficient housing adoption – a scoping review for owner-occupants in Germany, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 311, 114093.
Heidel, A., Hagist, C., Spinler, S., Schöneberger, M. (2023), Removing dust from the German health care system by introducing health apps into standard care: semistructured interview study, JMIR Human Factors, Vol. 10, e42186.
Hofbauer-Milan, V., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2023), How to predict drug expenditure: a Markov model approach with risk classes, PharmacoEconomics, Vol. 41 (5), pp. 561–572.
Petry, H., Hagist, C., Rheindorf, J. (2023), Ja zur Geburtshilfe – aber nicht unter ärztlicher Leitung: ein Discrete Choice Experiment zur Analyse der Jobpräferenzen von Hebammen in Deutschland, Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement, Vol. 28 (6), pp. 272-278.
Von Wedel, P., Hagist, C. (2022), Physicians’ preferences and willingness to pay for artificial intelligence-based assistance tools: a discrete choice experiment among german radiologists, BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 22 (1), 398.
Von Wedel, P., Hagist, C., Liebe, J.-D., Esdar, M., Hübner, U., Pross, C. (2022), Effects of hospital digitization on clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction: nationwide multiple regression analysis across German hospitals, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 24 (11), e40124.
Heidel, A., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C. (2021), Pricing through health apps generated data - digital dividend as a game changer: discrete choice experiment, PLOS ONE, Vol. 16 (7), e0254786.
Milan, V., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2021), Healing, surviving, or dying? – projecting the German future disease burden using a Markov illness-death model, BMC Public Health, Vol. 21 (#123).
Hagist, C. (2021), Riester reformieren oder revolutionieren – das ist hier die Frage, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 69 (3), pp. 233-238.
Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2021), Vorschlag zur Reform der Pflegeversicherung – funktioniert die Soziale Marktwirtschaft noch?, Wirtschaftsdienst : Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 101 (2), pp. 134-137.
Hagist, C., Seuffert, S. (2021), Doppelte Haltelinie und steigende Pflegebeitragssätze: ein impliziter Bundeszuschuss zur Pflegeversicherung der RentnerInnen, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 54-66.
Bahnsen, L., Fetzer, S., Franke, F., Hagist, C. (2020), Gone with the windfall: Germany's second LTC strengthening act and its intergenerational implications, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol. 17, 100254.
Bührer, C., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2020), Adverse selection in the German health insurance system: the case of civil servants, Health Policy, Vol. 124 (8), pp. 888-894.
Heidel, A., Hagist, C. (2020), Potential benefits and risks resulting from the introduction of health apps and wearables into the German statutory health care system: scoping review, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, Vol. 8 (9), e16444.
Wedel, P., Hagist, C. (2020), Economic value of data and analytics for health care providers: hermeneutic systematic literature review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 22 (11), e23315.
Wedel, P., Hagist, C., Saunders, K. (2018), Die Digitalisierung der Arzt-Patienten Beziehung in Deutschland: ein Discrete Choice Experiment zur Analyse der Patientenpräferenzen bezüglich digitaler Gesundheitsleistungen, Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 142-149.
Bührer, C., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2018), Das Hamburger Beihilfemodell: ein Vergleich der internen Renditen von GKV und PKV, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft = German Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 107 (1), pp. 85-108.
Buehrer, C., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2018), Cui bono? – Die Bürgerversicherung und die Beihilfe, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 210-225.
Authors' response to “Comment on ‘Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment’”
Rheindorf, J., Schlereth, C., Hagist, C. (accepted pre-print), Authors' response to “Comment on ‘Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment’”, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 104985.
Rheindorf, J., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C., Petry, H. (2024), Getting midwives back to hospitals: a discrete choice experiment, International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 157, 104813.
Determinants for energy-efficient housing adoption – a scoping review for owner-occupants in Germany
Rochlitz, F., Hagist, C. (2024), Determinants for energy-efficient housing adoption – a scoping review for owner-occupants in Germany, Energy and Buildings, Vol. 311, 114093.
Heidel, A., Hagist, C., Spinler, S., Schöneberger, M. (2023), Removing dust from the German health care system by introducing health apps into standard care: semistructured interview study, JMIR Human Factors, Vol. 10, e42186.
Hofbauer-Milan, V., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2023), How to predict drug expenditure: a Markov model approach with risk classes, PharmacoEconomics, Vol. 41 (5), pp. 561–572.
Petry, H., Hagist, C., Rheindorf, J. (2023), Ja zur Geburtshilfe – aber nicht unter ärztlicher Leitung: ein Discrete Choice Experiment zur Analyse der Jobpräferenzen von Hebammen in Deutschland, Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement, Vol. 28 (6), pp. 272-278.
Von Wedel, P., Hagist, C. (2022), Physicians’ preferences and willingness to pay for artificial intelligence-based assistance tools: a discrete choice experiment among german radiologists, BMC Health Services Research, Vol. 22 (1), 398.
Von Wedel, P., Hagist, C., Liebe, J.-D., Esdar, M., Hübner, U., Pross, C. (2022), Effects of hospital digitization on clinical outcomes and patient satisfaction: nationwide multiple regression analysis across German hospitals, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 24 (11), e40124.
Heidel, A., Hagist, C., Schlereth, C. (2021), Pricing through health apps generated data - digital dividend as a game changer: discrete choice experiment, PLOS ONE, Vol. 16 (7), e0254786.
Milan, V., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2021), Healing, surviving, or dying? – projecting the German future disease burden using a Markov illness-death model, BMC Public Health, Vol. 21 (#123).
Hagist, C. (2021), Riester reformieren oder revolutionieren – das ist hier die Frage, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 69 (3), pp. 233-238.
Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2021), Vorschlag zur Reform der Pflegeversicherung – funktioniert die Soziale Marktwirtschaft noch?, Wirtschaftsdienst : Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 101 (2), pp. 134-137.
Hagist, C., Seuffert, S. (2021), Doppelte Haltelinie und steigende Pflegebeitragssätze: ein impliziter Bundeszuschuss zur Pflegeversicherung der RentnerInnen, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 54-66.
Bahnsen, L., Fetzer, S., Franke, F., Hagist, C. (2020), Gone with the windfall: Germany's second LTC strengthening act and its intergenerational implications, Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Vol. 17, 100254.
Bührer, C., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2020), Adverse selection in the German health insurance system: the case of civil servants, Health Policy, Vol. 124 (8), pp. 888-894.
Heidel, A., Hagist, C. (2020), Potential benefits and risks resulting from the introduction of health apps and wearables into the German statutory health care system: scoping review, JMIR mHealth and uHealth, Vol. 8 (9), e16444.
Wedel, P., Hagist, C. (2020), Economic value of data and analytics for health care providers: hermeneutic systematic literature review, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 22 (11), e23315.
Wedel, P., Hagist, C., Saunders, K. (2018), Die Digitalisierung der Arzt-Patienten Beziehung in Deutschland: ein Discrete Choice Experiment zur Analyse der Patientenpräferenzen bezüglich digitaler Gesundheitsleistungen, Gesundheitsökonomie & Qualitätsmanagement, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 142-149.
Bührer, C., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2018), Das Hamburger Beihilfemodell: ein Vergleich der internen Renditen von GKV und PKV, Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft = German Journal of Risk and Insurance, Vol. 107 (1), pp. 85-108.
Buehrer, C., Fetzer, S., Hagist, C. (2018), Cui bono? – Die Bürgerversicherung und die Beihilfe, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 19 (3), pp. 210-225.