Chair of Macroeconomics
and International Economics

Our team

An economic education at WHU – Our teaching and courses.
The Chair of Macroeconomics and International Economics offers courses within the different study programs offered at WHU: the Bachelor of Science Program, the Master of Science Program, the MBA Program, the Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA Program, and courses in the fields of the Doctoral Program. The language of instruction is mostly English.
Professor Dr. Michael Frenkel, adjunct professors and doctoral students teach these lectures. Generally, individual courses are concluded with written examinations, and case studies may be examined or essays produced.
The Chair is happy to supervise internship projects and theses alongside its normal teaching activities.
You can receive information regarding the placing of Bachelor or Master Theses from Maximilian Ambros.
Our publications – Articles, books, and contributions.
Professor Dr. Michael Frenkel has more than 100 publications in the fields of macroeconomics and international finance. He is co-author of German textbooks on growth theory and national income accounting. He is published in a number of international journals and has contributed to numerous books as both editor and author. He serves on the editorial board of the Global Finance Journal and the International Journal of Business.
Research papers of the Economics Group are available at our Working Paper Series.
Frenkel, M., Stefan, H. (2024), The impact of the brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investments from countries within and outside the European single market, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 31 (12), pp. 1125-1128.
Frenkel, M., Ngo, N. T. (2024), Service offshoring and its impacts on wages: an occupation-oriented analysis of Germany, The World Economy, Vol. 47 (4), pp. 1615-1641.
An empirical study of the immediate effect of the Brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investment in the UK
Bembennek, D., Frenkel, M. (2024), An empirical study of the immediate effect of the Brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investment in the UK, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 44 (1), pp. 57-63.
Frenkel, M., Prantl, S., Ziebarth, N. (2024), Editorial: 2023 best paper award, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 244 (3), pp. 167-168.
Frenkel, M., Stadtmann, G., Zimmermann, L. (2023), Labor market effects of COVID-19 supply shocks: Auswirkungen von COVID-19-Schocks auf den Arbeitsmarkt, International Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 59 (1), pp. 3-12.
Fendel, R., Frenkel, M. (2022), Special issue on "financial crisis and its effects on the European economy", Global Finance Journal, Vol. 51, 100544.
Collingro, F., Frenkel, M. (2022), Fiscal multipliers in the euro area: a comparative study, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 84, pp. 386-397.
Frenkel, M., Jung, J.-K., Rülke, J.-C. (2022), Testing for the rationality of central bank interest rate forecasts, Empirical Economics, Vol. 62 (3), pp. 1037–1078.
Ambros, M., Frenkel, M. (2022), What determines COVID-19 vaccination rates in Germany?, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 242 (1), pp. 149-157.
Der Überschussgewinn
Frenkel, M., Stefan, H. (2022), Der Überschussgewinn, Das Wirtschaftsstudium, Vol. 51 (5), pp. 595-604.
Frenkel, M., Stefan, H. (2024), The impact of the brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investments from countries within and outside the European single market, Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 31 (12), pp. 1125-1128.
Frenkel, M., Ngo, N. T. (2024), Service offshoring and its impacts on wages: an occupation-oriented analysis of Germany, The World Economy, Vol. 47 (4), pp. 1615-1641.
An empirical study of the immediate effect of the Brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investment in the UK
Bembennek, D., Frenkel, M. (2024), An empirical study of the immediate effect of the Brexit referendum on greenfield foreign direct investment in the UK, Economics Bulletin, Vol. 44 (1), pp. 57-63.
Frenkel, M., Prantl, S., Ziebarth, N. (2024), Editorial: 2023 best paper award, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 244 (3), pp. 167-168.
Frenkel, M., Stadtmann, G., Zimmermann, L. (2023), Labor market effects of COVID-19 supply shocks: Auswirkungen von COVID-19-Schocks auf den Arbeitsmarkt, International Journal of Management and Economics, Vol. 59 (1), pp. 3-12.
Fendel, R., Frenkel, M. (2022), Special issue on "financial crisis and its effects on the European economy", Global Finance Journal, Vol. 51, 100544.
Collingro, F., Frenkel, M. (2022), Fiscal multipliers in the euro area: a comparative study, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Vol. 84, pp. 386-397.
Frenkel, M., Jung, J.-K., Rülke, J.-C. (2022), Testing for the rationality of central bank interest rate forecasts, Empirical Economics, Vol. 62 (3), pp. 1037–1078.
Ambros, M., Frenkel, M. (2022), What determines COVID-19 vaccination rates in Germany?, Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik = Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 242 (1), pp. 149-157.
Der Überschussgewinn
Frenkel, M., Stefan, H. (2022), Der Überschussgewinn, Das Wirtschaftsstudium, Vol. 51 (5), pp. 595-604.
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung” (National Income Accounting)
The Economics of Cryptocurrencies.
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung (National Income Accounting).
Risk Management: Challenge and Opportunity.
Sovereign Risk, Financial Crises and Stability.
Stabile Weltfinanzen? Die Debatte um eine neue Internationale Finanzarchitektur (A Stable World Financial System? - The Discussion about a New International Financial Architecture).
Grundlagen der Wachstumstheorie (Growth Theory: An Introduction).
GATT und neue Welthandelsordnung - Globale und regionale Herausforderungen (GATT and the New World Trade Regime – Global and Regional Challenges).
Wechselkursvolatilität und Terminkursverzerrungen: Empirischer Befund und Erklärungsansätze (Exchange Rate Volatility: Empirical Evidence and Forward Rate Bias).
Einführung in die Makroökonomik offener Volkswirtschaften (Introduction to Open Economy Macroeconomics).
Makroökonomik des Protektionismus bei festen und flexiblen Wechselkursen (Macroeconomics of Protectionism Under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates).
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung” (National Income Accounting)
The Economics of Cryptocurrencies.
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung (National Income Accounting).
Risk Management: Challenge and Opportunity.
Sovereign Risk, Financial Crises and Stability.
Stabile Weltfinanzen? Die Debatte um eine neue Internationale Finanzarchitektur (A Stable World Financial System? - The Discussion about a New International Financial Architecture).
Grundlagen der Wachstumstheorie (Growth Theory: An Introduction).
GATT und neue Welthandelsordnung - Globale und regionale Herausforderungen (GATT and the New World Trade Regime – Global and Regional Challenges).
Wechselkursvolatilität und Terminkursverzerrungen: Empirischer Befund und Erklärungsansätze (Exchange Rate Volatility: Empirical Evidence and Forward Rate Bias).
Einführung in die Makroökonomik offener Volkswirtschaften (Introduction to Open Economy Macroeconomics).
Makroökonomik des Protektionismus bei festen und flexiblen Wechselkursen (Macroeconomics of Protectionism Under Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates).
Insider und Outsider bei der Osterweiterung der Europäischen Währungsunion.
Noise-Trader auf Devisenmärkten Viel Lärm um Nichts?
Trade and Technology as Competing Explanations for Rising Inequality An Endogenous Growth Perspective.
Order Flow Analyses and Foreign Exchange Dealing.
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets An Empirical Study of FDI Flows from Germany and its Banking Sector.
The Behaviour of Interest Groups in Trade and Industry Towards Monetary Policy and Central Banks Theory and Evidence on Germany and the Euro Area.
Kapitalbilanzliberalisierung in der Volksrepublik China und ihre Einbettung in den volkswirtschaftlichen Reformprozess.
Monetary Policy, Interest Rate Rules, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates Theoretical Considerations and Empricial Implications.
Balance of Payments Issues in Central and Eastern European Countries' Run-Up to Euro Area Accession.
Equilibrium Exchange Rate Models, the Euro and the 2004 Expansion of the EU.
Protektionsmöglichkeiten in der WTO? Geistige Eigentumsrechte im TRIPs-Abkommen und die Forderung nach Sozial- und Umweltstandards.
From Early Warning Systems to Asset Managers' Behavior: Evidence for Mature and Emerging Markets.
Information or Market Power: What is Governing Dealers' Pricing Behaviour in FX Markets?.
Expectations in Financial Markets - A Survey Data Approach.
The New Open Economy Macroeconomics of Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Foreign Direct Investment.
Der Weg der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder in die Europäische Währungsunion.
Essays on International Asset Management: Evidence for Developed West and Emerging East.
Insider und Outsider bei der Osterweiterung der Europäischen Währungsunion.
Noise-Trader auf Devisenmärkten Viel Lärm um Nichts?
Trade and Technology as Competing Explanations for Rising Inequality An Endogenous Growth Perspective.
Order Flow Analyses and Foreign Exchange Dealing.
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets An Empirical Study of FDI Flows from Germany and its Banking Sector.
The Behaviour of Interest Groups in Trade and Industry Towards Monetary Policy and Central Banks Theory and Evidence on Germany and the Euro Area.
Kapitalbilanzliberalisierung in der Volksrepublik China und ihre Einbettung in den volkswirtschaftlichen Reformprozess.
Monetary Policy, Interest Rate Rules, and the Term Structure of Interest Rates Theoretical Considerations and Empricial Implications.
Balance of Payments Issues in Central and Eastern European Countries' Run-Up to Euro Area Accession.
Equilibrium Exchange Rate Models, the Euro and the 2004 Expansion of the EU.
Protektionsmöglichkeiten in der WTO? Geistige Eigentumsrechte im TRIPs-Abkommen und die Forderung nach Sozial- und Umweltstandards.
From Early Warning Systems to Asset Managers' Behavior: Evidence for Mature and Emerging Markets.
Information or Market Power: What is Governing Dealers' Pricing Behaviour in FX Markets?.
Expectations in Financial Markets - A Survey Data Approach.
The New Open Economy Macroeconomics of Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Foreign Direct Investment.
Der Weg der mittel- und osteuropäischen Länder in die Europäische Währungsunion.
Essays on International Asset Management: Evidence for Developed West and Emerging East.
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung
Cryptocurrencies in an economic context: An Introduction
Wachstum und Entwicklung.
Input-Output-Rechnung die Input-Output-Rechnung als Teil der volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung.
Global Competitiveness - Germany in the Ranking of the World Economic Forum.
Has the Liberalization of Financial Markets Gone too Far?
On Additional Conditions for Factor Price Equalization in International Heckscher-Ohlin Models.
The Intervention Activity of the Bank of Japan and Federal Reserve in the Yen/U.S. Dollar Market.
Determinants of German FDI Flows to Latin American Emerging Markets.
Crises and Contagion in Financial Markets.
Economic Risks of EMU.
Monetäre Probleme der EU- und EWU-Erwe.
Capital Controls: A Survey on Theoretical and Empi
Financial Markets between Crises and Stability.
Propostas de reformas para um novo sistema financeiro internacional.
Comment on P. R. Lane and G. M. Milesi-Feretti.
How does EMU Affect the Dollar and the Yen as International Reserve and Investment Currencies.
What Explains the Asian Balance of Payments Crisis?.
Economic Risks of EMU.
How important is the Mittelstand for the German Economy.
Controversies on Exchange Rate Systems.
Recent Balance of Payments Crises in East Asia.
The decisions of the Uruguay round: background, content and evaluation.
The decisions of the Uruguay round in light of the New Growth Theory.
The Transformation to European Monetary Union: Fiscal Harmonization and Exchange Rate.
Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung
Cryptocurrencies in an economic context: An Introduction
Wachstum und Entwicklung.
Input-Output-Rechnung die Input-Output-Rechnung als Teil der volkswirtschaftlichen Gesamtrechnung.
Global Competitiveness - Germany in the Ranking of the World Economic Forum.
Has the Liberalization of Financial Markets Gone too Far?
On Additional Conditions for Factor Price Equalization in International Heckscher-Ohlin Models.
The Intervention Activity of the Bank of Japan and Federal Reserve in the Yen/U.S. Dollar Market.
Determinants of German FDI Flows to Latin American Emerging Markets.
Crises and Contagion in Financial Markets.
Economic Risks of EMU.
Monetäre Probleme der EU- und EWU-Erwe.
Capital Controls: A Survey on Theoretical and Empi
Financial Markets between Crises and Stability.
Propostas de reformas para um novo sistema financeiro internacional.
Comment on P. R. Lane and G. M. Milesi-Feretti.
How does EMU Affect the Dollar and the Yen as International Reserve and Investment Currencies.
What Explains the Asian Balance of Payments Crisis?.
Economic Risks of EMU.
How important is the Mittelstand for the German Economy.
Controversies on Exchange Rate Systems.
Recent Balance of Payments Crises in East Asia.
The decisions of the Uruguay round: background, content and evaluation.
The decisions of the Uruguay round in light of the New Growth Theory.
The Transformation to European Monetary Union: Fiscal Harmonization and Exchange Rate.
Wer braucht den digitalen Euro?
Macht ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen Sinn?
The xperience of WHU with the new 2021 AACSB standards.
Kommt die Inflation zurück?
A look at the school from a European perspective.
Ein Nein zum bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen.
Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die Hochschulausbildung in Deutschland.
Bidenomics – Die sich abzeichnende Politik von Joe Biden.
Twelve Rules for Good Debates.
Was in diesem Jahr wichtig ist und welche Gefahr droht?
Die Rezession wird stärker als angenommen.
Die Transatlantische Handel- und Investitionspartnerschaft TTIP: Eine Diskussion möglicher Effekte und wirtschaftspolitischer Implikationen.
Der Zusammenhang von Leistungs- und Kapitalbilanz.
Die Klausur.
Die "Impossible Trinity" der Euro-Zone.
Der Mikrostrukturansatz in der Wechselkurstheorie.
Griechenland - Ein Lehrbuchbeispiel zu den Folgen einer Währungsunion.
Die Subprime-Krise 2007/08: Ursachen und Auswirkungen und Lehren.
Schnelle Aufwertung des Renmimbi - ökonomisch sinnvoll?
Globalisierung und Zahlungsbilanzanpassung.
Examensklausur zur Volkswirtschaftslehre.
Europe - A Market Too Large to Overlook.
The New Keynesian Phillips Curve.
The International Competitiveness of Germany and other European Economies: The Assessment of the Global Competitiveness Report.
Should the ECB Intervene to Support the US Dollar?
Studies of International Competitiveness of Countries: What for?
The Generalized Methods of Moments: The Example of the Euler Consumption Equation.
The European Central Bank in Change.
The Pros and Cons of Inflation-Indexed Government Bonds.
Overacting in Financial Markets.
Monetary Policy.
The New ECB Voting System: Some Room for Improvement.
Time Series Analysis – Part 2: Kointegration and Error Correction Models.
Time Series Analysis – Part 1: Stationarity and Integration.
Problems of Measuring Inflation.
Exchange Rate Effects of Sterilized Foreign Exchange Market Interventions.
How Competitive are Europe’s Economies? Findings of the Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003.
The Optimal Design of Open Market Operations of the ECB.
Germany’s Performance in the Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003.
Internationales Insolvenzrecht für Staaten.
The Optimal Design of the ECB’s Open Market Operations.
What Drives Central Banks to Intervene.
Tobin Tax: New Proposals Do Not Invalidate Old Criticism.
Public Fincance and Macroeconomic Developments.
Argentina’s Currency Board Had to Collapse.
Even a Currency Board Can Collapse.
Introduction to International Economics.
Taylor Rule and Inflation Targeting.
Where is the IMF Heading?.
Theoretical Aspects of IMF Adjustment Programs.
Grundlagen der Makroökonomik.
No Tobin Tax to Regulate Capital.
Inflation, Financial Activities and Endogenous Growth.
Developments of the Euro Exchange Rate: Causes and Political Options.
After the Euro now a Mundo?
An Analysis of Competing IMF Reform Proposals.
Prevention of Financial Crises Through the Private Sector?.
Quarrel about the IMF.
Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 1999 an Robert A. Mundell.
Which Concept Does Meltzer’s IMF Plan Follow?
Developments in Growth Theory From the Neoclassical to Endogenous Growth Theory.
EMS II: The New European Exchange Rate Mechanism.
Credibility through Fixed Exchange Rates? – Experience of the Past 40 Years.
Monetary Instruments of the European Central Bank.
Protectionism: Many Justifications – Wrong Promises.
Can the P-Star Model Be Applied to Emerging Markets?
Growth Effects Through Trade.
The Economics of German Unification: A Simple Intertemporal Approach.
Recent Developments in Exchange Rate Theory.
Germany's International Competitive Position Under Siege.
The Theory of Currency Crises.
European Monetary Union With or Without Fiscal Restrictions?.
International Price Discrimination and Dumping.
Time Inconsistency and Monetary Policy; with P. Bofinger.
Hedging mit Währungs- und Zins-Futures.
Mandatory Fiscal Harmonization Through the European Monetary Union?
Foreign Exchange Options: How Do They Work and How Can One Use Them?.
The Social Welfare Approach to Monetary Policy Reconsidered.
International Trade Effects With Monopolies and Monopolistic Competition.
The International Debt Problem: An Analysis of the Brady Plan.
Das Zusammenwirken von Strom- und Bestandsgrößen bei der Wechselkurs-bestimmung.
The International Debt Crisis – Facts, Causes, Solutions.
Wer braucht den digitalen Euro?
Macht ein bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen Sinn?
The xperience of WHU with the new 2021 AACSB standards.
Kommt die Inflation zurück?
A look at the school from a European perspective.
Ein Nein zum bedingungslosen Grundeinkommen.
Auswirkungen der COVID-19-Pandemie auf die Hochschulausbildung in Deutschland.
Bidenomics – Die sich abzeichnende Politik von Joe Biden.
Twelve Rules for Good Debates.
Was in diesem Jahr wichtig ist und welche Gefahr droht?
Die Rezession wird stärker als angenommen.
Die Transatlantische Handel- und Investitionspartnerschaft TTIP: Eine Diskussion möglicher Effekte und wirtschaftspolitischer Implikationen.
Der Zusammenhang von Leistungs- und Kapitalbilanz.
Die Klausur.
Die "Impossible Trinity" der Euro-Zone.
Der Mikrostrukturansatz in der Wechselkurstheorie.
Griechenland - Ein Lehrbuchbeispiel zu den Folgen einer Währungsunion.
Die Subprime-Krise 2007/08: Ursachen und Auswirkungen und Lehren.
Schnelle Aufwertung des Renmimbi - ökonomisch sinnvoll?
Globalisierung und Zahlungsbilanzanpassung.
Examensklausur zur Volkswirtschaftslehre.
Europe - A Market Too Large to Overlook.
The New Keynesian Phillips Curve.
The International Competitiveness of Germany and other European Economies: The Assessment of the Global Competitiveness Report.
Should the ECB Intervene to Support the US Dollar?
Studies of International Competitiveness of Countries: What for?
The Generalized Methods of Moments: The Example of the Euler Consumption Equation.
The European Central Bank in Change.
The Pros and Cons of Inflation-Indexed Government Bonds.
Overacting in Financial Markets.
Monetary Policy.
The New ECB Voting System: Some Room for Improvement.
Time Series Analysis – Part 2: Kointegration and Error Correction Models.
Time Series Analysis – Part 1: Stationarity and Integration.
Problems of Measuring Inflation.
Exchange Rate Effects of Sterilized Foreign Exchange Market Interventions.
How Competitive are Europe’s Economies? Findings of the Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003.
The Optimal Design of Open Market Operations of the ECB.
Germany’s Performance in the Global Competitiveness Report 2002-2003.
Internationales Insolvenzrecht für Staaten.
The Optimal Design of the ECB’s Open Market Operations.
What Drives Central Banks to Intervene.
Tobin Tax: New Proposals Do Not Invalidate Old Criticism.
Public Fincance and Macroeconomic Developments.
Argentina’s Currency Board Had to Collapse.
Even a Currency Board Can Collapse.
Introduction to International Economics.
Taylor Rule and Inflation Targeting.
Where is the IMF Heading?.
Theoretical Aspects of IMF Adjustment Programs.
Grundlagen der Makroökonomik.
No Tobin Tax to Regulate Capital.
Inflation, Financial Activities and Endogenous Growth.
Developments of the Euro Exchange Rate: Causes and Political Options.
After the Euro now a Mundo?
An Analysis of Competing IMF Reform Proposals.
Prevention of Financial Crises Through the Private Sector?.
Quarrel about the IMF.
Nobelpreis für Wirtschaftswissenschaften 1999 an Robert A. Mundell.
Which Concept Does Meltzer’s IMF Plan Follow?
Developments in Growth Theory From the Neoclassical to Endogenous Growth Theory.
EMS II: The New European Exchange Rate Mechanism.
Credibility through Fixed Exchange Rates? – Experience of the Past 40 Years.
Monetary Instruments of the European Central Bank.
Protectionism: Many Justifications – Wrong Promises.
Can the P-Star Model Be Applied to Emerging Markets?
Growth Effects Through Trade.
The Economics of German Unification: A Simple Intertemporal Approach.
Recent Developments in Exchange Rate Theory.
Germany's International Competitive Position Under Siege.
The Theory of Currency Crises.
European Monetary Union With or Without Fiscal Restrictions?.
International Price Discrimination and Dumping.
Time Inconsistency and Monetary Policy; with P. Bofinger.
Hedging mit Währungs- und Zins-Futures.
Mandatory Fiscal Harmonization Through the European Monetary Union?
Foreign Exchange Options: How Do They Work and How Can One Use Them?.
The Social Welfare Approach to Monetary Policy Reconsidered.
International Trade Effects With Monopolies and Monopolistic Competition.
The International Debt Problem: An Analysis of the Brady Plan.
Das Zusammenwirken von Strom- und Bestandsgrößen bei der Wechselkurs-bestimmung.
The International Debt Crisis – Facts, Causes, Solutions.
Beyond academic studies – Our alumni from the field.
Following their studies at WHU, our alumni often take high-level, high-impact roles within international organizations and corporations. Find out more about our alumni, along with their dissertation titles during their time at WHU:
Name | Current Position | Dissertation Title |
Dr. Stefan Bergheim | Center for Social Progress, Frankfurt | Long-run growth forecasting |
Dr. Dirk Bleich | Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt | Monetary Policy Rules: Empirical Applications based on Survey Data |
Dr. Franziska Collingro | Commerzbank, Frankfurt | Global financial crisis, economic policy, and macroeconomic effects |
Dr. Frank Engels | Union Investment, Frankfurt | Newer anti-inflationary theories and relevance for Latin America |
Prof. Dr. Ralf Fendel | WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar | The development of the international per capita income distribution -Theoretical explanations and their empirical relevance |
Dr. Katja Funke | International Monetary Fund, Washington | Balance of Payments Issues in Central and Eastern European Countries Run-Up to Euro Area Accession |
Prof. Dr. Wolf-Heimo Grieben | Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle | Trade and Technology as Competing Explanations for Rising Inequality An Endogenous Growth Perspective |
Dr. Jin-Kyu Jung | Wirtschaftsministerium, Berlin | On Recent Advances in Economic Forecasting Topics |
Dr. Christian Kopp | Ganske Verlagsgruppe GmbH, Hamburg | Zur Bedeutung der internationalen Kapitalmobilität in neoklassischen und endogenen Wachstumsmodellen |
Dr. Isabell Koske | OECD, Paris | Equilibrium Exchange Rates Models, the Euro and the 2004 Expansion of the EU |
Dr. Eliza Lis | European Central Bank, Frankfurt | Testing Traditional Macroeconomic Building Blocks and New Dimensions in Fiscal Policy |
Dr. Matthias Mauch | Gerandu GmbH, Berlin | Forecasting Behavior in foreign Exchange Markets |
Dr. Holger Michaelis | Kapitalbilanzliberalisierung in der Volksrepublik China und ihre Einbettung in den volkswirtschaftlichen Reformprozess | GIC Special Investments Pte Ltd, Singapore |
Dr. Christiane Nickel | European Central Bank, Frankfurt | Insider und Outsider bei der Osterweiterung der Europäischen Währungsunion |
Dr. Karin Radeck | Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt | Wechselkurszielzonen und Geldpolitik Voraussetzungen für die Tragfähigkeit eines Zielzonensystems |
Prof. Dr. Jan-Christoph Rülke | EBS Universität, Oestrich-Winkel | Expectations in Financial Markets - A Survey Data Approach |
Dr. Günter Schmidt | Die nichtlinearen endogenen Konjunkturmodelle von Goodwin und Kaldor: Darstellung, Erweiterungen und empirische Relevanz | |
Dr. Marco Semmelmann | Bundesministerium der Finanzen, Berlin | Economic Aspects of European Union Trade Policy |
Prof. Dr. Georg Stadtmann | Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder | Noise-Trader auf Devisenmärkten Viel Lärm um Nichts? |
Haiko Stefan | Helaba, Frankfurt | |
Dr. Yiqiao Sun | Essays in Empirical Macroeconomics | |
Dr. Christoph Swonke | DZ Bank, Frankfurt | The New Open Economy Macroeconomics of Exchange Rate Pass-Through and Foreign Direct Investment |
Dr. Andreas Tudyka | International Monetary Fund, Washington | Accounting for Time-Varying and Nonlinear Relationships in Macroeconometric Models |
Dr. Benedikt Walter | Wirtschaftsministerium, Bonn | The Effects of International Investment Agreements on Foreign Direct Investment |
Dr. Torsten Wezel | International Monetary Fund, Washington | Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Emerging Markets - An Empirical Study of Outward FDI Flows of Germany and its Banking Sector |
Prof. Dr. Lilli Zimmermann | Hochschule der Deutschen Bundesbank, Hachenburg | Trade Determinants and Current Account Forecasts |
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