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Gerrit McGowan

Chair of Entrepreneurship and Creativity

External Doctoral student


+49 (0)172 3177061

Research focus

  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Flow States and Human Performance
  • Corporate Innovation Management
  • Lean Startups 


  • Research Assistant and Doctoral Candidate at the Chair in Entrepreneurship and New Business Development
  • Founding Director of ICELab@Western
  • Founder/President of Effectuate Ventures, LLC
  • Founder/CEO of Kula.com
  • Founder of Kula Foundation
  • Advisor at United Nations Development Programme
  • Principal Consultant at EcoPlan International, Inc
  • Founder of Syntegrity Consulting Group, Ltd
  • Master of Science in Planning, University of British Columbia
  • Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies, University of Colorado-Boulder

Conferencences and lectures

  • Community Builders Leadership Institute (2016) Fostering Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Mountain Resort Communities
  • Economic Development Council of Colorado’s Regional Economic Development Forum(2016) Millennials and the Future of Work on Colorado’s Western Slope
  • Travel Executive Summit(2012) The Cause Marketing Gold Mine of Unredeemed Loyalty Currency 
  • Loyalty Expo (2012) Transforming Unwanted Points into A Currency for Giving
  • University of Colorado Collaborative Action for Sustainability Speaker Series (2012) Democratizing Charitable Giving through Brand Loyalty
  • Strategy for Good Summit (2011)Democratize Corporate Giving Through Cause-Related Loyalty Marketing
  • APEC High Level Meeting on Driving SME Growth & Local Development (2008)Better Local Governance for SME Growth: Local Economic Development and The Role of Local Government
  • Simon Fraser University Community Economic Development Programme (2007) Strategic Planning for Local Economic Development
  • UN-Habitat World Urban Forum 3 (2006) Synergies & Opportunities in Enhancing Effectiveness for Local Economic Development
  • Native Education College(2006) Cultural Ecotourism Planning in British Columbia's First Nation Communities


Internatioanl Labour Organization
Local Economic Recovery Learn & Practice Package
Gerrit McGown

United Nations Center for Human Settlements
Promoting Local Economic Development Through Strategic Planning - Trainer's Guide
W. Trousdale, G. McGowan and J. Ingram

UNDP Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People
District Strategic Development Planning Manual & Facilitators Guide
Gerrit McGowan

United Nations Center for Human Settlements
Promoting Local Economic Development Through Strategic Planning - Manual Series
W. Trousdale, G. McGowan and J. Ingram

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