LEGO(c) Serious Play
The Lego Serious Play Method is a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving process in which participants are led through a series of questions, probing deeper and deeper into the subject (for more information see Each participant builds his or her own 3D Lego model in response to the facilitator's questions using specially selected LEGO elements. These 3D models serve as a basis for group discussion, knowledge sharing, problem solving and decision making. In practice, the Lego Serious Play Method is used for a wide variety of activities such as development of strategic scenario’s, brainstorming, and team building. We use the Serious Lego Play method in workshops and training sessions on innovation related topics. In 2018, we were a finalist of the 4th Innovation & Entrepreneurship Teaching Excellence Awards for the use of Serious Lego Play in our innovation teaching activities.
Business Wargaming
A business wargame is a role-played simulation where different participants of a focal organization will represent different competitors of the organization. Before the actual wargame, we assist the organization in collecting data on their core competitors and the ecosystems of the competitors. During the one-day wargame, participants use this information to predict strategic ecosystem moves of competitors. Subsequently, these predictions will be used to adjust and optimize the innovation ecosystem strategy of the focal organization.
What we offer - End to end “innovation challenge” as a service
An innovation challenge is not only a tool, its an event, a process and also a catalyst for change. This means it can really boost your companies innovation pipeline & transformation if done right. This is where we can help you by offering you the following services:
- Consulting on optimal type of innovation challenge (inside, outside, live, online)
- Design of the complete innovation challenge process, including filter & rating mechanisms, jury setup and supporting tools
- Design of handover process to incubate and scale winning projects of innovation challenges
- Consulting & design of portfolio management process for winning ideas from innovation challenges