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Lukas Nagel

External Doctoral Student

Contact: lukas.nagel@whu.edu


Since July 2024, Lukas Nagel has been pursuing his doctorate as an external doctoral candidate at the Institute for Family Businesses & SMEs at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. His research delves into the fascinating dynamics between family businesses and financial investors. He has a keen interest in the unique role private equity plays in these companies and the key criteria family entrepreneurs consider when selecting the right investor.

Research Interests:

  • Financial investors in family businesses
  • Investor selection
  • External succession planning in family businesses

Professional Experience:

  • Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt
  • Deutscher Bundestag, Berlin
  • Europäisches Parlament, Brussels
  • Mercedes-Benz, Lisbon
  • Bosch, Schwäbisch Gmünd

Academic Education:

  • M.Sc. Finance - Università Bocconi, Milan
  • M.Sc. International Management - ESADE Business School, Barcelona
  • Exchange - University of Cape Town, Cape Town
  • B.Sc. Financial Markets - Edutus University, Budapest
  • B.A. International Business - Hochschule Aalen, Aalen
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