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Our aim is to discover and share how companies can best adapt to changing environments and capitalize on new technologies, markets, and customers.

The Chair of Innovation and Corporate Transformation is committed to rigorous, interdisciplinary and relevant research in collaboration with business leaders. Our aim is to discover and share how companies can best adapt to changing environments and capitalize on new technologies, markets, and customers.

Professor Serden Ozcan is the Founding Director of the WHU Campus for Corporate Transformation, a forum dedicated to exploring the challenges and opportunities of corporate transformation. He is also the co-host of the Leading Corporate Transformation: The WHU Podcast, powered by PwC, featuring inspiring transformational leaders from renowned European companies.

Our teaching programs include the WHU MBA, Kellogg-WHU Executive MBA and WHU Executive Education. Professor Ozcan is the Faculty Co-Director of the IESE WHU High-Performance Board Member Program.

Our work has been published in prestigious research journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Management Science, MIT Sloan Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, and Strategic Organization.

Our team

High-quality and innovative research –

Giving organizations a competitive edge

We aim to inspire business leaders with our research results, developing effective management tools and best practices which inform public policy debate.

Our research focuses on three specific areas:

Organizations have recently emerged, such as new budget airlines, microbreweries, and organic supermarkets, that use radically different business models to successfully penetrate their relevant markets. On this track we discuss:

  • Why, where and how do new business models and organizational forms emerge?
  • How do new business models/new organizational forms compete with established models/forms, gain acceptance, diffuse and come to dominate?
  • How do the processes of emergence, rivalry, diffusion and growth differ across base-of the pyramid countries, emerging markets and mature economies? 
  • How do new business models/organizational forms generate socio-economic change and reconfigure the basis of competition in industries?

Growth ecosystems are integral to start-up formation, scaling, talent development and technical and social progress. In such systems, venture capital (VC) and private equity (PE) play prominent roles. Our research investigates the inner workings of VC/PE firms, their operational mechanics, and their value creation.

We also investigate:

  • What determines VC/PE activity in emerging markets?
  • How does VC behavior differ in emerging markets?
  • How much value/innovation does PE foster in emerging market economies?
  • How do emerging market start-ups and firms deal with VC/PE?
  • How do PE firms extract value from emerging market firms?

We look at how companies begin and evolve while remaining competitive and entrepreneurial.  Some of the key questions we examine include:

  • How do early choices regarding strategy, structure, and governance affect the way the company evolves, competes, and adapts?
  • How can organizations remain nimble, flexible, responsive, innovative, and entrepreneurial while expanding?
  • How should firms transform their identity as they grow and competition increases?
  • How should mature firms identify, develop, and exploit new, innovative resource combinations and growth opportunities?
  • What is the best way to acquire talent from rivals and deploy it strategically?
  • How should firms design, develop, and manage corporate venture capital?
  • How should companies execute corporate entrepreneurship through acquisitions in emerging markets?
  • How can emerging market firms become innovation organizations?
  • How should firms source and exploit emerging market innovations?

Our publications – journal articles

MIT Sloan Management Review

Make better allies of your workforce

Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S. (2024), Make better allies of your workforce, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 65 (2), pp. 54-59.

Journal of Business Venturing

Günther, C., Ozcan, S., Saßmannshausen, D. (2022), Referrals among VCs and the length of due diligence: the effect of relational embeddedness, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 37 (5), 106230.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Why some CFOs make better M&A deals

Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S. (2022), Why some CFOs make better M&A deals?, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 63 (4), pp. 78-84.

Journal of Management Studies

Boone, C., Ozcan, S., Li, J. (2022), How are competing logics combined in managerial teams? The impact of branch founding team hybridity on the growth of Islamic bank branches in Turkey, 2002-19, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 59 (6), pp. 1460-1492.

Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Feldman, M., Ozcan, S., Reichstein, T. (2021), Variation in organizational practices: are startups really different?, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 1-31.

MIT Sloan Management Review

The four competencies every IT workforce needs

Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S., Wintermeyer, A. (2020), The four competencies every IT workforce needs: digital business demands technology staff skilled in new ways of working, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 62 (1), pp. 54-58.

Organization Science

Boone, C., Ozcan, S. (2020), Oppositional logics and the antecedents of hybridization: a country-level study of the diffusion of Islamic banking windows, 1975-2017, Organization Science, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 990-1011.

Organization Science

Feldman, M., Ozcan, S., Reichstein, T. (2019), Falling not far from the tree: entrepreneurs and organizational heritage, Organization Science, Vol. 30 (2), pp. 337-360.

Journal of Management Studies

Strategic choices at entry and relative survival advantage of cooperatives versus corporations in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2015

Boone, C., Ozcan, S. (2016), Strategic choices at entry and relative survival advantage of cooperatives versus corporations in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2015, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 53, pp. 1113–1140.

Organization Science

Ozcan, S., Boone, C. (2016), Ideological purity vs. hybridization trade-off: when do Islamic banks hire managers from conventional banking?, Organization Science, Vol. 27, pp. 1380-1396.

Academy of Management Journal

Why do cooperatives emerge in a world dominated by corporations?

Boone, C., Ozcan, S. (2014), Why do cooperatives emerge in a world dominated by corporations? the diffusion of cooperatives in the U.S. bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2013, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 990-1012.

Management Science

Koçak, O., Ozcan, S. (2013), How does rivals' presence affect firms' decision to enter new markets? economic and sociological explanations, Management Science, Vol. 59, pp. 2586-2603.

Management Science

Ozcan, S., Reichstein, T. (2009), Transition to entrepreneurship from the public sector: predispositional and contextual effects, Management Science, Vol. 55, pp. 604-618.

Strategic Organization

Ozcan, S., Overby, M. (2008), A cognitive model of stock market reactions to multi-firm alliance announcements, Strategic Organization, Vol. 6, pp. 435-469.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Make better allies of your workforce

Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S. (2024), Make better allies of your workforce, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 65 (2), pp. 54-59.

Journal of Business Venturing

Günther, C., Ozcan, S., Saßmannshausen, D. (2022), Referrals among VCs and the length of due diligence: the effect of relational embeddedness, Journal of Business Venturing, Vol. 37 (5), 106230.

MIT Sloan Management Review

Why some CFOs make better M&A deals

Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S. (2022), Why some CFOs make better M&A deals?, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 63 (4), pp. 78-84.

Journal of Management Studies

Boone, C., Ozcan, S., Li, J. (2022), How are competing logics combined in managerial teams? The impact of branch founding team hybridity on the growth of Islamic bank branches in Turkey, 2002-19, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 59 (6), pp. 1460-1492.

Journal of Evolutionary Economics

Feldman, M., Ozcan, S., Reichstein, T. (2021), Variation in organizational practices: are startups really different?, Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 31 (1), pp. 1-31.

MIT Sloan Management Review

The four competencies every IT workforce needs

Karaevli, A., Ozcan, S., Wintermeyer, A. (2020), The four competencies every IT workforce needs: digital business demands technology staff skilled in new ways of working, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 62 (1), pp. 54-58.

Organization Science

Boone, C., Ozcan, S. (2020), Oppositional logics and the antecedents of hybridization: a country-level study of the diffusion of Islamic banking windows, 1975-2017, Organization Science, Vol. 31 (4), pp. 990-1011.

Organization Science

Feldman, M., Ozcan, S., Reichstein, T. (2019), Falling not far from the tree: entrepreneurs and organizational heritage, Organization Science, Vol. 30 (2), pp. 337-360.

Journal of Management Studies

Strategic choices at entry and relative survival advantage of cooperatives versus corporations in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2015

Boone, C., Ozcan, S. (2016), Strategic choices at entry and relative survival advantage of cooperatives versus corporations in the US bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2015, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 53, pp. 1113–1140.

Organization Science

Ozcan, S., Boone, C. (2016), Ideological purity vs. hybridization trade-off: when do Islamic banks hire managers from conventional banking?, Organization Science, Vol. 27, pp. 1380-1396.

Academy of Management Journal

Why do cooperatives emerge in a world dominated by corporations?

Boone, C., Ozcan, S. (2014), Why do cooperatives emerge in a world dominated by corporations? the diffusion of cooperatives in the U.S. bio-ethanol industry, 1978-2013, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 990-1012.

Management Science

Koçak, O., Ozcan, S. (2013), How does rivals' presence affect firms' decision to enter new markets? economic and sociological explanations, Management Science, Vol. 59, pp. 2586-2603.

Management Science

Ozcan, S., Reichstein, T. (2009), Transition to entrepreneurship from the public sector: predispositional and contextual effects, Management Science, Vol. 55, pp. 604-618.

Strategic Organization

Ozcan, S., Overby, M. (2008), A cognitive model of stock market reactions to multi-firm alliance announcements, Strategic Organization, Vol. 6, pp. 435-469.

Our publications – cases


EnerjiSa Üretim: An Electrifying Transformation Following a Demerger

S Özcan 2022. EnerjiSa Üretim: An Electrifying Transformation Following a Demerger

ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Digital Diversification & Platform Wars

S Özcan 2020. ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Digital Diversification & Platform Wars

TUI AG: Starting With a Clean Slate in a Digital World

S Özcan 2020. TUI AG Starting With a Clean Slate in a Digital World

Klöckner & Co: A Digital Old Economy Firm

S Özcan 2020. Klöckner & Co: A Digital Old Economy Firm
S Özcan, D Sassmannshausen 2018. The China Gambit: When Chinese VCs knock on a German start-up's door. The Case Center Reference No: 818-0019-1

EnerjiSa Üretim: An Electrifying Transformation Following a Demerger

S Özcan 2022. EnerjiSa Üretim: An Electrifying Transformation Following a Demerger

ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Digital Diversification & Platform Wars

S Özcan 2020. ProSiebenSat.1 Media: Digital Diversification & Platform Wars

TUI AG: Starting With a Clean Slate in a Digital World

S Özcan 2020. TUI AG Starting With a Clean Slate in a Digital World

Klöckner & Co: A Digital Old Economy Firm

S Özcan 2020. Klöckner & Co: A Digital Old Economy Firm
S Özcan, D Sassmannshausen 2018. The China Gambit: When Chinese VCs knock on a German start-up's door. The Case Center Reference No: 818-0019-1

Awards and accolades

  • Best Teacher award from WHU’s Full-Time MBA II Class (2018) (Prof. Ozcan)
  • Best Paper Runner Up Prize, Coller Institute, Tel Aviv University, Annual Meeting in Hong Kong (2017) (Prof. Ozcan)
  • The Danish Society for Education and Business Prize for Excellence in Teaching in Denmark (2012) (Prof. Ozcan)
  • Best Paper Finalist, Israel Strategic Management Conference, Be'er Sheva, Israel (December 27-29, 2009) (Prof. Ozcan)
  • Recognition for “outstanding” teaching and course coordination, Asian Studies Program, Copenhagen Business School (2007) (Prof. Ozcan)
  • Winner of Robert J. Litschert Best Doctoral Student Paper at Business Policy Division, Academy of Management, Atlanta, USA (2006) (Prof. Ozcan)

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