Greven, A., Beule, T., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (accepted pre-print), Noneconomic public value creation by private ventures: scale development and empirical validation in the academic entrepreneurship context, The Journal of Technology Transfer.
Recent publications
Schönauer, J., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (accepted pre-print), ‘Help me be myself’ - how identity-specific support promotes LGBTQ+ employees’ authenticity via basic need satisfaction, International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp. 1-47.
Maus, C., Greven, A., Kurth, N., Brettel, M. (2024), How do investor characteristics of business angels and venture capitalists predict the occurrence of co-investments?, Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB, Vol. 94 (5), pp. 763–811.
Asenkerschbaumer, M., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (2024), The role of entrepreneurial imaginativeness for implementation intentions in new venture creation, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 20, pp. 55-88.
Greven, A., Beule, T., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2024), Perceiving an entrepreneurial climate at universities: an inquiry into how academic entrepreneurs observe, use, and benefit from support mechanisms, Research Policy, Vol. 53 (2), 104929.
Krieweth, C., Guragata-Balasa, P., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (2024), The role of top management teams' functional background diversity in firms' coopetitive behavior, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 117, pp. 275-287.
Bimmermann, C., Greven, A., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2024), Exploring the dark side of inter-firm coopetition: the harmful effect on customer satisfaction, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 122, pp. 13-25.
Droege, C., Greven, A., Fischer‐Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2023), Inter‐firm coopetition and credit ratings: how the debt market reacts to inter‐firm coopetition, British Journal of Management, Vol. 34 (4), pp. 2093-2115.
Greven, A., Kruse, S., Vos, A., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2023), Achieving product ambidexterity in new product development: the role of middle managers' dynamic managerial capabilities, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 60 (7), pp. 1786-1818.
Greven, A., Fischer‐Kreer, D., Bendig, D., Pöhler, S., Brettel, M. (2023), Boosting radical innovativeness through start‐up acquisitions: the role of decision autonomy and structural integration, R&D Management, Vol. 53 (5), pp. 840-860.
The potency of shortcuts in decision-making
Kruse, S., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2023), The potency of shortcuts in decision-making: a growing body of research suggests that CEOs who use heuristics can make more effective decisions than those who take a more comprehensive approach, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 65 (1), pp. 17-19.
Schoss, S., Brettel, M., Urbig, D., Mauer, R. (2022), Deep-level diversity in entrepreneurial teams and the mediating role of conflicts on team efficacy and satisfaction, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 18 (3), pp. 1173–1203.
Reck, F. S., Fischer, D., Brettel, M. (2022), Ethical decision-making in family firms: the role of employee identification, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 180 (2), pp. 651–673.
Engels, N., Haarkötter, N., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2022), CHRO firm dinosaur versus CHRO role gorilla: the effect of CHRO company and role tenure on firms’ social performance, Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB, Vol. 92 (6), pp. 929–954.
Eisele, S., Greven, A., Grimm, M., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2022), Understanding the drivers of radical and incremental innovation performance: the role of a firm's knowledge-based capital and organisational agility, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 26 (2), 2250020.
Greven, A., Fischer-Kreer, D., Müller, J., Brettel, M. (2022), Inter-firm coopetition: the role of a firm's long-term orientation, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 106, pp. 47-57.
Strauß, P., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (2021), Determining the influence of national culture: insights into entrepreneurs’ collective identity and effectuation, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 981–1006.
Fischer, D., Prasuhn, J., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2021), The role of social media for radical innovation in the new digital age, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 25 (7), 2150075.
Fischer, D., Greven, A., Tornow, M., Brettel, M. (2021), On the value of effectuation processes for R&D alliances and the moderating role of R&D alliance experience, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 135, pp. 606-619.
30 years of entrepreneurial team research
Schoss , S., Brettel, M., Mauer, R. (2021), 30 years of entrepreneurial team research: review and suggestions for developing the field, Science Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 162-177.
Fischer-Kreer, D., Greven, A., Eichwald, I. C., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2021), Organizational psychological capital in family firms: the role of family firm heterogeneity, Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 73 (3-4), pp. 413–441.
Fischer, D., Mauer, R., Brettel, M. (2020), The three dimensions of sustainability: a delicate balancing act for entrepreneuers made more complex by stakeholder expectation, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 163 (1), pp. 87–106.
Paluch, S., Antons, D., Brettel, M., Hopp, C., Salge, T.-O., Piller, F., Wentzel, D. (2020), Stage-gate and agile development in the digital age: promises, perils, and boundary conditions, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 110, pp. 495-501.
Greven, A., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2020), Determining scientists' academic engagement: perceptions of academic chairs' entrepreneurial orientation and network capabilities, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 45 (5), pp. 1376–1404.
Bockholdt, K., Kemper, J., Brettel, M. (2020), Private label shoppers between fast fashion trends and status symbolism - a customer characteristics investigation, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 52, 101883.
Knein, E., Greven, A., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2020), Culture and cross-functional coopetition: the interplay of organizational and national culture, Journal of International Management, Vol. 26 (2), 100731.
Bendig, D., Foege, J., Endriß, S., Brettel, M. (2020), The effect of family involvement on innovation outcomes: the moderating role of board social capital, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 37 (3), pp. 249-272.
Greven, A., Beule, T., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (accepted pre-print), Noneconomic public value creation by private ventures: scale development and empirical validation in the academic entrepreneurship context, The Journal of Technology Transfer.
Schönauer, J., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (accepted pre-print), ‘Help me be myself’ - how identity-specific support promotes LGBTQ+ employees’ authenticity via basic need satisfaction, International Journal of Human Resource Management, pp. 1-47.
Maus, C., Greven, A., Kurth, N., Brettel, M. (2024), How do investor characteristics of business angels and venture capitalists predict the occurrence of co-investments?, Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB, Vol. 94 (5), pp. 763–811.
Asenkerschbaumer, M., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (2024), The role of entrepreneurial imaginativeness for implementation intentions in new venture creation, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 20, pp. 55-88.
Greven, A., Beule, T., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2024), Perceiving an entrepreneurial climate at universities: an inquiry into how academic entrepreneurs observe, use, and benefit from support mechanisms, Research Policy, Vol. 53 (2), 104929.
Krieweth, C., Guragata-Balasa, P., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (2024), The role of top management teams' functional background diversity in firms' coopetitive behavior, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 117, pp. 275-287.
Bimmermann, C., Greven, A., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2024), Exploring the dark side of inter-firm coopetition: the harmful effect on customer satisfaction, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 122, pp. 13-25.
Droege, C., Greven, A., Fischer‐Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2023), Inter‐firm coopetition and credit ratings: how the debt market reacts to inter‐firm coopetition, British Journal of Management, Vol. 34 (4), pp. 2093-2115.
Greven, A., Kruse, S., Vos, A., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2023), Achieving product ambidexterity in new product development: the role of middle managers' dynamic managerial capabilities, Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 60 (7), pp. 1786-1818.
Greven, A., Fischer‐Kreer, D., Bendig, D., Pöhler, S., Brettel, M. (2023), Boosting radical innovativeness through start‐up acquisitions: the role of decision autonomy and structural integration, R&D Management, Vol. 53 (5), pp. 840-860.
The potency of shortcuts in decision-making
Kruse, S., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2023), The potency of shortcuts in decision-making: a growing body of research suggests that CEOs who use heuristics can make more effective decisions than those who take a more comprehensive approach, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 65 (1), pp. 17-19.
Schoss, S., Brettel, M., Urbig, D., Mauer, R. (2022), Deep-level diversity in entrepreneurial teams and the mediating role of conflicts on team efficacy and satisfaction, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 18 (3), pp. 1173–1203.
Reck, F. S., Fischer, D., Brettel, M. (2022), Ethical decision-making in family firms: the role of employee identification, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 180 (2), pp. 651–673.
Engels, N., Haarkötter, N., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2022), CHRO firm dinosaur versus CHRO role gorilla: the effect of CHRO company and role tenure on firms’ social performance, Journal of Business Economics : JBE = Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft : ZfB, Vol. 92 (6), pp. 929–954.
Eisele, S., Greven, A., Grimm, M., Fischer-Kreer, D., Brettel, M. (2022), Understanding the drivers of radical and incremental innovation performance: the role of a firm's knowledge-based capital and organisational agility, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 26 (2), 2250020.
Greven, A., Fischer-Kreer, D., Müller, J., Brettel, M. (2022), Inter-firm coopetition: the role of a firm's long-term orientation, Industrial Marketing Management, Vol. 106, pp. 47-57.
Strauß, P., Greven, A., Brettel, M. (2021), Determining the influence of national culture: insights into entrepreneurs’ collective identity and effectuation, International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, Vol. 17 (2), pp. 981–1006.
Fischer, D., Prasuhn, J., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2021), The role of social media for radical innovation in the new digital age, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 25 (7), 2150075.
Fischer, D., Greven, A., Tornow, M., Brettel, M. (2021), On the value of effectuation processes for R&D alliances and the moderating role of R&D alliance experience, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 135, pp. 606-619.
30 years of entrepreneurial team research
Schoss , S., Brettel, M., Mauer, R. (2021), 30 years of entrepreneurial team research: review and suggestions for developing the field, Science Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 9 (3), pp. 162-177.
Fischer-Kreer, D., Greven, A., Eichwald, I. C., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2021), Organizational psychological capital in family firms: the role of family firm heterogeneity, Schmalenbach Business Review, Vol. 73 (3-4), pp. 413–441.
Fischer, D., Mauer, R., Brettel, M. (2020), The three dimensions of sustainability: a delicate balancing act for entrepreneuers made more complex by stakeholder expectation, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 163 (1), pp. 87–106.
Paluch, S., Antons, D., Brettel, M., Hopp, C., Salge, T.-O., Piller, F., Wentzel, D. (2020), Stage-gate and agile development in the digital age: promises, perils, and boundary conditions, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 110, pp. 495-501.
Greven, A., Strese, S., Brettel, M. (2020), Determining scientists' academic engagement: perceptions of academic chairs' entrepreneurial orientation and network capabilities, The Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 45 (5), pp. 1376–1404.
Bockholdt, K., Kemper, J., Brettel, M. (2020), Private label shoppers between fast fashion trends and status symbolism - a customer characteristics investigation, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Vol. 52, 101883.
Knein, E., Greven, A., Bendig, D., Brettel, M. (2020), Culture and cross-functional coopetition: the interplay of organizational and national culture, Journal of International Management, Vol. 26 (2), 100731.
Bendig, D., Foege, J., Endriß, S., Brettel, M. (2020), The effect of family involvement on innovation outcomes: the moderating role of board social capital, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol. 37 (3), pp. 249-272.