Miriam Müthel
Management Group
Areas of expertise
Leading upwards, Repairing internal external trust in the aftermath of corporate wrondoing, Corporate ethics across cultures, Leading successfully across difficult contexts, Dealing with and learning from failure, Behavioral expectations across cultures, Ethical leadership and followership
Management Group
Areas of expertise
Leading upwards, Repairing internal external trust in the aftermath of corporate wrondoing, Corporate ethics across cultures, Leading successfully across difficult contexts, Dealing with and learning from failure, Behavioral expectations across cultures, Ethical leadership and followership

Recent publications

Management Group

Müthel, M., Frei, C., Hollensbe, E. (2024), Erring professionals as second victims: grappling with guilt and identity in the aftermath of error, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 67 (2).

Management Group

Rebell:Innen mit Integrität

Müthel, M. (2023), Rebell:Innen mit Integrität: werte- und teamorientiert durch die Transformation führen, zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, pp. 72-75.

Management Group

Shin, N., Ziegert, J., Müthel, M. (2022), The detrimental effects of ethical incongruence in teams: an interactionist perspective of ethical fit on relationship conflict and information sharing, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 179 (1), pp. 259–272.

Management Group

Hengst, I.-A., Jarzabkowski, P., Högl, M., Müthel, M. (2020), Toward a process theory of making sustainability strategies legitimate in action, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 63 (1).

Management Group

Müthel, M., Frei, C., Hollensbe, E. (2024), Erring professionals as second victims: grappling with guilt and identity in the aftermath of error, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 67 (2).

Management Group

Rebell:Innen mit Integrität

Müthel, M. (2023), Rebell:Innen mit Integrität: werte- und teamorientiert durch die Transformation führen, zfo - Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation, pp. 72-75.

Management Group

Shin, N., Ziegert, J., Müthel, M. (2022), The detrimental effects of ethical incongruence in teams: an interactionist perspective of ethical fit on relationship conflict and information sharing, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol. 179 (1), pp. 259–272.

Management Group

Hengst, I.-A., Jarzabkowski, P., Högl, M., Müthel, M. (2020), Toward a process theory of making sustainability strategies legitimate in action, Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 63 (1).
