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The Chair of Behavioral Finance headed by Professor Mei Wang was launched in January 2011. The Chair covers a broad range of research interests, including behavioral and experimental finance, behavioral decision theories, cross-cultural comparison of investors and financial markets, behavioral political economy, the relationship between culture and institutions, etc.

Our team

Johanna Häring
Johanna Häring
Personal Assistant
Tilman May
Tilman May
Research Assistant, Doctoral Student
Guoxiang Chai
Guoxiang Chai
External Doctoral Student
Financial Markets, Behavioral Finance
Qinghang Wu
Qinghang Wu
External Doctoral Student
Financial Literacy, Stock Market Participation
Jie Gao
Jie Gao
External Doctoral Student
Vincent Hoffmann
Vincent Hoffmann
External Doctoral Student Financial Markets, Geopolitical Events
Dr. Yujing Gong
Dr. Yujing Gong
Associate Professor / Zhongnan University of Economics and Law / Wuhan, China
Dr. Toan Huynh
Dr. Toan Huynh
Assistant Professor
Queen Mary University of London
Dr. Dennis Dlugosch
Dr. Dennis Dlugosch
Senior Economist / Structural Policy Analysis Division / Economics Department / OECD
Dr. Martin Blankenburg
Dr. Martin Blankenburg
Senior Investment Manager at Munich Re (Group)
Dr. Johannes Schaewitz
Dr. Johannes Schaewitz
Portfolio manager, Bankhaus Bauer Privatbank Aktiengesellschaft
Gongjue Tian
Gongjue Tian
Senior Quantitative Risk Analyst at Nordea Bank / Helsinki / Finland
Economics, Energy Economics, Financial Markets bei University Augsburg
Dr. Yang Liu
Uni Augsburg Postdoc/Assistant Professor
Behavioral Finance, Green finance, Energy & Environmental Economics, Sustainable Corporate Governance

Bachelor/Master Thesis

If you are interested in writing your Bachelor or Master thesis at our chair, please contact us in order to make an appointment for a discussion of a possible topic.

Our publications – Articles, books, and contributions

Our Location

Campus Vallendar
Chair of Behavioral Finance
WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management
D'Esterstraße 13
56179 Vallendar
Chair of Behavioral Finance