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Our research –

Balancing academic rigor and practical relevance

Our research approaches sales from three perspectives: selling, pricing, and service. The WHU‘s sales model addresses various sales challenges:

  • customer situations ("moments of truth“)
  • sales tools
  • sales processes
  • sales performance management
  • sales people development
  • sales organization
  • sales force sizing
  • sales channels
  • marketing strategy
  • the business model.

In their research projects, the Chair‘s doctoral assistants work closely together with companies thereby ensuing that their research has a high degree of practival relebance. Research cooperations with companies may take various forms, such as case studies, action research, or method development.

In addition to our corporate activities, our research has been published in leading academic journals. Professor Jensen sits on the Advisory Board of Editors of the Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management and of the Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.

Recent research and articles – Selected publications of Professor Ove Jensen

Our academic work is focused entirely on sales management. Our research combines qualitative-empirical with quantitative-empirical methods. 

Our academic publications, written together with co-authors, have been accepted by journals such as the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science.