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Supply Chain Management Group –
Seven chairs, one institute, one center

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Research on Optimizing Meal Delivery Platforms Published in "Management Science"

Research on Optimizing Meal Delivery Platforms Published in "Management Science"

We are proud to announce that a paper co-authored by Prof. Arne Strauss, titled "Integrated Fleet and Demand Control for On-Demand Meal Delivery…

QS Ranking: WHU’s Master in International Business Debuts at #1 in Germany

QS Ranking: WHU’s Master in International Business Debuts at #1 in Germany

WHU’s Master in International Business reaches pole position in Germany in 2024 ranking from QS

WHU’s MBA Class of 2023 Toss their Hats to the Skies

WHU’s MBA Class of 2023 Toss their Hats to the Skies

Over 170 students from WHU’s MBA programs celebrate with family and friends at Düsseldorf’s Congress Center


Research articles - published in the most prestigious journals.

Journal of Business Logistics

Experiments in supply chain management research: A systematic review and future directions.

Carter, C., Rockwood, R. F., Patel, P. C., Bachrach, D., Bendoly, E., DuHadway, S., Kaufmann, L. (2024)
Journal of the Operational Research Society

Operational research: Methods and applications.

Petropoulos, F, …, Strauss, A. et al. (2024)
European Journal of Operational Research

An algorithm for flexible transshipments with perfect synchronization.

Falkenberg, S., Spinler, S., Strauss, A. (2024)

On merchandise return policy, entrepreneurial internet retail, and customer reviews – insights from an observational study.

García-Dastugue, S. J., Nilakantan, R., Wallenburg, C. M., Rao, S. (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

A novel evolutionary algorithm for energy efficient scheduling in flexible job shops.

Ding, J., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Shen, L., Lü, Z. (2022)

Guest editorial: Predictive modeling logistics and supply chain management research using partial least squares structural equation modeling.

Cheah, J.-H., Kersten, W., Ringle, C. M., Wallenburg, C. M. (2023)
European Journal of Operational Research

The flexible job shop scheduling problem: A review.

Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ding, J., Shen, L., Tamssaouet, K. (2023)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

In the eye of the beholder: A configurational exploration of perceived deceptive supplier behavior in negotiation.

Woelfl, K., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2023)
European Journal of Operational Research

Dynamic multi-period vehicle routing with touting.

Keskin, M., Branke, J., Deineko, V., Strauss, A. (2023)
European Journal of Operational Research

Energy cost efficient scheduling in flexible job-shop manufacturing systems.

Shen, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Maecker, S. (2023)
Transportation Science

Cross-border capacity planning in air traffic management under uncertainty.

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A., Ivanov, N., Jovanovic, R., Fichert, F., Starita, S. (2023)
Sustainability Analytics and Modeling

Inventory dynamics at the retailer - An economic and environmental analysis of packaging fresh produce.

Buisman, M. E., Rohmer, S. U. (2023)
International Journal of Production Economics

Dealing with donations: Supply chain management challenges for food banks.

Akkerman, R., Buisman, M., Cruijssen, F., de Leeuw, S., Haijema, R. (2023)
Service Science

Feeding the nation: dynamic customer contacting for e-fulfillment in times of crisis.

Schwamberger, J., Fleischmann, M., Strauss, A. (2023)
Computers & Operations Research

Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with eligibility constraints and delivery times to minimize total weighted tardiness.

Shen, L., Mönch, L., Maecker, S. (2023)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Leveraging demand-capacity balancing to reduce air traffic emissions and improve overall network performance.

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A., Ivanov, N., Jovanovic, R., Fichert, F. (2023)
Journal of Operations Management

From target to actor: contagion of honesty and deception across buyer–supplier negotiations.

Ried, L., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2022)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Social desirability bias in PSM surveys and behavioral experiments: Considerations for design development and data collection.

Ried, L., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L. (2022)
Production and Operations Management

Mixed-model assembly lines with variable takt and open stations.

Huchzermeier, A., Mönch, T. (2022)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Narratives in supplier negotiations – The Interplay of narrative design elements, structural power, and outcomes.

Kaufmann, L., Schreiner, M., Reimann, F. (2022)
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

A novel evolutionary algorithm for energy efficient scheduling in flexible job shops.

Ding, J., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Shen, L., Lü, Z. (2023)
Transportation Research Part B

The value of flexible flight-to-route assignments in pre-tactial air traffic management.

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A. (2022)
European Journal of Operational Research

Corrigendum to "Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times"

Shen, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Neufeld, J. (2022)
Journal of Business Logistics

On packaging and product returns in online retail - mailing boxes or sending signals?

Wallenburg, C. M., Einmahl, L., Lee, K., Rao, S. (2021)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Configurational approaches to theory development in supply chain management: Leveraging underexplored opportunities.

Ketchen Jr., D., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2021)
Production & Operations Management

Operations‐finance interface in risk management: Research evolution and opportunities.

Wang, J., Zhao, L., Huchzermeier, A. (2021)
Computers & Operations Research

Parallel machine scheduling with the total weighted delivery time performance measure in distributed manufacturing.

Mönch, L., Shen, L. (2021)
Journal of Retailing

Customized targeting strategies for category coupons to maximize CLV and minimize cost.

von Mutius, B., Huchzermeier, A. (2021)
Computers & Operations Research

Energy aware scheduling in flexible flow shops with hybrid particle swarm optimization.

Ding, J., Schulz, S., Shen, L., Buscher, U., Lü, Z. (2021)
European Journal of Operational Research

Dynamic pricing of flexible time slots for attended home delivery.

Strauss, A., Gülpınar, N., Zheng, Y. (2021)
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

Home healthcare routing and scheduling of multiple nurses in a dynamic environment.

Demirbilek, M., Branke, J., Strauss, A. (2021)
Journal of Retailing

Joint in-season and out-of-season promotion demand forecasting in a retail environment.

Wolters, J., Huchzermeier, A. (2021)
Journal of Operations Management

On making experimental design choices: Discussions on the use and challenges of demand effects, incentives, deception, samples, and vignettes.

Eckerd, S., DuHadway, S., Bendoly, E., Carter, C., Kaufmann, L. (2020)
Annals of Operations Research

Solving parallel machine problems with delivery times and tardiness objectives.

Maecker, S., Shen, L. (2020)
Naval Research Logistics

Customer‐centric category selection for mobile and print promotions in loyalty reward programs.

von Mutius, B., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
Journal of Operations Management

Spillover effects of information leakages in buyer-supplier-supplier triads.

Ried, L., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2020)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Multi sales channel competition with product returns: The impact of restocking fee legislation.

Difrancesco, R., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Expect the unexpected: Toward a theory of the unintended consequences of sustainable supply chain management.

Carter, C., Kaufmann, L, Ketchen Jr., D. J. (2020)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

How informal exchanges impact formal sourcing collaboration (and what supply managers can do about it).

Lu, J., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2020)
The International Journal of Logistics Management

Digital transformation at logistics service providers: barriers, success factors and leading practices.

Cichosz, M., Wallenburg, C. M., & Knemeyer, A. M. (2020)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Multichannel retail competition with product returns: Effects of restocking fee legislation.

Difrancesco, R., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
European Journal of Operational Research

Analytics for labor planning in systems with load-dependent service times.

Smirnov, D., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
International Journal of Production Research

Variable takt times in mixed-model assembly line balancing with random customisation.

Mönch, T., Huchzermeier, A., Bebersdorf, P. (2020)
International Journal of Production Research

Variable takt time groups and workload equilibrium.

Mönch, T., Huchzermeier, A., Bebersdorf, P. (2020)
Transportation Science

Air traffic control capacity planning under demand and capacity provision uncertainty.

Starita, S., Strauss, A. K., Fei, X., Jovanovic, R., Ivanov, N., Pavlovic, G., Fichert, F. (2020)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Alignment mechanisms for supplier-initiated innovation: results from the logistics service industry.

Wallenburg, C. M., Johne, D., Cichosz, M., Goldsby, T., Knemeyer, A. (2019)
European Journal of Operational Research

A review of revenue management: Recent generalizations and advances in industry applications

Klein, R, Koch, S, Steinhardt, C., Strauss, A. K. (2019)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Do managers' dark personality traits help firms in coping with adverse supply chain events?

Timmer, S., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
Health Care Management Science

Dynamically accepting and scheduling patients for home healthcare.

Demirbilek, M., Branke, J., Strauss, A. K. (2019)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Factors affecting the purchasing decision and operation of alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks in Germany - a Delphi study.

Anderhofstadt, B., Spinler, S. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

It's alright, it's just a bluff: why do corporate codes reduce lying, but not bluffing.

Rottenburger, J., Carter, C., & Kaufmann, L. (2019)

Managing supplier financial distress with advance payment discount and purchase order financing.

Zhao, L., Huchzermeier, A. (2019)
Computers & Operations Research

Parallel machine scheduling with completion-time-based criteria and sequence-dependent deterioration.

Ding, Y., Shen, L., Lü, Z., & Peng, B. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Picking on the new kid: Firm newness and deception in buyer-supplier negotiations.

Rottenburger, J., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Small talk, big impact - The influence of casual collegial advice on purchasing negotiations.

Lu, J., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2019)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Who cares? Supplier reactions to buyer claims after psychological contract over-fulfillments.

Esslinger, J., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

You'll never walk alone: why we need a supply chain practice view on digital procurement.

Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
European Journal of Operational Research

A review of choice-based revenue management: Theory and methods.

Strauss, A. K.; Klein, R., Steinhardt, C. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

An exploration of factors influencing the choice of commodity price risk mitigation strategies.

Gaudenzi, B., Zsidisin, G., Hartley, J., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Bluffs, lies, and consequences: a reconceptualization of bluffing in buyer-supplier negotiations.

Kaufmann, L., Rottenburger, J., Carter, C., & Schlereth, C. (2018)
Transportation Research Part E: The Logistics and Transportation Review

Capacity expansion under regulatory uncertainty: a real options-based study in international container shipping.

Haehl, C., & Spinler, S. (2018)
Transportation Research Part E: The Logistics and Transportation Review

Capacity expansion under regulatory uncertainty: a real options-based study in international container shipping.

Haehl, C., & Spinler, S. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Co-alignment of supplier quality management practices and cognitive maps: a neo-configurational perspective.

Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Conducting multilevel studies in purchasing and supply management research.

Meschnig, G., Carter, C., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Scheduling

Family scheduling with batch availability in flow shops to minimize makespan.

Shen, L., J.Gupta (2018)
Supply Chain Management: an International Journal

Key risks in the supply chain of large scale engineering and construction projects.

Rudolf, C., & Spinler, S. (2018)
International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Me, myself and I: Non-collaborative customer behavior in service outsourcing - the key role of outcome orientation and outcome attributability.

Steinbach, T., Wallenburg, C. M., Selviaridis, K. (2018)
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

OM forum – Benchmarking global production sourcing deecisions: Where and why firms offshore and reshore.

Cohen, M. A., Cui, S., Ernst, R., Huchzermeier, A., Kouvelis, P., Lee, H., Matsuo, H., Steuber, M., Tsay, A (2018)

Optimizing the return window for online fashion retailers with closed‐loop refurbishment.

Difrancesco, R., Huchzermeier, A., Schröder, D. (2018)
California Management Review

Returning customers: the hidden strategic opportunity of returns management.

Röllecke, F., Huchzermeier, A., & Schröder, D. (2018)
Transportation research / Part E: Logistics and transportation review

Revenue characteristics of long-haul low cost carriers (LCCs) and differences to full-service network carriers (FSNCs).

Soyk, C., Ringbeck, J., & Spinler, S. (2018)
OR Spectrum

Robustness of capacity markets - a stochastic dynamic capacity investment model.

Hach, D., & Spinler, S. (2018)
European Journal of Operational Research

Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times.

Shen, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., & Neufeld, J. (2018)
Harvard Business Review

Startups are more vulnerable to fraud: here's why.

Rottenburger, J., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Affective diversity and emotional intelligence in cross-functional sourcing teams.

Kaufmann, L., & Wagner, C. (2017)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Air traffic flow management slot allocation to minimize propagated delay.

Ivanov, N., Netjasov, F., Jovanovic, R., Starita, S., Strauss, A. K. (2017)
European Journal of Operational Research

An approximate dynamic programming approach to attended home delivery management.

Yang, X., Strauss, A. K. (2017)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Individual modes and patterns of rational and intuitive decision-making by purchasing managers.

Kaufmann, L., Wagner, C., & Carter, C. (2017)
European Journal of Operational Research

Integrated operational and financial hedging with capacity reshoring.

Zhao, L., & Huchzermeier, A. (2017)
Journal of International Management

Internationalization of developing country firms into developed countries: The role of host country knowledge-based assets and IPR protection in FDI location choice.

Yoo, D., Reimann, F. (2017)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Long-haul low cost airlines: characteristics of the business model and sustainability of its cost advantages.

Soyk, C., Ringbeck, J., & Spinler, S. (2017)
Journal of Business Logistics

Multimarket contact and the use of power in buyer-supplier relationships.

Reimann, F., Shen, P., & Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Power in supply chain management.

Reimann, F., & Ketchen, D. (2017)
Journal of Business Logistics

Reconceptualizing intuition in supply chain management.

Carter, C., Kaufmann, L., & Wagner, C. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Responses to supplier-induced disruptions: a fuzzy-set analysis.

Reimann, F., Kosmol, T., & Kaufmann, L. (2017)
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

The human factor in SCM: introducing a meta-theory of behavioral supply chain management.

Schorsch, T., Wallenburg, C., & Wieland, A. (2017)
Production & Operations Management

Tractable consideration set structures for assortment optimization and network revenue management.

Strauss, A. K., Talluri, K. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Toward a supply chain practice view.

Carter, C., Kosmol, T., & Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of Business Logistics

Experiments in supply chain management research: A systematic review and future directions.

Carter, C., Rockwood, R. F., Patel, P. C., Bachrach, D., Bendoly, E., DuHadway, S., Kaufmann, L. (2024)
Journal of the Operational Research Society

Operational research: Methods and applications.

Petropoulos, F, …, Strauss, A. et al. (2024)
European Journal of Operational Research

An algorithm for flexible transshipments with perfect synchronization.

Falkenberg, S., Spinler, S., Strauss, A. (2024)

On merchandise return policy, entrepreneurial internet retail, and customer reviews – insights from an observational study.

García-Dastugue, S. J., Nilakantan, R., Wallenburg, C. M., Rao, S. (2024)
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

A novel evolutionary algorithm for energy efficient scheduling in flexible job shops.

Ding, J., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Shen, L., Lü, Z. (2022)

Guest editorial: Predictive modeling logistics and supply chain management research using partial least squares structural equation modeling.

Cheah, J.-H., Kersten, W., Ringle, C. M., Wallenburg, C. M. (2023)
European Journal of Operational Research

The flexible job shop scheduling problem: A review.

Dauzère-Pérès, S., Ding, J., Shen, L., Tamssaouet, K. (2023)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

In the eye of the beholder: A configurational exploration of perceived deceptive supplier behavior in negotiation.

Woelfl, K., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2023)
European Journal of Operational Research

Dynamic multi-period vehicle routing with touting.

Keskin, M., Branke, J., Deineko, V., Strauss, A. (2023)
European Journal of Operational Research

Energy cost efficient scheduling in flexible job-shop manufacturing systems.

Shen, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Maecker, S. (2023)
Transportation Science

Cross-border capacity planning in air traffic management under uncertainty.

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A., Ivanov, N., Jovanovic, R., Fichert, F., Starita, S. (2023)
Sustainability Analytics and Modeling

Inventory dynamics at the retailer - An economic and environmental analysis of packaging fresh produce.

Buisman, M. E., Rohmer, S. U. (2023)
International Journal of Production Economics

Dealing with donations: Supply chain management challenges for food banks.

Akkerman, R., Buisman, M., Cruijssen, F., de Leeuw, S., Haijema, R. (2023)
Service Science

Feeding the nation: dynamic customer contacting for e-fulfillment in times of crisis.

Schwamberger, J., Fleischmann, M., Strauss, A. (2023)
Computers & Operations Research

Unrelated parallel machine scheduling with eligibility constraints and delivery times to minimize total weighted tardiness.

Shen, L., Mönch, L., Maecker, S. (2023)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Leveraging demand-capacity balancing to reduce air traffic emissions and improve overall network performance.

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A., Ivanov, N., Jovanovic, R., Fichert, F. (2023)
Journal of Operations Management

From target to actor: contagion of honesty and deception across buyer–supplier negotiations.

Ried, L., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2022)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Social desirability bias in PSM surveys and behavioral experiments: Considerations for design development and data collection.

Ried, L., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L. (2022)
Production and Operations Management

Mixed-model assembly lines with variable takt and open stations.

Huchzermeier, A., Mönch, T. (2022)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Narratives in supplier negotiations – The Interplay of narrative design elements, structural power, and outcomes.

Kaufmann, L., Schreiner, M., Reimann, F. (2022)
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation

A novel evolutionary algorithm for energy efficient scheduling in flexible job shops.

Ding, J., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Shen, L., Lü, Z. (2023)
Transportation Research Part B

The value of flexible flight-to-route assignments in pre-tactial air traffic management.

Künnen, J.-R., Strauss, A. (2022)
European Journal of Operational Research

Corrigendum to "Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times"

Shen, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Neufeld, J. (2022)
Journal of Business Logistics

On packaging and product returns in online retail - mailing boxes or sending signals?

Wallenburg, C. M., Einmahl, L., Lee, K., Rao, S. (2021)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Configurational approaches to theory development in supply chain management: Leveraging underexplored opportunities.

Ketchen Jr., D., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2021)
Production & Operations Management

Operations‐finance interface in risk management: Research evolution and opportunities.

Wang, J., Zhao, L., Huchzermeier, A. (2021)
Computers & Operations Research

Parallel machine scheduling with the total weighted delivery time performance measure in distributed manufacturing.

Mönch, L., Shen, L. (2021)
Journal of Retailing

Customized targeting strategies for category coupons to maximize CLV and minimize cost.

von Mutius, B., Huchzermeier, A. (2021)
Computers & Operations Research

Energy aware scheduling in flexible flow shops with hybrid particle swarm optimization.

Ding, J., Schulz, S., Shen, L., Buscher, U., Lü, Z. (2021)
European Journal of Operational Research

Dynamic pricing of flexible time slots for attended home delivery.

Strauss, A., Gülpınar, N., Zheng, Y. (2021)
Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal

Home healthcare routing and scheduling of multiple nurses in a dynamic environment.

Demirbilek, M., Branke, J., Strauss, A. (2021)
Journal of Retailing

Joint in-season and out-of-season promotion demand forecasting in a retail environment.

Wolters, J., Huchzermeier, A. (2021)
Journal of Operations Management

On making experimental design choices: Discussions on the use and challenges of demand effects, incentives, deception, samples, and vignettes.

Eckerd, S., DuHadway, S., Bendoly, E., Carter, C., Kaufmann, L. (2020)
Annals of Operations Research

Solving parallel machine problems with delivery times and tardiness objectives.

Maecker, S., Shen, L. (2020)
Naval Research Logistics

Customer‐centric category selection for mobile and print promotions in loyalty reward programs.

von Mutius, B., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
Journal of Operations Management

Spillover effects of information leakages in buyer-supplier-supplier triads.

Ried, L., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2020)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Multi sales channel competition with product returns: The impact of restocking fee legislation.

Difrancesco, R., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Expect the unexpected: Toward a theory of the unintended consequences of sustainable supply chain management.

Carter, C., Kaufmann, L, Ketchen Jr., D. J. (2020)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

How informal exchanges impact formal sourcing collaboration (and what supply managers can do about it).

Lu, J., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2020)
The International Journal of Logistics Management

Digital transformation at logistics service providers: barriers, success factors and leading practices.

Cichosz, M., Wallenburg, C. M., & Knemeyer, A. M. (2020)
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications

Multichannel retail competition with product returns: Effects of restocking fee legislation.

Difrancesco, R., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
European Journal of Operational Research

Analytics for labor planning in systems with load-dependent service times.

Smirnov, D., Huchzermeier, A. (2020)
International Journal of Production Research

Variable takt times in mixed-model assembly line balancing with random customisation.

Mönch, T., Huchzermeier, A., Bebersdorf, P. (2020)
International Journal of Production Research

Variable takt time groups and workload equilibrium.

Mönch, T., Huchzermeier, A., Bebersdorf, P. (2020)
Transportation Science

Air traffic control capacity planning under demand and capacity provision uncertainty.

Starita, S., Strauss, A. K., Fei, X., Jovanovic, R., Ivanov, N., Pavlovic, G., Fichert, F. (2020)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Alignment mechanisms for supplier-initiated innovation: results from the logistics service industry.

Wallenburg, C. M., Johne, D., Cichosz, M., Goldsby, T., Knemeyer, A. (2019)
European Journal of Operational Research

A review of revenue management: Recent generalizations and advances in industry applications

Klein, R, Koch, S, Steinhardt, C., Strauss, A. K. (2019)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Do managers' dark personality traits help firms in coping with adverse supply chain events?

Timmer, S., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
Health Care Management Science

Dynamically accepting and scheduling patients for home healthcare.

Demirbilek, M., Branke, J., Strauss, A. K. (2019)
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment

Factors affecting the purchasing decision and operation of alternative fuel-powered heavy-duty trucks in Germany - a Delphi study.

Anderhofstadt, B., Spinler, S. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

It's alright, it's just a bluff: why do corporate codes reduce lying, but not bluffing.

Rottenburger, J., Carter, C., & Kaufmann, L. (2019)

Managing supplier financial distress with advance payment discount and purchase order financing.

Zhao, L., Huchzermeier, A. (2019)
Computers & Operations Research

Parallel machine scheduling with completion-time-based criteria and sequence-dependent deterioration.

Ding, Y., Shen, L., Lü, Z., & Peng, B. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Picking on the new kid: Firm newness and deception in buyer-supplier negotiations.

Rottenburger, J., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

Small talk, big impact - The influence of casual collegial advice on purchasing negotiations.

Lu, J., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2019)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Who cares? Supplier reactions to buyer claims after psychological contract over-fulfillments.

Esslinger, J., Eckerd, S., Kaufmann, L., Carter, C. (2019)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

You'll never walk alone: why we need a supply chain practice view on digital procurement.

Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., Kaufmann, L. (2019)
European Journal of Operational Research

A review of choice-based revenue management: Theory and methods.

Strauss, A. K.; Klein, R., Steinhardt, C. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

An exploration of factors influencing the choice of commodity price risk mitigation strategies.

Gaudenzi, B., Zsidisin, G., Hartley, J., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Bluffs, lies, and consequences: a reconceptualization of bluffing in buyer-supplier negotiations.

Kaufmann, L., Rottenburger, J., Carter, C., & Schlereth, C. (2018)
Transportation Research Part E: The Logistics and Transportation Review

Capacity expansion under regulatory uncertainty: a real options-based study in international container shipping.

Haehl, C., & Spinler, S. (2018)
Transportation Research Part E: The Logistics and Transportation Review

Capacity expansion under regulatory uncertainty: a real options-based study in international container shipping.

Haehl, C., & Spinler, S. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Co-alignment of supplier quality management practices and cognitive maps: a neo-configurational perspective.

Kosmol, T., Reimann, F., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Conducting multilevel studies in purchasing and supply management research.

Meschnig, G., Carter, C., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Scheduling

Family scheduling with batch availability in flow shops to minimize makespan.

Shen, L., J.Gupta (2018)
Supply Chain Management: an International Journal

Key risks in the supply chain of large scale engineering and construction projects.

Rudolf, C., & Spinler, S. (2018)
International Journal of Operations & Production Management

Me, myself and I: Non-collaborative customer behavior in service outsourcing - the key role of outcome orientation and outcome attributability.

Steinbach, T., Wallenburg, C. M., Selviaridis, K. (2018)
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

OM forum – Benchmarking global production sourcing deecisions: Where and why firms offshore and reshore.

Cohen, M. A., Cui, S., Ernst, R., Huchzermeier, A., Kouvelis, P., Lee, H., Matsuo, H., Steuber, M., Tsay, A (2018)

Optimizing the return window for online fashion retailers with closed‐loop refurbishment.

Difrancesco, R., Huchzermeier, A., Schröder, D. (2018)
California Management Review

Returning customers: the hidden strategic opportunity of returns management.

Röllecke, F., Huchzermeier, A., & Schröder, D. (2018)
Transportation research / Part E: Logistics and transportation review

Revenue characteristics of long-haul low cost carriers (LCCs) and differences to full-service network carriers (FSNCs).

Soyk, C., Ringbeck, J., & Spinler, S. (2018)
OR Spectrum

Robustness of capacity markets - a stochastic dynamic capacity investment model.

Hach, D., & Spinler, S. (2018)
European Journal of Operational Research

Solving the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times.

Shen, L., Dauzère-Pérès, S., & Neufeld, J. (2018)
Harvard Business Review

Startups are more vulnerable to fraud: here's why.

Rottenburger, J., & Kaufmann, L. (2018)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Affective diversity and emotional intelligence in cross-functional sourcing teams.

Kaufmann, L., & Wagner, C. (2017)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Air traffic flow management slot allocation to minimize propagated delay.

Ivanov, N., Netjasov, F., Jovanovic, R., Starita, S., Strauss, A. K. (2017)
European Journal of Operational Research

An approximate dynamic programming approach to attended home delivery management.

Yang, X., Strauss, A. K. (2017)
Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management

Individual modes and patterns of rational and intuitive decision-making by purchasing managers.

Kaufmann, L., Wagner, C., & Carter, C. (2017)
European Journal of Operational Research

Integrated operational and financial hedging with capacity reshoring.

Zhao, L., & Huchzermeier, A. (2017)
Journal of International Management

Internationalization of developing country firms into developed countries: The role of host country knowledge-based assets and IPR protection in FDI location choice.

Yoo, D., Reimann, F. (2017)
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice

Long-haul low cost airlines: characteristics of the business model and sustainability of its cost advantages.

Soyk, C., Ringbeck, J., & Spinler, S. (2017)
Journal of Business Logistics

Multimarket contact and the use of power in buyer-supplier relationships.

Reimann, F., Shen, P., & Kaufmann, L. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Power in supply chain management.

Reimann, F., & Ketchen, D. (2017)
Journal of Business Logistics

Reconceptualizing intuition in supply chain management.

Carter, C., Kaufmann, L., & Wagner, C. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Responses to supplier-induced disruptions: a fuzzy-set analysis.

Reimann, F., Kosmol, T., & Kaufmann, L. (2017)
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

The human factor in SCM: introducing a meta-theory of behavioral supply chain management.

Schorsch, T., Wallenburg, C., & Wieland, A. (2017)
Production & Operations Management

Tractable consideration set structures for assortment optimization and network revenue management.

Strauss, A. K., Talluri, K. (2017)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Toward a supply chain practice view.

Carter, C., Kosmol, T., & Kaufmann, L. (2017)
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