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Gideon Gottschalg

Mercator Endowed Chair of Demand Management & Sustainable Transport

Research Assistant


Office V-202
+49 (0)261 6509 779

Gideon Gottschalg (born 1997) is a PhD student and research assistant at the Mercator Chair for Demand Management & Sustainable Transport at WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management since February 2023. Gideon Gottschalg completed a Master's degree in Production and Logistics at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University of Hannover.

His studies focused on automation and production management/factory planning. In his master's thesis, Gideon Gottschalg designed a planning tool for floor space planning in factories including the development of a prototype.
After graduation, Gideon Gottschalg worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company in Hamburg in the area of digital and analytics and gained experience in numerous projects with a focus on automotive as well as digital transformations.
His research interests lie in the mathematical modeling and optimization of demand management concepts using machine learning algorithms, among other things.

Working Papers

G. Gottschalg and A. K. Strauss

Dynamic Capacity Allocation in Remote Control Centres for Vehicle Teleoperation

Working paper (under review, available upon request).
G. Gottschalg and A. K. Strauss

Dynamic Capacity Allocation in Remote Control Centres for Vehicle Teleoperation

Working paper (under review, available upon request).
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