Chair of Production Management
40 alumni, 2 post-docs and 2 assistant professors (Supply Chain Finance, Retail Analytics) with 9 nationalities
The latest on Geopolitical Risk Hedging - all other working papers at Social Science Research Network (SSRN)
8 tenured faculty with Star (and M-Star) publications placed at top business schools
11 Star, 14 P, 3 M-Star and 17 Harvard Business Review publications plus Top US & European Awards
12 European countries with 14 Business Schools host the Industrial Excellence Award
10 Springer books on Industrial Excellence, Management Quality, Bottom-up Strategy Formation, Variable Takt, Operations & Analytics, Supply Chain Fincance and Blockchain/DLT
Get in touch –
Our primary goal is to develop publishable research in reputable journals in due course, i.e., as part of the dissertation project. To facilitate this, we clearly differentiate among full-time and part-time dissertations.
Job openings as research assistant, post doc or assistant professor will be advertised on the WHU careers page.
About us
Innovation in teaching, research excellence, and thought leadership for practice.
Our research has been recognized internationally, among others, with the prestigious Franz Edelman Finalist Award of the Institute of Operations Research and Management Science, the Marketing Science Institute's Practice Prize, the Management Science Strategic Innovation Prize by the European Operations Research Societies, the Case Award by the European Case Clearing House (now The Case Center) and the Science Award of the European Retail Institute and GS1 Germany. We regularly publish articles in major academic journals and leading management journals and serve as senior or department editors in Management & Business Review and the Production & Operations Management Journal, among others. The alumni of our chair serve as role models not only in academia but also in business, for example for start-ups.
We have published the ECR Journal for the global consumer goods and retail industries, as well as globally cited industry studies, such as on the Introduction of the Euro and on monopolies in the credit card industry. Our INSEAD-WHU Industrial Excellence Award (formerly "The Best Factory") is supported by 15 leading business schools in 12 European countries and annually rewards top-down & bottom-up digital enterprise strategy innovations across a wide range of industries. Winners include renowned giants of the European business landscape. Our latest business competition - developed in collaboration with ZIRP - will reward best practices in digital corporate responsibility in Rhineland-Palatinate starting in 2021. Our start-up Campus Car with 3 Smarts and a 1-series BMW has evolved into the global player WunderCar Mobility Solutions.
Research and management knowledge
Our ongoing research activities are manifold and cover a wide range of areas. Get an overview and copies of the latest working papers, industry reports and other online references at first hand.
The goal of journal MBR is to bridge management practice, education and research, thereby enhancing all three. Professor Huchzermeier has been nominated as Autonomous Departmental Editor for the area of Global Supply Chains and Risk Management.
We engage in academia-industry partnerships and apply business or retail analytics methods in a variety of applications. Key research areas include promotional and judgmental demand forecasting, segment-of-one marketing, the design of loyalty programs, customer churn prevention and customer retention management, staffing of service points and dynamic pricing in e-commerce.
Quick links to:
Morris Cohen, Shiliang Cui, Sebastian Doetsch, Ricardo Ernst, Arnd Huchzermeier, Panos Kouvelis, Hau Lee, Hirofumi Matsuo, Andy A Tsay
Journal of Operations Management 68 (5), 515-531
Huchzermeier, Arnd; Mönch, Tobias
Production and Operations Management
Huchzermeier, Arnd; Wolters, Jannik; Uphues, Marcel (2021)
Case Study, INFORMS Transactions on Education
Markoff, Richard; Schröder, David; Huchzermeier, Arnd; Seifert, Ralf W.
Case Study.
Campus teaching & Executive Education
Master excellence in operations strategy formation, execution, and business analytics
The Chair of Production Management constantly explores a number of research topics, largely within the scope of Doctoral theses and externally funded research projects. These range from Fair Process Leadership, Returns Management in e-Commerce, Resilience for Global Supply Chain Risk Management, Promotional Demand Forecasting, and Blockchain Technology. Through such research, we are able to integrate the latest insights into modern teaching from Bachelor through to the Doctoral program.